Meet the
Coaches: #1, Joe Faragher-Kneipp
all probably know that Dan Kneipp is the mastermind behind all
things squash in the Cayman Islands, and that he has a brother,
What you may not know is that a couple of years ago Dan let Joe,
recently retired from the tour, know about a coaching job in the
British Virgin Islands, and that since then Joe has also
been based in the Caribbean, explaining his presence here as
coach to the OECS (Organisation of Eastern Caribbean
States) team.
Naturally we had to have a word with him ... |

Joe, you're a former world #10, Commonwealth Gold medalist,
Super Series Finals finalist, and winner of several tour titles.
When and why did you stop?
stopped playing just over three years ago, aged 33. I'd spent a
lifetime, well from 9 to 33, training to win, but I found that I
wasn't able to get the best out of myself because of the
pressure I was putting myself under.
I was playing great in Leagues, training really well, but I just
couldn't control the pressure when it came to tournament play so
I decided to quit.
They say you should carry on playing as long as you can, and yes
I loved life on the tour, but I don't regret stopping for one
moment, I'm actually glad I stopped when I did.
What happened then ?
After that I started doing some coaching in Amsterdam, not full
time, and playing Leagues where I played some of the best squash
of my life.
Then Dan heard about the BVI job, so I came over to the club
there, we checked each other out and seemed to like each other
so that was it.
I started in January 2008, the job was just coaching the
members, junior and senior, and taking the teams away to the OCS
and CASA championships, that's three trips like this one a year.
What's the Club and the BVI like ?
It's Tortola Sports Club, the only one of its type in the
Islands with four tennis courts, four squash courts, bar, gym,
all the usual stuff and I love it there.
It's a nice mix, I love the Caribbean lifestyle. I have around
seven lessons a day usually, and the weekends involve the beach
and the bar more often than not. It's just very relaxed, what
the Caribbean's famous for, chilled out!

You're here with the OECS ?
the OECS comprises the BVI, St Vincent, St Lucia and Dominica.
BVI and St Vincent have coaches, but the sport needs more
development in the other two. We have seven here from BVI and
five from St Vincent.
We have one finalist, and Jason Doyle has a great chance in the
U13s. In the teams we finished third last year, it was our first
time on the podium, but we had the U17 individual winner who
unfortunately couldn't make it this time.
It's a pity, it would have been good to see what we could have
done with a full-strength team, but we still have a good team, a
great bunch of girls who really enjoy it but haven't played as
long as most of the other countries, and the boys are really
coming along so we'll see what we can do. |
what's with the change of name ?
Well, I got married last week! It was just the greatest moment
for me, marrying a wonderful, wonderful girl with family and
friends over for a fantastic wedding in the BVI.
She's become Brodie Faragher-Kneipp, she's here with me this
week, and I've changed my name too!
Thanks Joe, and good luck with ... everything!
Prospect Reef
few minutes' drive from the club, out towards the Eastern end of
the island, is a little enclave called Prospect Reef which
comprises a few cottages set on the shorefront, sharing a lovely
view in all directions, a swimming pool, the constant sound of
breaking waves.
To the West you look down South Sound, with Georgetown at the
far end, while to the East you can still see the effects of the
last Hurricane to hit when this side of the island bore the
worst of it .It's coming towards Hurricane season now I'm told,
but nothing to worry about, so far at least ...
So many thanks to Amanda, one of the club members who has so
generously allowed me to use the cottage this week ...
