Today 2016

• Sekisui Open Squash • 2012 to to 2020 •  

 TODAY at the Sekisui Open 2016

Sun 13th, Finals:

[4] Alexandra Fuller (Rsa) 3-1 [3] Chloe Mesic (Fra)
            11/8, 6/11, 11/4, 11/1

[5] Mahesh Mangaonkar (Ind) 3-2 [3] Kristian Frost (Den)
            12/10, 7/11, 12/10, 11/13, 11/8  
Full Draws and Results   

Fuller and Mangaonkar are the champions

In a honorable women's final, we saw Alexandra Fuller beating Chloe Mesic in a very good game of Squash. The French girl who came through her semifinal easier than Fuller, was this time not dominating but was dominated by the South African girl.

When after two games, Fuller began to play way mor skillful than her opponent, he ran away with a early lead in the both following games. In the end Mesic was not able to keep up the pace and shotmaking of the talented Fuller and lost in Four.

The grand final of the men's 15k Sekisui Open took place straight afterwards. Kristian Frost got on the court he already won multiple titles before against Mahesh Mangaonkar from India.

The Sekisui Open Newcomer took a long and hard fought first game in the tirbreak. After the two-minutes break the match went on as it had started. Intensive, fast pace Squash which was very enjoyable for the crowd. Also the interruptions in "Let situations" were more funny than boring, thanks to the "Jooooosh" s from Mangaonkar (Josh Larkin was refreeing the match).

In the end, at least for once, the serial winner in Kriens was beaten. After a more than two hour battle, the Sekisui trophy was richer for one name - the one of India's Mahesh Mangaonkar.

It was a long and intense week, but the players showed really amazing Squash once again to our visitors, kids, juniors, parents and so on! (not only in the PSA event, as we also had the final Nici Müller against Reiko Peter in the national tournament at the weekend...)! We would like to say a hugh thank you to the players for their dedication to Squash..! It's amazing to watch you all!

Now the tournament is over and we are all looking forward to the upcoming weeks with more Squash-Festival tournaments to come and until next year to another episode of THE SEKISUI OPEN...!


Fun Video Interviews

Sat 12th, Semi-Finals:

[4] Alexandra Fuller
3-1 [Q] Xiselle Aranda
            11/7, 11/9, 6/11, 11/7
[3] Chloe Mesic 3-1 [2] Sina Wall
           11/9, 11/3, 4/11, 11/8

[3] Kristian Frost 3-2 [1] Greg Lobban
           7/11, 12/10, 11/5, 9/11, 11/8
[5] Mahesh Mangaonkar 3-0 Geoffrey Demont
            11/6, 11/9, 11/5

Frost keeps hopes of defending title alive

Denmark's Fristian Frost kept alive his hopes of fefending the Sekisui Open title as he overcame top seed Greg Lobban in five games. In the fial he'll meet India's Mahesh Mangaonkar, who beat Frenchman Geoffrey Demont in straight games.

In the women's semis Alexandra Fuller put an end to the run of Spanish qualifier Xiselle Aranda, winning in four games, and will contest the fijnal against France's Chloe Mesic, who put out second seed Sinal Wall, also in four games.

What they said:

Greg: Days like today I hate playing Squash. Around 15 decisions per game... doesn't make for clean, fluid Squash. Horrible match to play and probably horrible match to watch.

Gutted to be out of the tournament that way.

Kristian: I'm very pleased I got the win. After finishing my studies, I've been playing almost full time. It's paying off :-)

On another note, I'm very disappointed with my beahivour today. I was too much in the way and I got carried away. I've worked so hard on this.

Geoffrey: A bit frustrated to lost that way. I didn't felt comfortable on court today, struggling with my movements. I wasn't accurate enough and I have to say Mahesh played very well... didn't gave me any oppurtunity.

Still a good tournament for me, a lot of positive to take! Many thanks to Pascal and Remo for organising such a good tournament. Was a pleasure to come back to Switzerland.

