• Sekisui Open Squash • 2012 to to 2020 •  

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Sat 26th May 2012, Day THREE, Round One and Quarters

Down to the semis

Today there were many close matches which could have gone either way, but finally the top seeds made their way into the semis. Last local hope Reiko Peter lost today so there will be no swiss player in the last four. Anyway we’re looking forward to some good squash tomorrow with the semis and the final played on the same day.


[3] Rasmus Nielsen bt André Haschker                     7/11, 11/8, 11/6, 11/2
[2] Jens Schoor bt Nathan Lake                                        11/4, 11/7, 11/6

[4] Julien Balbo (Fra) bt Reiko Peter (Sui)                       15/13, 11/4, 11/9
[1] Kristian Frost (Den) bt Carlos Cornes (Esp)        11/5, 9/11, 11/2, 11/5

Again happy to advance tot he semis. All respect to Nathan. I think he played well today and put me into really difficult positions and situations on court. I had to work hard to get in control and break his rhythm.

I think in the middle and tot he end oft he second and third game I was the one who was able to push a little harder and that made the difference. Looking forward to a good rest after a good day of squash...

Tomorrow semis against Rasmus.

Tough match this afternoon turned out Carsten went to get his big brother after. Beat him this morning, played well in the second and third just maybe hit the wrong shot at the wrong time in those pressure situations.

But all the best to Jens in the rest of the event. Really enjoyed it here.

Well was a tough match. Made 4 easy mistakes at the end oft he first and gave it to him.

Made him work better in the next 2 which paid offand he was tired in the fourth.

Well now I have to recover for Jens tomorrow – we always have so hard matches but fair so looking forward to tomorrow.

I’m happy that I have made the semifinal. Carlos is a great player and a good friend. He deserved that second game.

I am playing Julien tomorrow. I’m looking forward to he match.

Kristian played well today, to fast form e and I made to many mistakes because oft hat.

I’m happy with my tournament as I couldn’t train 100% last week. I wish him the best of luck fort he rest oft he tournament.

I’ll be back...

Well, that was a pretty long day for me; straight from the europeans. So I had to stay really concentrate and discipline to get a chance.

I know Reiko for many years, we probably play 200 times in Swiss league, he’s really dangerous and hast he potential to make it really hard...

Really glad to pass through in three.

I’m really disappointed of course with how the game went. I wanted to win today. But I couldn’t maintain my tactics. He really hung in there and made my life as hard as he could, with success obviously.

I think he got tired in the end but I didn’t play well in the second. But in the first and the third it was really close and I feel that it could have gone either way.

Round One: 

[3] Rasmus Nielsen
(Den) bt Ondrej Ertl (Cze)                      11-4 11-1 11-7
André Haschker (Ger) bt [Q] Michael Harris (Eng)   13-11 9-11 8-11 11-6 11-3
Nathan Lake (Eng) bt [Q] Carsten Schoor (Ger)                        11-5 11-7 11-6
[2] Jens Schoor (Ger) bt [Q] Jerome Dadot (Fra)              11-2 8-11 11-1 11-3

[1] Kristian Frost (Den) bt Patrick Miescher (Sui)                    11-8 11-7 11-8
Carlos Cornes (Esp) bt Jonas Daehler (Sui)                             11-3 11-6 11-5
Reiko Peter (Sui) bt [Q] Karamatullah Khan (Pak)                    11-7 11-5 11-7
[4] Julien Balbo (Fra) bt Lukas Burkhart (Sui)                       12-10 11-5 11-4

We back the Bid

Morning Winners ... and Losers ...
Pleased to get a 3-0 win, I tried to play consistent and it seems it worked.

At the beginning oft he second game I relaxed a bit, but then after that I managed to do my own game and took the second.

In the afternoon I have Kristian Frost a good match and I’ll have to do my best if i want to put him under pressure. The tournament is great, the organisation is fantastic makes you feel like home.

I’m off to see Borja in the finals oft he europeans. !!VAAAAMOOOOS BOOORJAAAA !!  [he lost ...]

Happy to win the first round today... For some reason it feels like the first match of a tournament is always the toughest.

Jerome played well today, especially in the second where he gave all he had. I’m looking forward to tonight#s match


Happy to get through 3-0. The courts are warm and bouncy so with 4 matches on 2 days you need to save the energy.

Anyway felt good on courts and as soon as I get got use tot he bounce I got my targets I’m so looking forward tot he next match.

Happy to win in 3. The conditions are quite tough, even though its my home club it feels really not on court.

But on the other side it’s great to have so much support oft he crowd. Hopefully I can play well tonight too.

I’m really not happy with the way I played today. For too many errors and lack of concentration. Carlos was playing well, punished every lose ball I played.

Now I have 2 weeks till the next PSA, enough time to get ready fort he last tournament this season.


In the beginning could control the T-position quite. At gameball in the first, I searched the point to early. After that I wasn’t able to recover and he took advantage of that.

All in all I’m disappointed, because I was hoping to make it a bit harder for him. A big thanks to Igor, Mario, Pascal and all the volunteers who make such a cool event even possible.

I am happy with the tournament Jens Schoor plays very good and I’d like to thank Igor and the organisation. because they made a good tournament. At the moment it’s my best PSA tournament.

No comments, I was too flat, didn't have power and Reiko played too good ! I wish him good luck for his next match. It’s a well organized tournament. Thank you Swiss guys !

Against Christian I had nothing to lose, so I went for my shots. I played quiet well but he was to good for me. It was fun to have a good match at my home club. Great atmosphere!


It was very fast paced match and it took me two games to get used to it. We had a tight last game with Rasmus but in the end I unfortunately didn’t manage to win.

Rasmus played very well and apart from few mistakes he played a great match.

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