
• Wadi Degla Women's World Squash Championship • 12-20 Dec 2014 • Cairo •  

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  TODAY at the Women's Worlds

 Sat 20th Dec, FINAL

[1] Nicol David (Mas)
3-2 [3] Raneem El Welily (Egy)
                    5/11, 11/8, 7/11, 14/12, 11/5 (66m)

Saving four match balls at 6-10 in the fourth, Nicol David
is champion of the world for the EIGHTH time ... 

When Nicol-Awy officially gets the status of Legend

What a week, what a match, what a final!!!!!! A sublime match between two “Gentlewomen of the game”.

I rarely saw such an atmosphere, such a crowd. And they got 1 point away from their dream coming true.


Raneem, literally carried onto court by the adoring chanting of the kids of Wadi Degla, flew in the first game, leading 7/2, 9/3 and taking the first game on a backhand low drive, 11/5.

One unforced error for Nicol, 0 for Raneem.

And the momentum just went on in the second game. Nicol was not doing anything particularly wrong, Raneem was just too good at the mixing of shots.

Again, 6/3, 7/4. Annnnnd Nicol realised the court was getting colder. And that if Raneem’s shots were going in beautifully, hers could too!

And Nicol-Awy came on court.

Shortening the rallies, she found shots - shot after shot, winner after winner.

Raneem bless her was just taken on the back foot, too far back to pick up those backhand feathery volleys and trickle boasts. Just couldn’t read them…

From 4/7, Nicol-Awy scored five points, then another two to take the game 11/8 in front of a stunned crowd. Zero unforced errors for Nicol, 3 for Raneem.

The third was a pure beauty. Two Monsters of Squash on there, two Wills, two Styles, and One amazing squash match. 3/1 for Nicol; 3/3, 7/4 for Raneem, 7/8.

But it’s Nicol who mentally cracks down, a tin, an out of court, and a mishit to allow the Crowd to believe… 11/7 Raneem. One unforced error for Raneem, Two for Nicol.

The Fourth will stay in my mind as one of the most dramatic games ever.

Making a long story short, Raneem was the Queen of Egypt, dominating all the rallies, and her Flair was surreal. 6/2. Nicol digs in 6/6. Four points in a row for Egypt, MATCH BALL 10/6!!!!

I cannot start to describe the vibes in the crowd, the cloud of love that was floating all around.

Just one point. Just one point. Nicol just strings the points back - including a SUBLIME nick at 8/10 and three tins in four points from Raneem. 10/10.

Queen Nicol is showing why she got seven titles. She will take the game, mixing heavy hitting with sublime short game. Incredible. Just sublime display of talent, and mental strength. One tin Nicol. Seven Raneem.

After Nicol managed to transformed her third game ball for 14/12, Raneem was broken.

As she came back on court, for the first time ever, I saw her look at her mum just one rank behind me.

She was not the Squash Champion anymore. In her eyes, I saw the little girl hurting.

It didn’t prevent her from fighting tooth and nail in the fifth mind, but Nicol was now fully confident that this title was hers.

From 3/3, Raneem only could score two points.

And as she won her 8th title, Nicol sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed. Like she did in Hong Kong, 8 years ago, for her first one.

The Egyptian Dream Crashed. The Nicol Legend was sealed forever.

Mabrook Nicol-Awy.




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"I told myself I wanted to win the last point. I just kept repeating that: it’s not over until it's over...

Raneem was just playing too well, I just had to find something in me I didn't know I had… I just wouldn’t let go, and just kept fighting…

It was such a pleasure to play in Egypt in front of such an amazing crowd.

All this wouldn’t have happened without the involvement of Wadi Degla in receiving the Championships, over such a short period of time, and without the hard work of Karim and Engy and all the team.

It’s been a real honour for me to play here today. And I want to share this moment with my Team. First Liz, who has been working with me for 12 years now, and never gave up on me. So I didn’t want to give up on her. And everybody, Ronald, Franck, Malaysian Sport Council, who have been supporting me my whole career.

This is also a special moment as it’s my parents anniversary today, and I think they still have their heart still racing….

I also want to say to Raneem that she was a real contender today, that I’m happy to keep watching out of her, that she is such a humble, honest and graceful champion, a true role model of every kid not only here in Wadi Degla, but for all kids in Egypt.

All the WSA girls would like to thank everybody who has made this event possible and an amazing moment for us, we have had such a welcome, you made our week an unforgettable moment, and we hope we gave you back a great show…


I'm not there yet.. I don't deserve it just yet.. I still have so much to learn.. And that's the beauty of squash: you'll never ever know it all.

All credit to Nicol David, a true legend a great athlete and person. To win 8 world open titles is just insane. And she deserves it.

Many many people to thank. From my very first day on court until today, every coach I worked with every word said to me made me the player I am today. That I wish I could mention one by one today.

But a huge huge thank you to the people that are closest to me that worked with me closely day by in the past few years. Who have made a huge difference in my life not just as a player but also as a person.

My parents, brother the entire family and my best friends who have always supported me through all the ups and downs. Who've helped lift a huge burden off my shoulders day after day. Who all came today to watch and support me. You mean the world to me nothing I can ever say will be enough.

My coaches Haitham Effat and Ahmed Faragallah. You both are so talented so professional and you are Family to me. You know me inside and out and I'm honored to be working with you.

Karim Darwish who's literally taken me under his wing and helped me so much. You brought me to a whole different level. Thank you!! Congratulations to you and to Engy on an amazing event. That was perfectly planned to the very last detail.

All the volunteers
that helped make this tournament look so good from behind the scenes I wish I'd known all your names. But the two I do know and have to thank are Ahmed Bassam and Omar Laban.

To my team mates both on the national team and at the Wadi Degla squash club, who I train day in and day out with. You push more than you will ever know. You see me at my worst and you all still supported me till the very last point. Thank you so much.

Three random people that are very special to me whom I must thank as they really helped me soooo much. Omar Aziz. Bassem Makram. Ossama Saleh.

My Sponsors, Wadi Degla Investments. Mr. Maged Sami and Mr. Maged Helmi whom I must thank for an incredible tournament and for giving me the opportunity to play such an event at my home club in front of that amazing crowd that helped me come this far in the tournament. Harrow Sports. To Mark Hayden and his entire team. You always believed in me and for that I will be always grateful. Abu Qir Petroleum. Your support is incredible, you hold a very dear place in my heart.

The medical team and Doctor Mohamed Amin. Thank you for everything you've done for me.

Last but oh too far away from being least. My dear Husband who I know is dying that he couldn't be here today. Your support can never be put in words. You know you're always here

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