11th August:
It was a dramatic week in Vienna in October
2003, with Australia finally retaining their world team title, but all the
talk was of one particular match in the semi-final, England v France, Lee
Beachill v Gregory Gaultier ... |

How did it start?
Greg, Ive known for a long time, because hes played James many times
through the years as a junior. He has travelled in cars with me, Ive
always talked to him, I know André Delhoste [Gregory's and the French
team's coach] very well. The
word was, when he first went pro round the scene was that the senior
players didnt like him because he was arrogant, not treating them with
any respect at all.
So, what did you do?
When I went to Aix en Provence, I said to André look, the words round,
and I dont think this is good, because it can be the loneliest life if
nobody is talking to you. Would you like me to talk with him about it?
And I did go and sit down with him, and I said you cant do this. You can
compete against them, but you must treat them with some form of respect
and I talked to him at length about it.
And then?
The next time I watched him was against White in Qatar, he handled that
well, and he was competing, lost 3/1, but he was fine. Then against Power
in New York, TOC, he didnt really get to grips with winning the match,
but played hard, did everything right, Power was too good. All that was
quite soon after we had that conversation and I thought good, thats had
an effect, and it will help him.
So, lets get to it
I can honestly say that the behaviour that he showed in that event is the
worst behaviour that I can recall ever in squash. The only thing I can
compare it with is an Australian boy called Ricky Hill, and that was 25 or
30 years ago. And I still think that Gaultier was worse. I thought, for a
show piece, on a big occasion, that his demeanour was absolutely
I have a problem in believing that Gregory is the only player who
behaves badly, Malcolm.
Listen, when Jonathan Power has had moments (in the recent years, he
hasnt been a problem at all), its never personally directed at the other
player. Its about the ref, or generalised things, and the players are
aware of that. When Gaultier does it, its very personal. He mimicked
Lees shots, and he is very personal against the other player, and thats
what players dislike most. To be honest, I thought he was outrageously
bad, and I stand by that, and Ive no apology for what I wrote because in
the end, the game of squash is more important than Gaultier or James
Willstrop or Lee Beachill or any of them.
Did the circumstances (the event, what was at stake
) play a role in
your passionate reaction?
That didnt matter. Nothing to do with it. Let me assure you that because
it was Lee Beachill was nothing to do with it, because it was England was
nothing to do with it; because it was the game of squash at World level
that was a lot to do with it, or was everything to do with it. And I
thought, and I still say calmly and dispassionately, he was outrageous, he
was a disgrace to the game, and he saddened me a great deal.
The video seems to show that Gregory wasnt actually obstructing Lees
Thats not right. The video lies. Because its not true. But I wasnt
talking really about the blocking either.
Well, most people who reported on the match said that the biggest
problem was preventing Lee getting to the ball.
I dont think that that was the biggest problem, I think that was part of
Basically, did you feel, like a few journalists, that Gregory was
cheating by blocking?
I never used the word cheating. I think that he was in the way, but I
dont think he was cheating. I think thats the way he plays. Both
Gaultier and Lincou play square on. I was watching Lincou playing last
night, every shot he plays is from a square position, and Gaultier plays
exactly the same. And thats why they are the hardest to get round. And
thats why the blocking occurs, but its not intentional, its his style.
I never mentioned the word cheating, Im not saying he cheated, I was only
talking about his gross behaviour on court. I never called him a cheat, I
just think his style leads to that. I dont think he is a terrible problem
in that respect generally.
Do people in England generally share your views
in the matter?
The opinion of most high powered people, maybe they were just giving it to
me because they knew I was not happy with it, was they thought his
behaviour was as a disgrace as I thought it was. They are not likely to
write about it because they dont do writing, but I did write about it
because I thought very passionately and strongly about it.
But I was still
quite rational about everything I wrote. If youre talking to me now, it
angers me the same way that it did then what he did. I have no time for
him, I think he disgraced the sport, and he disgraced France, because the
other players, Lincou, Lavigne, Arcucci, they are decent guys, I always
got on very well with them.
I have the feeling you took it rather personally.
He is a French player, its nothing really to do with me, and I made a big
effort there to help him, out of the goodness of my heart. So yes, I feel
a slightly personal let down by him, and I thought he did squash no good.
I have always got on with him, James always got on with him and James lost
a lot of respect for him that day. I remember giving him lifts, at the
British Junior Open, always being with him, we invited him to Pontefract,
he played in a match there, he was very well received, very well treated
Werent you just disappointed that France
beat England?
Im not upset about France beating England, I couldnt give a monkeys,
because Im about the whole game. I love John White, I like Jonathan
Power, I get on with a lot of people no matter what nationality they are,
Im not interested in that, Im a universal person, and I want England to
do well, because I get on with the people, but so what. Thats not the
first thing.
If Gaultier had been English, I would have written the same
article; except I would have done my best to stop him. And if anybody
thinks I acted from that motive, because it was Lee Beachill, think again.
Its about squash, and I stand by everything I wrote and I think he was a

Malcolm in 3 words

James Willstrop |

"I never used
the word cheating. I think that he was in the way, but I dont think
he was cheating. I think thats the way he plays." |

Siddall |

And to conclude Malcolm Willstrop Week
and Finally ...
Malcolm talks about how he provides mental support to his players,
Framboise puts the final questions, plus ...
Malcolm as you've never seen him before ... |
from August 2004 |