Mahesh: It's been a while since I played a PSA final. Especially not performing well in 2015 it was extremly hard to take positive notes after every loss.

But tomorrow I play my 8th PSA World Tour Final. Very much looking forward to play a final against a though opponent and hopefully I can keep the same performance and result as I have in the previous rounds.

Alexandra: Extremly happy to be in the finals of the Sekisui Open. Only my second PSA final yet.

Was a tough match against the strong Xisela from Spain and just really happy I could follow through and grind it out. I look forward to my match tomorrow.

Xisela: It was a tough match I feel the matches beofre in my legs so I'm really happy because this is one of the most important results in my career. To play the qualy and to finish the tournament playing the semifinal is very special for me. I come back to Spain with a lot of good feelings.

Thanks to spanish people who support me today on the court I would like to give them a victory but I'm sure that it will be soon. Vamosss!

Chloe: I am so happy to win 3-1 against Sina. I lost to her last January in the semis of Edinburgh PSA 3-1. I learned from this match and today I played better.

I am feeling very well at the momend and I am looking forward to playing the final against Alex.

This is my third PSA final and hopefully my first PSA title! It will be amazing one week before finishing my engineering master (INSA Lyon).

Sina: Pretty disappointing result for me. Didn't get in my rhythm in the beginning. Fought back in the 3rd game but couldn't win the 4th. She played very well today and knew exactly what to do against me. Hopefully next time will be better!

Fun Video Interviews

Aranda's run is over
Remo Handl reports

Today on the schedule were the semifinals. First on was South African Alex Fuller against underdog Xisela Aranda.

Aranda who played strongly the whole week, also made a good figure against the fourth seed. But eventually, Fuller impressed with her good attacking boasts and low kills and stopped the Spaniard at last.

Meeting her in the final is Chloe Mesic. The on postion three seeded Mesic showed a class performance to make her way into the Sekisui Open Final. Her opponent Wall saw the French lady dominating her after leveling to one-all.

So the Grand Womens Final tomorrow will see number two against three seed, Alexandra Fuller versus Chloe Mesic.

The first men's semifinal was a brutal affair. Nearly two hours were the two worldclass players Frost and Lobban on court. Although this was also a sign of lots of lets and other decisions, the two guys showed superb Squash for the already packed crowd.

Which by the way also swaped to Court 3 sometimes because Ivan Yuen and Patrick Miescher had also a brutal battle in the nationals tournament - seeing Yuen win 13-11 in the fifth).

Nevertheless it was the Danish in the end, the same Danish Frost Olesen who already picked up severious titles in Kriens, who was on top in the end. He beat Lobban 11-8 in the deciding fifth game.

The last semifinal of the day was a much cleaner affair. Demont who showed a very good performance during the whole week, seemed to be flat and without energy this evening.

A good playing Mangaonkar logically said thank you to this opportunity that was given to him and won the match in just three straight games.

In the end it was still a very good week for the losers from today, especially Xisela Aranda who came through the qualification to reach a semifinal spot.

During the whole day there was also the nationl tournament going on, which also featured some of the PSA Losers, as well as Swiss number 1 and PSA 28 Nicolas Müller.

The players from the national tournament, as well as all the visitors, helpers and organisers are looking forward to a great last Sunday.

We are all very excited what the Finals Day will bring on! See you tomorrow!



Fri 11th, Quarter-Finals:

Women's Quarters :

Spanish qualifier Xiselle Aranda continued her run with a second successive upset as she beat fifth seed Ineta Mackevica to reach the semi-finals.

"I'll never forget this tournament because I'm playing really well and I feel very comfortable on the court," said Xisela.

" I'm happy for playing the semifinal tomorrow I hope to make a good match and I'll try to get the final. Thanks to people in Spain that support me and make me feel really special. Vamooooss!"

She'll meet fourth seed Alexandra Fuller while in the bottom half of the draw second and third seeds Sina Wall and Chloe Mesic will contest the other semi-final.

