• Epstein Becker & Green LA Open • 25-29 June 2008 • 

Sponsors Spotlight
We all know that these events don't happen without sponsors, so this time in LA we thought
we'd better hear from some of the supporters of this event ...
#2: Robin Sateriale
Robin is another long-time supporter of squash events at the LAAC (who this time made it possible for myself, Rod Symington and Andrew Shelley to get here by funding our flights.

What are his thoughts on Squash, Bob, the LAAC etc ...

It all started about 10 years ago. As a member of the Los Angeles athletic club I kept an eye on the squash program. I found it fascinating. While I never really could play the sport at any level above - is there a "z" level, if so that would be mine! But I found myself enjoying watching the sport. I enjoy the game and those it attracts. The sport has class.

About 6 or 7 years ago the event was for the pros. A lot of club pros came out for the event. A group of about 12 of us went out to dinner and I just remember thinking...this is why I love the sport...everyone had a great time. It's a small community...but an inclusive one.

I love the all glass court, and I think courts should be "all-white." As to players ...better to ask me who i don't like. Normally a longer list, but in this case much shorter...lol.

As far as other sports go I support many a bookie, but no other sport. I do enjoying rowing, but again more spectator than participant ... if you know what I mean.

Bob is singularly responsible for squash at the LAAC and should be commended above words. If and when he retires, I hope he will continue to be a consultant for the events. As an owner of the LAAC, I can not say enough about how hard Bob fought to make squash, at the club, what it is today.

Squash is going nowhere but on the up in the USA, due to the hard work of pros like Bob. And what once was view as an elitist sport is becoming more mainstream.

Currently living in Los Angeles, Robin Sateriale comes from a U.S. East Coast family where squash is as common as baseball.

Among his many investments, he is a limited-partner of LAACO, which wholly owns The Los Angeles Athletic Club.

Robin has continued to be financially supportive of squash events as a Presenting Sponsor at The LAAC and this year is no exception.

#1: Dr M H Moustafa (aka Feather)
You’ve been supporting squash events in LA for a while now, how did it all start?

In 1991 I arrived in LA to pursue a career as a doctor in Emergency Medicine. Yes, I am a doctor! At that time, I was working in Qatar. My club in Qatar was affiliated with The LAAC. In 1992 I met Bob Hanscom, a very enthusiastic squash player and pro. Bob is full of great ideas on how to improve the game and involve the surrounding community. I used to play in almost ALL the tournaments held at The LAAC.

Bob ran the 1998 USSRA National Championships which was a milestone for squash in the western part of the USA – the turnout was great and sponsor exposure was outstanding. Bob brought the glass court to Macy’s Mall in downtown LA! I loved Bob’s organization, hospitality and bringing something ” interesting” to squash – like a top world player, referee or musician!

Did I tell you about the great food as well? I must admit that Bob’s enthusiasm is, indeed, contagious and since then we developed a strong friendship – appreciating the outstanding job running events and promoting his sponsors.

When Feather Sports USA was introduced in 1998, Bob asked me if I would sponsor his first LAAC Referring Seminar. I did not hesitate a second to be the event under-writer! Since that day, I see Bob with LAAC as the home of Feather. He and The Club introduced Feather to the world!

Feather is a well-known brand in the USA, and growing elsewhere. How did it start ?

Since I was a kid playing squash, I admired players that take care of themselves in and outside the court. Remember, squash is a sport for the players and it is a “show” for hundreds of spectators. Players who wear and use good equipment always impressed me.

In 1981-82, I was in Germany working as a part time teaching pro. I received equipment sponsorship and the rights to sell from a local brand, which is unknown internationally. To my surprise, my students would buy the unknown brand endorsed by me and another local pro.

The principle was “there is a place for small brands in squash and they can compete.” I used to custom string squash rackets. Squash players appreciate a knowledgeable pro that will guide them about how to choose their racket, string and maintain them. I was able to provide all the above.

In 1998 and I after I completed my training in Emergency Medicine, I made a decision to start my own line of rackets and clothing. I know what players like and provided what they were looking for!

What are your plans for the future of Feather?

Starting July 2008, Feather-USA will be offering domestic and international entrepreneurial business partnerships! I think this will give Feather a better opportunity to become more visible internationally. Interested business partners are requested to go to www.FeatherSports.com and sign on at the “contact us” section.

From a sponsor’s point of view, what’s good about squash?

I like the fact that squash spectators are most often players! They appreciate and respect their sponsors and usually endorse or buy their products. A product could be a squash racket or a service, like a mortgage broker, banker, etc.

Squash players in the USA constitute, in my opinion, one of the most educated, influential and affluent sporting communities in the country. You see actors, screen writers, doctors, lawyers and businessmen sitting next to each in squash galleries. I realized a very valuable personal and business relationship through squash in the USA. This just can’t be better from a sponsor’s perspective.

You and Bob must go back a long way ...

Yes, I met Bob in 1991. He introduced me to the downtown Los Angeles squash community. Since then I saw Bob “getting things done” - when everyone else often said it was impossible. Two new international courts were built in a record time at LAAC. I saw the glass court put up in Macy’s Mall.

I saw top world-class players come to The LAAC, such as Peter Nicol, Jonathon Power, Cassie Jackman, Stefan Casteleyn, John White, Chris Walker, Nicol David, Rachel Grinhan, Vanessa Atkinson, Natalie Granger and others. I saw events ranging from the west cost college invitational to the Royal British Marines team competition.

Do you still play yourself….a brief history?

Yes, I play squash although recently I became injured. I am not playing as before, but may once I recover. I started playing squash over 40 years ago. I was born in Alexandria-Egypt and on the Alexandria Sporting Club’s first division team.

I also represented The University in local as well as international events. In 1982 I played in the very first German Bundesleague (first division). I was also a referee at the 1985 World Championships and won the Qatar Amateur Championship in 1988 and 1989.

Do you have any favourite players, competitions or venues?

I liked Jonah Barrington, Geoff Hunt, Qamar Zaman, Britt Martin, Jahangir Khan, Jansher Khan, Jonathon Power and Ramy Ashour. I also liked the spectacular Gamal Awad, who I knew since we were both teenagers! From the WISPA side, I liked watching Michelle Martin and Sarah Fitzgerald.

My favorite competition and venue: Al Ahram and the Tournament of the Champions. The Pyramids of Giza is the most spectacular venue. The grand Central Terminal is a New York icon and TOC became a tradition for the squash community. It is the Wimbledon of Squash!

In part two - the game in America and its future ...


2008 Sponsors Board

"I’m delighted that the WISPA World Tour is expanding to Los Angeles and being hosted by the highly respected LAAC

"We really welcome this initiative of LAAC Squash Professional Bob Hanscom and his band of sponsors who are bringing a selection of great players to Los Angeles to compete on the WISPA World Tour for the second time.

"I am certain that their squash community will enjoy five days of superb competition which will stimulate media interest in our great sport."

WISPA Chief Executive



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