Alan Clyne Harrow

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The HARROW Interviews:    
 #6: Alan Clyne

Alan Clyne 
Country    :   Scotland (6x national champ)
Age         :   30
HWR        :   26 (Apr 2013)
PSA titles 
:   7 (16 finals, 336 matches)

Quickies with Alan
Twitter or Snapchat?

Twitter @Clynesquash
Books or Music while traveling?

Both but don't think I could do without music
Hong kong open or TOC?

If you had to perform, would your rather dance or do karoke?

I would rather do neither. Out of those two I could do a bit of Scottish Country Dancing.
Most Iconic spot for PSA Event?

Where would you like to see an event that there is not one currently?

In front of Edinburgh Castle.
How long have you been playing on the PSA tour?

I joined the tour in late 2007 when I was just starting my last year of studying at the University of Edinburgh.

I played a few European and some closed satellite tournaments to get my ranking up then started full time on tour in the summer of 2008.

How did you get started in squash and what made you decide to make this your profession?

I got started when I was around 4 or 5 years old when my dad took me along to Inverness tennis and squash club. I have not stopped playing since then.

When I moved to Edinburgh for uni I really ramped up my training and trained like a pro twice a day, 6 days a week outside my lecture times. Once I got into my third year of uni I was getting good results against pros in local events and realised I could give it a go professionally.
If someone asked you what squash was, what would you say?

It depends where I am in the world. In America I would say it's a sport like racketball. In Asia I would say it's like tennis but better. In Scotland I would say you hit a ball against a wall. I probably should be more descriptive.

Why did you decide to become part of team harrow?

I've been using Harrow for a long time now. When I first joined Harrow they were an exciting new brand and I was a new player coming onto tour. I really like their equipment so I've had no reason to change.

What racquet do you use and why?

I use the Vapor as it's got the best balance and feel for me.

What experience in the sport has been the most memorable?

It has to be the Commonwealth Games. I've played in two now but because it was in my home country and because it was more recent and I've got a bad memory, the 2014 games in Glasgow.

Playing in front of family and friends in a great venue with lots of press coverage was something even I won't forget.

What is your favorite event on tour?

My favourite events are ones where I'm representing Scotland as part of a team. Europeans and World Teams are the best for me because I get to play alongside my teammates who we train with most of the year round and spur each other on.

If you could change one rule in squash, what would it be?

When SquashTV is on you can appeal pick ups to the video review. If it's inconclusive you stick to the ref's original decision and you don't lose your review. If you get it wrong you lose your review.

You're playing the CCI International in India, what are you looking forward to the most?

The playing part. I love competing. Being a tourist is not my strong point.

Thanks Alan, and good luck for the rest of the 2016/17 season ...
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