Men's Quarters :

Straight-game wins for top seed Greg Lobban, defending champion Kristian Frost and Geoffrey Demont, with Mahesh Mangaonkar finishing off the day with a 3-1 upset win over second seed Raphael Kandra.

Thu 9th, Day FOUR:
Quarter-Finalists are ...

Another busy day in Kriens with eight men's and eight women's matches to decide the quarter-finalists.

In the men's draw top three seeds Greg Lobban, Raphael Kandra and Kristian Frost all advanced, but there was a trio of upsets as Edmon Moller Lopez, Tristan Eysele and Geoff Demont all took out seeded players.

The biggest upset came in the women's draw when Spanish qualifier Xiselle Aranda beat top seed Cyrielle Peltier in five games. She'll meet unseeded Ineta Mackevica while the other three quarter-finals will be between the remaining seeds.

 What they said:

Greg Lobban:
Pleased to get past a dangerous shot making player like Daniel 3-0. If you play the wrong tactics against him the I could of lost quickly. I did my job though and happy to be in the quarter finals.

Edmon Moller Lopez: It was a great battle. I did a great come back in the first two games. I'm very happy and tomorrow I will give my best with Greg Lobban!

Tristan Eysele: I don't know what to say, I'm just really happy with how I kept my head from being 2-0 down, I just kept saying believe in yourself and trust your form and training that you've been doing over the last few months and years and try and enjoy every point.

Reiko played really well and credit to him for coming back in the end to 10-10. I was happy with how I finished the match. Thanks to my parents, girlfriend Cristina and coaches Robbie Temple + Jesse Engelbrecht for continued support + Brian Byrne for coaching between matches.

Kristian Frost: Nice to be back. I did not miss the brutal conditions here... IT'S BRUTAL. Today was hard. Long rallies, some good squash at times. He played a good 4th game. I'm glad I was able to win in 4.

Joshua Larkin: Two left handed players in two matches. I find left handers tricky to play so I'm very happy to get through it. I needed to play my best to win today !

Geoffrey Demont: So happy to win that one! Last time we played I lost 13/11 in the fifth with a match ball so I was expecting a though game... and it was! I feel I made too many mistakes but I still got the win and that is what matters the most today!

Mahesh Mangaonkar: So happy to win 3-0 today. Still lots of radical mistakes but I'm trying to improve. Tomorrow I'm playing against a very though opponent and good friend. Hopefully, we will produce a good match for the swiss crowd. Looking forward to be playing tomorrow.

Raphael Kandra: YEES ! SEMIFĚNAL !!! WAIT... NOO. JUST THE QUARTERFINAL.. I forgot It's a 32 draw.

Much better length than yesterday and better control as well. Mark is a good retiever and he likes to conter-attack, so I tried to get the ball past him + volley a lot and waited for the opportunities he gave me.

Mahesh tomorrow, That is going to be a good match. I never played him. Looking forward to it :)

Xisela Aranda:
Today I've won one of the most important matches of my life. She is a really good player but I knew that I can do it. To win to the number one of the tournament and 54 in the PSA ranking is very important for me. I'm really happy because I can continue playing the tournament. Vamosss!!!!

Ineta Mackevica: Nadiia is a young and progressive player. I have played her a couple of times before and haven't lost. Happy that I could keep it that way! It took me some time to find my game on this court, but with some patience I guess I made her tired and got the result I wanted :-)

Enora Villard: Very happy to win my first round 3-0. I was feeling good on court and she made a lof ot mistakes which helped me getting more and more confidence. Next match against Alex Fuller tomorrow, it should be a good one.

Alexandra Fuller: Nervous start to the tournament for me, but focussed on the basics to hit my way out of it. Feeling good for my next upcoming match.

Chloe Mesic: I am very happy about the way I played my first match against Jasmine. She is a skillfull player. I am glad to win like that, with good lenghts, power and variations.

Birgit Coufal: Tough match! I'm not sure how I won that one! Honestly, it's a bit of a blur. I think the key was a solid basic game, good length and then I could start to move her around and attack her to the front. In the 4th we both started to get tired so the movement around each other wasn't so fluid anymore.

