The Queen's Club, London
14th to 17th
March 2009



Broadgate EN BREF   Issue #4
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the Super Series Finals

This little thing, that used to run all around the court in Saudi, going from one player to another, with squash stars in the eyes, has now become a grown up, mature (too mature?) young adult, aware of the hard work ahead of him, and of the choices he’ll have to make...

Abdulrahman is Ziad’s son, he's been studying in Millfield since September. “I was a bit scared at first, I didn’t know what to expect, the level of academics, and how would people react to me. But everybody, with no exception, has been fantastic with me,” he says.

Millfield is as you all know, a very special place, where the students are marrying studies with sports, among other stunning features. “The first term, we are concentrating on rugby, second term football, and third one, cricket”, explains Duman, Abdulrahman’s nickname. “And then, Thursday & Friday, I go and train with Jonah, an hour after school.”

”I love squash, and I can see my level improving week after week thanks to Jonah’s coaching, but I also love golf, so I’m not sure which discipline I’ll turn to later on. I think I’ll wait until I’m 15/16, see what my levels are, and see from there…”

But Millfield is also a special place thanks to Joey Barrington, Jonah’s son, who’s been taking the young boy under his wing. “He is almost like a big brother to me,” smiles Duman, “he makes me play squash, we hang out at his house, or we go and have a meal with his friends in the nearby town, when I’m a bit down, or homesick, he cheers me up, he is a very special person.”

Well, whatever you are doing in Millfield, Duman, please keep at it, because you look and sound a very happy boy. Really happy and contented…

Broadgate 2008

with Hisham in 2007

With Ramy in 2006

This is how you do it ...

Guests from Cambrideshire squash

No, THIS is how you do it!
Player on Player - part two                                 part one


James Willstrop

Joey Barrington

Lee Beachill
The best Attacker ? Ramy Shabana Ramy
The best Retriever ? Whitey Gaultier Lincou
Best Mental Strength ? Lincou Palmer Lincou
Best Stamina ? Shabana Me Palmer
Best Shot ? My shot into the floor at 9/6 in British Open final Shabana's forehand x-court slice into the nick Me smacking it down the middle
Toughest opponent ? Ricketts Gaultier Peter Nicol
Most fun to play ? Whitey, no doubt James Willstrop Peter Nicol
Best of all time ? Jansher - or Steve Line My Dad Peter Nicol

Judy gets all the best jobs ...

Danielle pays Dad a visit

Better late than never - Shabana gets his "player of the year 2007" award
Broadgate EN BREF   Issue #3
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the Super Series Finals

As Shabana quoted a few days ago, “behind every great man there is a great lady”. Well, in Paul Walters' case, we have two. One, the Champion Sarah Fitz, to whom he’s been engaged now for a few months, and two, Rachel Pullan, the High Heeled Wonder.

If you’ve ever seen a gorgeous blond, impeccably dressed at all times, in high shoes in a world where most of us are in tracksuit and squash shoes, you’ve met Rachel.

She is the MultiTask lady personified, and to be honest, Paul would be utterly lost without her, as she handles most of the day to day affairs, from ticketing to player handling, admin work, diary, meeting organisation, etc…

But funnily enough, although she knew of Paul throughout her squash junior years, she was more of a cricket lady.

“My dad was playing cricket for Notts and Yorkshire, and my partner of 10 years Tim has been playing for Notts and England, so really, I’ve been brought up in the Cricket world.”, she smiles.

”I used to work in the ticketing for Trent Bridge, Nottingham Cricket Club, then for Nottingham Forest Football Club in the Admin.

One day as Tim, her boyfriend, knew Paul when he was a rep, they were chatting, and he came to mention that he was getting busier.

”I just left a job” says Rachel, “and he asked me would I be interested in working alongside him? So, we went for a run – yes, a run! - he explained what the job would consist of, and I accepted…”

Since then she’s been – as we can imagine – pretty busy with Paul's events. But the real question is, what is it really like to work with THE man?

”Well, Paul can be a bit frustrating at times, but then again, so can I, I guess. But he’s very fair, open and honest with me, he doesn’t hide anything from me. And generally, the fact that we are not in each other’s face every day works fine for us, as I live in Nottingham, and he lives in Manchester.”

And as I asked her my usual question, three words to describe Paul, she didn’t hesitate for a second, “24/7 would pretty much cover it….”
Player on Player - part one

Inspired by a feature Eurosport did at the recent Hamburg Masters Tennis event, we thought it would be interesting to ask some of the players what they thought of .... the other players.

No, nothing personal of course, just putting them on the spot as to who they think is ...............


David Palmer

Ong Beng Hee

Wael El Hindi
The best Attacker ? Shabana Ramy Shabana
The best Retriever ? Willstrop Gaultier Palmer
Best Mental Strength ? Lincou Palmer Lincou
Best Stamina ? Lincou or me Ramy Gaultier
Best Shot ? Ramy's crosscourt drop into the nick Shabana's low straight drive Shabana's forehand volley drop
Toughest opponent ? Ramy Shabana They're all tough
Most fun to play ? Jonny White, no doubt Me playing solo! Ramy
Best of all time ? Jahangir Shabana Anyone who wins more than one World Open

Well, I know, it’s a tough one. Good hair cut, clean shaven, suit, tie, after shave (smelt gorgeous), straps bag on the back, mobile on the ear…

Oh alright, I’ll tell you then. It is Lee Beachill, just fresh out of a PSA meeting on the last day of the qualifying. You should have seen the jaws dropping as he approached the arena.

