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The HARROW Interviews:    
 #4: Donna Urquhart

Donna Urquhart 
Country    :   Australia
Age         :   29
WR          :   21 (highest 13)
PSA titles 
:   9

9 with Donna
Facebook or snapchat?
Books or music?

Sushi or Thai?
Love both!! Mmm food...
Action Movies or Comedies?

Place you would live that is not Australia
Hmm maybe Hawaii
Favorite Holiday destination?
Kefalonia, Greece.
Manicure or Pedicure?
Pedicure so I can sit in the massage chair at the same time!
Bowling or Pool?
Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling?
Channing Tatum

More on Donna

How did you get started in squash?

My Mum played and was the best lady player in our little town. I thought she was awesome and I wanted to be
like her. It wasn't till I was older that I realised she only had about three other people to play against!

Why did you make the choice to make it your profession?

I remember watching Michelle Martin and Sarah Fitzgerald on TV playing in the Commonwealth Games when I was a kid and deciding that I wanted to go to the Commonwealth Games one day.

When I was in high school I realised that I could get a scholarship to go to the AIS (Australian Institute of Sport) to be a full time athlete and that became all I wanted to do.

What is your favourite experience that is associated with squash?

So hard to choose! A few of the best are:

- Going to my first Commonwealth Games in Delhi in 2010 was an amazing experience.

- Last year my brothers came to watch me compete in the US Open and it was the first time they had seen me play professionally, it was really exciting for me to have them there!

- Squash has taken me to some incredible places and Bermuda and the Cayman Islands would be up there with my favourite ones.

How did you become part of team harrow?

A few years back I was lucky enough to be approached by Harrow's Dave Rosen while playing in a tournament in Greenwich.

He said they would love to have me on 'team Harrow' (and then trash talked my then current sponsor a bit to convince me!). My contract with my previous sponsor was nearly finished so it was a good move to make for me.

What racquet do you use and why?

I use the Donna Urquhart signature racket 'The Wave'.

It's modelled off the shape and feel of 'The Spark' and incorporates my love of surfing in the design with some waves on it and a picture of my surfboard on the neck.

It is currently sold out but Harrow and I have a new version of it coming out soon so stay tuned!!

What is your favorite event?

I used to love going to the Cayman Islands Open. Fingers crossed that it will be back on the tournament calendar one day (hint, hint!).

Where would you most like to see a new squash event being hosted ?

My hometown, Yamba! Seriously though I would love to see a big event happening again anywhere in Australia!

If you were not a squash player, what would you be doing?

I probably would have chosen another sport if not squash. When I was a kid I had to decide between hockey and squash as my main sport.

I'm still not sure what I would like to do when I finish playing squash professionally one day.

What would you like to see for the sport in the future?

More TV coverage. More involvement from kids. New centres being built. And obviously Olympic inclusion!!

I would love to see squash become a widely recognised sport and squash players become household names the same way as tennis players are.
Thanks Donna - good luck in the upcoming Australian Open and World Doubles,
and for the rest of the 2016/17 season ...
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