Very happy to win! I've been struggling witth my motivation in recent months but since I moved I have much better training conditions so it's going better again!

Sina Wall: Happy to beat Marija in 3 games today. Had a nervous start but played better in the end. Looking forward to play Anna tomorrow. Haven't played her for a long time :)

Anna Klimundova: As I arrived only today (because of exams) it took me some time to get used to the court. It is very hot, so the ball was fast and bouncy. I am happy to win it in four, my opponent was playing very well, she used the court much better. I'm looking forward to play Sina tomorrow.

Video Interviews

Wed 9th Mar, Day THREE:
Men's Round ONE, Women's Qualy Finals

Spectacular matches on day 3...

Remo Handl reports

The day began pretty early for a 15k tournament at 11am.

Greg Lobban, the number one seed from Scottland, showed no grace with a good playing Chi Him Wong.

On Court 3 in the meantime, Joe Green seemed to had problems getting into the match. After advancing into the final of last weeks Northumbria Open, the englishman looked tired today. On the other side Daniel Mekbib unpacked his best low kills and gave his opponent no chance to get into the match. At 6-0 in the third game, Green had to retire.

Kriens player Patrick Miescher demanded everything from Evan Williams [8]. After a brutal and long battle the higher seeded New Zealander did remain at his seeding. He won 11-9 in the fifth game. Edmon Lopez Moller, one of two Spaniards from Barcelona competing in the Sekisui Open, had to fight hard to overcome qualifier Ondrej Uherka. The czech seemed not to be to tired from his taff qualification matches and put up good resistance.

Local hero Reiko Peter started once again furious into the match, giving himself a two-nil lead with just dropping 6 points. After that he dropped in his performance and lost the third, before getting back ahead and advancing into the second round.

Next to them Tristan Eysele kept his opponent firmly in hand. Lucky Loser Christoph Zust was just able to keep up with the pace in the first of three games.

Dimitri Steinmann, qualifier and Swiss number 6, overcame Beni Fischer in the all Swiss derby. Fischer, who had lost in Swiss league some weeks ago also 2-3 to Steinmann did not get his revenge. The young Dimitri showed his strong force as in qualification and advances to the next round. He also seems to be more than ready for the upcoming European Championships in Kriens.

But in the next round Dimitri will face a taff draw, as defending champion Kristian Frost proceeded into the next round with a 3-0 win over another Swiss Jonas Dähler. Although going into tiebreak in the first game, Frost never looked like he was out of control.

The two three o'clock matches were clear affairs. Geoffrey Demont defeated Julian Tomlinson in no time at all. Also Ivan Yuen did not take much longer to advance into the second round.

A shock defeat was made by, while Tang Ming Hong defeated Roee Avraham in three. The Australian sent Piedro Schweertman [7] home after just three games were played. Larkin showed a very good performance which Piedro wasn't able to keep up.

Another seeded player who was struggling was Mahesh Mangaonkar. The Indian had to win two hard fought tie-breaks and one of two other very hard contested games, to remain in the tournament.

The third five setter of the day was between Swiss Manu Wanner and the second Spaniard Bernat Jaume. Jaume, who didn't need to go through qualification as he moved up one day before the qualification begun, seemed to be fitter in the end. Therefore he finally closed the match by winning 11-7.

The longest match of the day was probably between Mark Fuller and Martin Svec. In a brutal battle with a lot of "Come on's" and other screams, Fuller was the one to hold the upper hand. Also here it was maybe in the end the qualification that wasn't necessary for him to play.

The last match of the day in the men's draw was between Lucky Loser Remo Handl and Raphael Kandra. Kandra who seemed to have a bit a slow start into the tournament, still had his opponent always under control. Nevertheless, Handl performed some good shots and was at least near to a tie-break in the first two games.

In the ladies qualification finals, which were played simultaniously to the men's matches on courts 1 and 2, especially the Spanish girls made a good impression. Xisela Aranda defeated number 1 seed Eleanor Epke in four games to advance into the maindraw.