“Are you going to a funeral???”, said Malcolm Willstrop his coach, as I was killing myself laughing while all the photographers were busy immortalising the moment.

”What? What are you on about?” Lee was going. “Well, I’ve never seen you look so…you clean nice” I said. “I bloody do!!!” he laughed.

Well, I don’t know if that meeting was profitable, if the new CEO candidates the PSA board interviewed on that day were good or bad, but one thing is sure, just for the sight of Stunning Lee in a suit, it was all worth it..

More, Lee, more!!!!!!!!!

Paul in his new role, photographer for the fans

Ziad and mysterious secret agent Kim

Nigel keeping up with the squash news...
Broadgate EN BREF   Issue #2
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the Super Series Finals

OK, it’s not as close as it was last week in Liverpool, where the hotel was virtually metres from the Echo Arena, but it’s close enough thank you, close enough to walk – 15mn – close enough to take a bus, and virtually a few seconds in taxi – well, yes, it's late after the matches, we do occasionally take one…

Honestly, you just come out of the hotel, walk left on Shoreditch High Street for about 15mn, and you are at Liverpool Street Station. You can actually admire a few lovely sights on the way, worth your while…

But it’s got to be stressed how blessed we are, as Ziad and Paul really spoilt us with a great hotel – Crowne Plaza Shoreditch – perfectly situated, as quiet as can be in the centre of town, and honestly, one of the best ones we’ve been given on the tour.

And it makes such a difference you know, for all involved. As you know, money is scarce, and enjoying the event is for me in particular the main reason for still being on the tour. So, a great hotel, near a great venue, with my players, and I’m a happy frog…

In passing, I cannot recommend enough the breakfast/restaurant room. It is an experience, as the view all over London is breathtaking. As it’s the main moment where we can all chat and catch up, once again, a perfect setting…

the view from the Breakfast room ...



A bit disappointed I am, I’ve got to tell you, as I was told that Ben Beachill was going to be around, he is too cute that boy, but what can I say, my dad needs me, and I had to come anyway.

Yes, after we moved to Boston, I could see that his squash was suffering, as he didn’t have Uncle Shaun to push him round anymore. So I decided that I would keep him busy.

First, I talk to him a lot, especially when he is on court, that keeps his spirit up, a few DVDs of high quality when he is resting – he luuuuves Winnie the Poo, can’t take him away from it - then, our course, our daily jogging, and last but not least, racquet training. Phew - no wonder I’m exhausted!

But it’s all worth it. After only a few weeks, a fourth British Open title, a semi-final after two victories in two matches… I think I’m not doing too bad as a coach. Maybe I should start doing DVDs or something. I’ll have a good think about it, and will keep you posted...

Ah, one last thing.
COME ON, DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Broadgate EN BREF   Issue #1
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the Super Series Finals

You will not believe this one, but it’s a true one. As our formally retired but thank God back for a few events Voice of Squash was trying to get from Paddington to the Crown Plaza in the City where we are staying this week during the tournament, he got a taxi whose driver had a bit of a foreign accent.

At first, the man didn’t know the hotel, as apparently the name changed not too long ago. But as they were driving, the driver kept on looking in the mirror at Robert. After about 10mn, he came out with a “I know you”. “Oh, I don’t think so”, replied our Comte de Bretagne with a little smile, “I don’t live in London”. “Yes, yes, I know you…. BARADA!!!!!”

Can you believe it! The driver was Egyptian, a squash fan, who remembered Robert from the years he was managing the Egyptian number one at the time.

Only the Voice of Squash…..


The ref : “No let”
Wael : “Am I that slow???”

The ref :
 “It’s a majority decision”
Wael : “Well, what do you want me to say to that???”
The ref : “Nothing!!”

Lee to the ref after a few hiccups: “You can get off if you want, we are fine here…”


The former World number one doesn’t stop innovating dress wise. After his socks that have alimented the columns for about a year, he’s now found a way to keep warm after the matches, by wearing a costume that make him look like a long distance skier.

Well, thats what most of the people seem to believe he looks like. But to me, he looks like a spermatozoid in the Woody Allen film  “All you always wanted to know about sex…”!

Oh well, whatever works for you…

We had a great opening line from the centre ref for the last match of the evening on the opening day.

As the two players got ready, we heard, …. Blah blah blah, Amr Shabana, from Egypt, to serve, James Willstrop, from England to receive, love all…

You think, what’s wrong about that?

 What’s wrong is that James had already played a bit earlier against Thierry, and it was Lee Beachill actually on court!

Well, two white Englishmen, they all look alike, don’t they???


Shabana has a special guest during these Championships, his long time friend/rival from junior days, Ahmed Fi Faizy, Junior World Champion, who used to run all his opponent off court, is in his corner.

”This man is the reason why I never got a World Junior title, Fram,” laughed Shabana after his victory against Lee. “This week, he is coaching me…”

The man has lost a bit of hair, but found a beautiful wife… No wonder he’s got that adorable smile on his face…

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ATCO Super Series Finals     
