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Yes, I remember it well
Best and Worst Squash Memories - What's yours?

ANDREW SHELLEY remembers his Best Events
from his times at the SRA, WISPA and WSF, there's a lot of events to recall ...

Memories? If only my two remaining grey cells would collide more often I would have memories, but sadly they ping around in the emptiness between my ears very rarely sparking.

That would be the easy excuse for not pinpointing remembrances, but the more solid reason is that there are way too many. Of them, they are almost uniformly good ones.

There has been little I would class as a low. My personal match losses are not applicable (I lose almost every one I play, for mine is a very different game to the elite one that only involves using the strings of the racket!)

It would be so difficult to pick out events, but directing twenty British Opens, each one a fantastic team effort, underpins so much.

Being involved with running all the Al Ahram Championships and so viewing the wonderful Giza Pyramids dozens of times;

Indeed similarly in Egypt playing on the Hurghada Island for several years (where a ball hit over the front wall would be 'lost at sea'!), conjure up splendid memories.

The Al Ahram was a wonderful spectacle, but challenging too. Pre-wifi was problematic when a camel trod on the telephone cable to the press tent! The rider, on sentry duty, carrying a cardboard rifle for show!

Fantastic JSM Supersquash events in Japan, so many World Championships where the excitement, where the emotion of winning, were a joy to behold, while feeling so much for those who lost.

Being in Toulouse in 1986 when Ross Norman ended Jahangir Khan's unbeaten reign - and reputedly being the only person to have been both there and at his preceding loss in 1981.

Also right up there was a full Royal Albert Hall in London for the finals of the Men's World Teams we ran in '87.

Watching some of the 'legends' in full flow, current stars too, but most of all seeing many of the memorable matches that feature in anybody's all time list.

But I will stop before I start getting into a list loop.

Away from events, so many WISPA Promotional Tours, exceeding $1.5 million prize money for WISPA (became WSA and now merged with PSA) in 2007, seeing so many parent-accompanied kids turn into teenagers and then delightful adults, being involved in so many developments generally .

But most of all I feel squash is blessed.

In every crevice of the sport across the world there are a huge band who are not only devoted to playing, officiating, organising, volunteering and so on - but they are just so terrific, such great people, that it is a privilege to have the opportunity to know them.

And here, a special mention of all the WISPA members while I spent fifteen years there - to a person simply great girls (well they would have to be to have put up with me for so long!).

They deserved, and continue to merit everything that comes their way.

Downside? Just one.

Failing to get a rule added that would mean that taller people would have to use shorter rackets to level the playing field!

Yes, personal interest there!

But my best memory is still in the future.

It begins the day after it is announced that squash has secured the cherished Olympic place.

What a memory that will be!



WISPA Promotional Tours

WISPA assembled

best memory still to come

Yes, I remember it well
Best and Worst Squash Memories - What's yours?

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