Her compatriot Marta Latorre Ramirez did the same - she won against the young Swiss Nadia Pfister in three. Still Pfister made the match entertaining by narrowly winning game two. and three.

The only Swiss who survived was Jasmin Ballmann. Her adversary, the young French Jilie Rossignol, made it not easy for the experienced Ballmann. After taking one game each with 11-5, it was the younger French who wasn't able to complecte this important third game.

Last qualifier spot of the day went to England, more exactly Rachael Chadwick. The 25 year old from Chester defeated Marina de Juan Gallach in four ,more a less thight, games.

Tomorrow the games start at 12.00 with women's first round action first up, before once again the men kick in at 4pm with their respective second round matches. Stay tuned for results, pictures and more tomorrow once again via twitter.


What they said:

Greg: I've played Chi Him Wong once before and it was a though 3-0. So when I saw the draw I felt I had one of the thoughest useeded players. Happy with the way I played and looking forward to my next one.

Daniel: Really enjoying my Squash right now, played really well. Didn't expect to win so fsat, maybe he is injured, I am not sure, but I am looking forward to my next match tomorrow.

Edmon: I came to this tournament after beeing injured for 3 weeks. It was a hard match with long rallys. in thhat fast court it was difficult to volley. Ondrej played really well and put me under a lot of pressure but i pushed through and won the match.

Evan: Tough match to win 3/2 after being 2/0 up!! It's my first tournamnet since the worlds in november. So it was nice to get a good bit of matchplay today. Patrick played really well at the end so i'm glad to get through. It was a long way to come from New Zealand.

Reiko: Good match to start with...started really well and went 2/0 up really fast. Then lost my concentration and my hitting became loose. Happy to get back to a good length in the fourht.

Dimitri: I am happy to win today. It is my first win in a 15K tournament and I think I gave my very best today. I want to say thank you to everyone who supported me over the last 6 month and especially to my coach John Williams and trainingpartners Nicolas Müller and Manuel Wanner. Now I am gonna rest for tomorrow.

Ivan: It's nice to be back in Switzerland for sure. Actually feel good especially whe nI have a good start in the first round of the tournament and hopefully it gets better and better every match.

I have played Al-Saraj in previous tournaments and he is quite a good player therefore I told myself to make sure I have a good start not taking it too lightly. Looking forward to the next match in the Sekisui Open.

Geoffrey: Happy with my game today, played relaxed and I was feeling comfortable with my shots and lengths. Looking forward tomorrows match.

Tang: I'm happy to win today. Roee Avraham played well, I played my game plan. I performed my game. I hope I can win tomorrow. Keep going!

Joshua: Very happy with my win against Piedro today. He is a great player and a terrific athlete. I was the underdog on paper which helped relieve some pressure.

Mahesh: Didn't play my best match but just glad I got a tough 1st round against a good player. I have to make sure I stick to my game plan and concentrarte throughout the matches. These days even lower ranked players can give you a hard time. Looking forward to the second round of a great tournament.

Bernat: I was controlling the match in the first two games, but then I started making some errors and he got inside the game again. Happy I managed to win it finally and looking forward to my second round tomorrow.

Raphael: Typical first round match!! Not the best lenght, many unforced errors and the quality... ugh... But at least I got through in straight games.

On top of that, I knew that Remo is one of the organizers and therefore he has to manage a lot of things by side. In summary: Not the best Squash but a win is a win right? :)

Xisela: I'm really happy today. I've played an unconfortable match but I can win it. I was very concentrated all the time. Show my best Squash tomorrow #topgame Vamossss!!!

Jasmin: I'm very happy to be in the maindraw in my home country. Julie is a young, very talented player and I really had to be focused on getting a decent length. I'm excited to see who I am going to play tomorrow.

Marta: Though match. I'm happy to get to the maindraw and I could manage a difficult match.

Rachael: Over the moon to be in my first PSA main draw. Had another great game and I'm looking forward to tomorrows match. :-)

Tue 8th Mar, Day TWO:
Qualifying continues

It's men's qualifying finals - eight matches with two Lucky Loser spots also on offer - and women's qualifying round one today in Kriens.

