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  The HARROW Interviews:    
  #8: Marwan Elshorbagy

Marwan Elshorbagy 
Country    :   Egypt
Age         :   23                   World Junior Champion x2
HWR        :   6 (current)
PSA titles 
:   6     Finals :  13   Events :  96  Matches :  230

Quickies with Marwan
When you do get time off, what do you like to do?

Have a Coffee.

Twitter or Snapchat?


Favorite other sport ?


If you could be a movie character, who would it be?

Zach Galifianakis

What is harder, training for events or constant travel?

Both are hard.. if you train hard for the event or if you travel a lot.

In one word, how would you describe squash?


What is your number one goal for 2017?

I wanna Keep enjoying the game of squash.

Why did you start playing squash?

As a young brother I wanted to do what my older brother did.

How did you know that you wanted to make this your profession?

As a young brother I still wanted to do what my older brother did! (Joking this time).

The day I moved to England I wanted to play squash, I started to set goals for myself and started to train hard on a daily basis for these goals.

If you were not a professional player, what would you be doing?

I would have still wanted to be involved in squash.. maybe host a squash tournament, it's something I have always wanted to do in Bristol. Just need to find the right time to do it.

What do you enjoy about about competing?

The traveling part for me is very enjoyable. Meeting new people, listening to interesting stories from each individuals, you get to learn a lot from meeting new people. Also learning about new culture is very interesting for me.

How did you get involved with Team harrow?

Manek got involved with me a couple of years ago, I liked the way they treat the players. They treat the players as a family.

I met Mark Hayden in New York couple of years ago while we were talking about the contract. The week after I was part of the harrow team.

You have a new custom Harrow racquet out, The Response. When you were developing it, what were you looking to do?

I wanted a well balanced racket. I like the light rackets but not too light at the same time because you need power. The game is becoming very fast nowadays and I wanted a racket that would be able to adapt to the pace nowadays.

I said it before but this is definitely the best racket I have used in my career.

They say that there are very passionate sport fans in Mexico and South America. Have you found that when you have gone to play squash?

Definitely, I have been to mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Guatemala more than once. And we always have a packed crowd from the first round. They respect all players and they always make sure that the players have the best time possible.

A lot of top players coming from South America now like Miguel, Cesar and Diego and a lot others coming up. I think it's exciting times for them cuz they can have a lot of top players soon.

There is always a debate among squash fans which is a more prestigious event, The British open or the The World championship.
If you could only win one, which would you want to win?

I would prefer to be world number 1! I think being consistent for the whole year is much tougher than be the best player for the week of the tournament only.

If I get to world number 1 then I would want to be a world champion and then British open champ. Both these events are so prestigious of course that all players dream about winning it. Just having my name on the trophy would be amazing.

Do you think that you would be playing squash if your brother was not?

I don't think so! I think I would have ended up doing whatever he was doing haha

Do you find easier to be the younger El Shorbagy brother,
or harder?

It's harder to be the younger especially when my older brother is doing really well ... it would have been easier if my brother wasn't doing that well in his career I think.

There are always a lot of comparisons and people are always expecting me to do as well as him especially at such young age.

But now I know how To deal with that kind of pressure.

If there was one thing you could do to improve the sport,
what would it be?

Raise the prize money. The players deserve much more, I have a lot of respect to all players on tour. I think all top 100 should be making a living out of the sport now.

We all work hard on a daily basis, we work harder than other athletes in other sports. Our sport is so entertaining.

Thanks Marwan, and good luck
for the rest of the season ...

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