
• Wadi Degla Women's World Squash Championship • 12-20 Dec 2014 • Cairo •  

Women's Worlds EN BREF
All you never knew you need to know about the Worlds in Cairo

Boating on the Nile with the Girls....

Cairo never stops... Literally!

After going out on Saturday night with Dallal Ashour – Ramy’s Mum – to  Abou El Sid, a lovely restaurant in CityStars, Egypt’s biggest mall – we had to climb about 7 different escalators to get there – which I
strongly recommend for both food and decor, it was time for more serious entertainment, all organised by Karim and Engy Darwish.

It took some coordination, I tell you, as the plan was to get us on a boat, the Maxym, for 6pm. The boast then would sail until 8pm, when they had another party happening. Then taking us to the Cairo Tower, to have a look at that landmark that allows you to have a panoramic view of the Capital.

So, 4 shuttles were dispatched/organised/planned by our own Transport Boss/Personal Guide Tamer Mamdouh, to get the girls from both hotel and venue – as we finished the matches around 5.

If you know a bit about Cairo Traffic, to get the boat in time in less than an hour was a bit of a challenge, as the boat had to leave at 6! It was a bit of a “11m away, plenty of time, plenty of time” kind of feel, and it would have been perfect if one of the Embassy next door didn’t decide to cut the traffic virtually in front of us to let the diplomatic cars pass. After about 5m of being stopped, the Bus Driver kindly asked if we could pass as we had a boat to catch.

We made it to the boast at 1m to 6…

Well, it would have been rather dramatic if the boat had left on time. It didn’t as some rather important people hadn’t arrived, like Karim or Omneya!

Wide nice tables of all shape and sizes, we all chose a cosy corner/centre stage depending of your mood, and when finally we all were on board, off we sailed.

Of course a few photos were taken, and the Nile Banks were all lightened and shining with their beauty. A few colourful boats as well, both on the River or on the side, peaceful and calm outside, while two crooners were starting to warm up the audience inside…

Warming up the audience is the right term, as there was plenty of excitement coming our way. First, a “Tourneur” as we call it in French, probably the same in English, you know, those dancers that keep turning and turning and turning, with different capes and accessories! It was truly impressive – says the former ballet dancers that has done enough turning – but of course, it got better when the lights came on, and he just transformed himself in a Christmas Tree!

Poor Cubs had to stop eating our lovely food to go and get the pics, but it was worth it.

OK, I didn’t enjoy it so much when the Dancer decided to draw the attention of the whole crowd on me as he plunked his Hat of Light on me head! But soon a lot of others in the audience enjoyed the same privilege….

After the Magic Turning Christmas Tree, we had the compulsory Belly Dancer, in two different costumes, one rather traditional, one more Christmassy!!!

I tell you something, people. Looking at he moves, the way she manages to vibrated and undulate her body/belly and the rest of it, if you see my meaning, I realised first that I have a lot to learn, and two, that surely, I have bits missing in my muscle network!!!!

It was a fun moment, she was not that traditional in her move – to say the least – and I guess that Fifi, one of the most famous Belly Dancer in Egypt wouldn’t have approved of some movements, but we had a great time, fun, light and cheeky. Loved every minute of it, and so did the Girls!

After the show and food, off we went to the bus again – I know it sounds corny, but all the shuttles were there on time, if you have made a lot of tournaments in Egypt, you will know how appreciated that it, off we went to the Cairo Tower, one of the most famous of the Modern Cairo Buildings.

A nice drink at our arrival, a lot of photo taken OF COURSE, and a few players deciding to go up, when others decided to take the buses back to the hotel.

At 9.26pm, I was back in my room. Perfect.

I slept minutes short of 10 hours.

Today, the Longest Day. 16 matches, Three Matches at a time. One Cubs for the Photos, One Fram for the Reports. Basically, don’t expect miracles…

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