Two Swiss got lucky...
Remo Handl reports

In the women's draw first qualification round which startet at 12.00 o'clock, there were no big upsets. Rachael Chadwick produced the only upset of the day.

She beat Czech Tereza Svobodova in four games, of which two went into the tiebreak. Next two Xisela Aranda who won easily against the young local Simona Frevel, also the two other Spanish girls advanced into the final round of qualification.

Eleanor Epke, number 1 seed from New Zealand, had to fight a bit harder than the other seeded foreigners, but still managed to win in Three against Elisa Romba from France.

The better way it ended for French companion Julie rossignol. She advanced to the final round of qualification with a three-nil victory over Local player Nadine Frey.

The two All-Swiss duels were the closest one's today. Still the seeded players Jasmin Ballmann and Nadia Pfister advanced to the finals.

In the men's final round of qualification, the first two matches were already highly competitive. Daniel Mekbib and Julian Tomlinson, both won their respective matches in four games.

Tristan Eysele kept his good form from the last games of yesterdays match and triumphed over Jakob Dirnberger. The other match scheduled at 15.15 was the closest of the day. Martin Svec had to deal with Victor Crouin in a uphill struggle. In the end once again Martin the more experienced player advanced to the maindraw with a 11-9 victory in the fifth.

The next two matches saw two Swiss winning, one of them in almost overwhelming form. Dimitri Steinmann liaterally chopped off Enzo Corigliano, who seemed a bit ill today.

In the all Swiss fight, Wanner against Zust, Manuel had more problems than his training teammate from Zurich on the other court.

Zust played as fearless as yesterday against the number 4 of Switzerland. Nevertheless, he did not managed to close the first game and afterwards didn't get over eleven more points.

The next player, who advanced into the maindraw was Ondrej Uherka. The Czech saw off Lukas Burkhart, who seemed to be groggy from his hard fight agains Williams the other day.

The last match of the day saw Roee Avraham winning over Remo Handl after giving away the second game.

After the last matches were finished, the drawing of the qualifiers to the maindraw spots, and especially the Lucky Losers, took place in front of all involved players.

Next to the eight happy or more a less happy qualifiers with their draw, there were also two lucky Swiss guys sitting there.

Lucky Loser spot number 1 went to Christoph Zust, who is playing Tristan Eysele in the maindraw now. So, one player from the qualification for sure in the second round! And the other one was I myself who got lucky to get the second Lucky Loser spot to play Raphael Kandra tomorrow.

Wednesday will be another busy day with again 16 men's matches as on Monday and in addition the women's qualification finals. We're looking forward to some brilliant encounters!

What they Said:

Aranda: I'm happy to win and i'm ready to play the next match. I hope i can show my best squash tomorrow.

Jasmine: I knew Ambre is going to be a tough opponent. I'm pleased with my performance and happy to win in 3. Looking forward to play my second round tomorrow.

Julie: I won my match 3/0. It was a good first match. I managed tu built it at the back. I had a lot of rallys and it allowed to adress myself.

I have to concentrate on my next match. It will be more difficult. We will see tomorrow.

Nadia: Very happy to be through the first round after a hard game against Sarah. She is a young swiss player who played very well today. We had some good rallys and nice shots.

There is still a lot of hard work for me to be able to play under pressure the game i can play. Looking forward to my next match tomorrow. Thanks Sarah for the game today!

Marta: I'm happy with my performance. I played with good pace and solid. Lookinf forward to play my next game.

Rachael: It was a great match. Tereza is a very talented player and i'm chuffed to be in the next round.

Daniel: Happy to win today. He played really well. I had a slow start. After that i took control and tired him down. Happy to got to the main draw of a 15k for the first time.

Julian: I played Ben last week and i went down 0-2. I managed to sneak it 3-2. He is a very unpredicable player and if you leave it on his racket he hits a lot of winners.

