Sportspin Events is an events company created by ex world
no.10, Malaysia number 1. 2 times asian champion and Asian Games
Gold Medalist, Azlan Iskandar.
Its goals are to help promote squash in Malaysia in all
levels and also be part of a major push for the Olympic Bid
2020. Sportspin has single handedly raised 130,00.00 euros
to run all its events for 2013
Sportspin is managing AISA
(Azlan Iskandar Squash Academy). Founded in 2012,
AISA has
created strong presence in 3 locations in Malaysia in 2012. They
are Kemaman Terrenganu, Negeri Sembilan and Kuching, Sarawak.
Its goals for 2013 is to expand to another 7 locations. Creating
jobs for 14 coaches and also creating a total of 40 junior
events. Each location will have 4 junior events per year,1 event
per quarter. The junior events will compromise of local
community tournaments, to state juniors event and also
eventually inter AISA tournaments. With our smart partnership
with Ashaway and our sponsors Maxis telco and the strong backing
of the Ministry of Youth And Sport, National Sports Council,
National Sports Institute we are able to make this happen for
squash's grassroot development in Malaysia.
The challenge is the education of squash, that it is to be
played as a fun sport and not just from an elite aspect.
The 2nd Initiative that Sportspin is taking for 2013 is the
first ever National Squash Circuit. Sportspin can boast that
it has raised RM 320,000.00 which is a total of 80,000.00 euros
of prize money and running costs for 10 circuits around the
country. Again with the strong support from the Ministry of
Youth Of Sports, sponsors Ashaway, ASB and a few personal key
people this initiative is going to continue from 2013-2015.
The objectives of these events are:
squash in states
To expose the
juniors to senior level squash
To get ex pro's
and ex national players back into competition
Support the
local professional squash players and create a sustainable
career path
To create a
competetive platform for the transition of the juniors to
the seniors then onto the professional squash circuit
To prevent
early retirement as there is a healthy local squash circuit
and more....