I really had to focus on getting adecent length particlary on the backhand. Happy to win 3-1!

Tristan: It was a tough match. jakob is a good friend of mine and one of the coolest guys on the tour.

I've trained with him a lot and i knew he can be very dangerous if you give him the opportunity to be. So i had to be concentrate on every point.

I'm really happy to be trough to the main draw. Thanks to my coaches Jesse and Robbie.

Martin: Lucky to win 11/9 in the 5th. Unfortunatly my legs and head are still somewhere on the way to Kriens. I have to thank Ondrej for coaching. I wouldn't be able to win today without him in my corner.

Looking forward for tomorrow and hope that my legs and head will finally arrive and will be with me!

Manu: Great performence by Christoph. I had to dig in deep in the first. Then he luckily gave some points away with a few errors. Loocking forward to play tomorrow.

Dimitri: I'm pleased with my performance today. Even though you cpuld see he wasn't 100%. Still happy to qualify for the SekiSui main draw. Thx Nici for coaching.

Ondrej: We both had tough matches yesterday. Luckily I managed to recover quite well.

On the other hand I think Lukas was struggling. He didn't give up without a fight though! Pleased with how I played today and hopefully can play even better tomorrow. Bring it on!

Roee: Had a great opening to the match with a good first game, winning 11-5. Was in control of the rallies and managed to move him around the court well.

Second game started a bit dodgy and I had to close the gap of points. It was very close and Remo managed to win it, making it 1-1. The last two games I won much easier as he started to get tired and I tried to keep myself in the game. Great to be here and a very nice atmosphere in the tournament.


Mon 7th March, Day ONE:
A long and intense first day ...
Remo Handl reports

The Sekisui Open 2016 kicked off with the first round matches of men's qualification. 16 matches from 12:00 to 19:00 o'clock - that was a long first day, but it was entertaining...

Mekbib/Costa and Duany/Selby were the first to step on court. Daniel, who became third last weekend at the Czech nationals, seemed to feel a bit tired from thes matches.

He did not really start well into the match getting 2-8 behind, but managed to come back to win the first game. After that he showed his superiority against Costa and won in three games. On Court 3 next to it, you could see Peruvian Andres Duany - who trains with the Kriens-Squad for the last two and next few weeks - overcome Elliot also in three.

Next on were two local youngstars, both aged 16, facing two englishmen. Ben Coates overcame Fabio Fuchs easily, although dropping 8 points in the second game. The same did Julian Tomlinson against Nils Roesch.

South African Tristan Eysele faced himself one-nil down against local Jan Kurmeyer, before winning the next three games of whome two were still very tight. Jakob Dirnberger from bordering country Austria managed to get with two games ahead before dropping in focus. Still he managed to regroup and win the third quiet easily 11-4.

In the fourth round of the day, we saw the young Victor Crouin from France batteling against Miles Jenkins. Both fought hard but Crouin managed to get always on top of the englishman.

It was the first win for Victor at a PSA M15 tournament and looks very well prepared for the upcoming European U19 Championships which also will be held in Kriens a week later.

Number two seed Martin Svec, runner-up at the Czech nationals, had to fight hard against up and coming Swiss player Roman Allinckx to win his match. The seventeen year old local Roman fought very hard, including Superman-Dives as always, to win a game against Svec. But in the two tiebreaks the Czech seemed to be the more experienced player and managed to close both.

Swiss National Team member Manuel Wanner faced not an easy task against Aitor Zunzunegui. Nevertheless, Manu managed to keep Aitor always under control and won in three straight games.

At the same time another Spanish guy Xavi Blasco was having also trubles with local spot receiver Christoph Zust. The young gun from Kriens played fearless and dropped just two points in the deciding fifth set.

The next game was predicted to be a close one. Former PSA player Cedric Kuchen (Highest WR 207) and Kriens player was up against another young Frenchman Enzo Corigliano.

The two players were sending each other multiple times the wrong way in the front of the court and therefore the score was equal after four played games. In the fifth Enzo, at the moment #2 in Europe's U19 Ranking, got fastly ahead of Cedric and never let him back in the game. Enzo won this set and therefore the match 11-4.

On the other side Swiss Number 1 in the U19 category showed his strong form once again against Brian Byrne. With good shots and length Dimitri was able to keep the Irish always under control. He won his match in three straight games.

The second last round was probably the longest of the even long day. The match between Uherka and Ter Sluis, knowing each other from junior days, went over five games. Uherka kept his seeding in place by downing Marc in the end - after beeing two-nil down, with three straight games.

Also over five went Williams against Burkhart. Burkhart, also a former PSA player from Kriens, and the English Spaniard showed the crowd their best drops, shots and even dives. Lukas with the crowd in his back overcame Richard in a thrilling fifth game 11-9.

To end the day, the last two matches were very clear affairs. Israeli Roee Avraham got past Grigoryan after beeing easily two-love up, when the Armenian player had to give up. Also Remo Handl showed no sign of grace and beat his teammate Alex Imhof in Three.

After an intense day of qualification draw action, the search for the eight qualifiers goes on tomorrow. Some good leveled matches are on the programme, where you can't predict the winner in most of the affairs.

Though, after the eigth matches still two losers will be smiling. Due to withdrawals from Sebastian Weenink and Youssef Soliman in the maindraw, two Lucky Losers will be selected.

Also tomorrow starts the tournament for the ladies. The first round of qualification is on, with a lot of Swiss, French and Spanish players in action. The women's are first up at 12:00 before the men will kick into gear at 15.15 o'clock.

The organizing team around Pascal and Remo is looking forward to another great day of world-class Squash!

Today's Results

What they said:

Mekbib: Happy to win my first match here, I had Czech nationals this weekend, so I can still feel my legs a little bit. My first game was bad, but I managed to comeback from 2:8 , other two I didn't do that many mistakes. Hope to win my second match as well.

Duany: I felt good today. This is my first PSA tournament in a few years so it was good to start with a victory. I know the matches will get harder and harder, so for now I just got to relax and enjoy my game.

Coates: I played like an absolute God. I'm going to win this tournament EZ.

Tomlinson: I'pleased with how I played there and was happy with my consentration and get off 3-0. Nils is a very goog player and had some really nice winners from around the middle. So I had to make sure I kept getting my length through.

Eysele: Was a tough match, credit to Jan because het me under pressure and retrieved a lot. I had to bring out my best squash to beat him today. Happy to be through tp meet Jakob in next round now.

Dirnberger: It took me a while to get used to the conditions here. Luca played well. He didn't give me a rithem all match. Happy to be trhough. Will give everything tomorrow to play in to main draw.

Crouin: I'm happy to win my first match ever in a PSA 15k! I arrived yesterday with a stomachache and I was very tired this morning. See you tomorrow; hope I will be in a better shape tomorrow! Thanks to Enzo for coaching me. It helps me a lot!

Svec: I spent eight long hours in the car yesterday so I am happy that I managed to win in there. Now I have some time to rest so hopefully my game is gonna be much better tomorrow as I am playing against very talented Victor.

Wanner: Good first match. Looking forward to playing tomorrow again. Anyway great set up here, great for Switzerland, great for Squash. Thanks to all who are making this possible!!!

Zust: I am very glad to win. I didn't know what was expecting me. It took me a while to find my rhythm, but in general it was a really good match.

Enzo: Very happy to win my first round today and very lucky i would say. It was really tough match i wasn't in good shape but i managed to get through. Thanks Cedi for that great match!

Steinmann: I think I performed well today. Thanks to my coaches Manu Wanner and Nici Müller.

Uherka: Really glad i managed to win that one. I guess i always put too much pressure on myself in 1st rounds as i don't want to come back home empty handed. I had a plan that i wanted to stick to but it wasn't working on these bouncy courts.

Luckly, I had my czech mates with me in my corner and they gave me some good advice. After that it was just survival of the fittest.

Handl: Glad to be through. Hard work organising and playing at the same time...


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