Broadgate EN BREF      ROUNDUP
Everything you didn't think you needed to know about Broadgate ...

It was a “strange” tournament this year. First of all, we had the Boss’ injury, that misbalanced the Fleet Group, depriving us of one of the most anticipated matches of the week, Power/Nicol.

Then we had the arrival of Anthony Ricketts on the last day. Shame to have him only for one day really. He deserved a weekly ticket…

And one cannot not mention the “refs” hard week. A few players have been questioning a number of decisions made by our officials. Right or wrong, this is not the place to discuss it. The only positive point was, in my view, Nick Matthew’s proposal of more collaboration between players and referees in the elaboration of the decisions’ rules.

During this event, young James Willstrop really showed us that he is close, so close… His matches showed maturity, mental strength, and of course, how flamboyant and entertaining his game is and will be for a number of years to come. His match against David Palmer was remarkable, and his second game against Lee was exceptional.

Same notice for Nick Matthew. Getting stronger by the match, more confident in his talent, he is at last fit, that nagging back injury has not reoccurred, and next season could see him flourishing as well…

Also I was once again extremely impressed by David Palmer’s perfect attitude. He kept his calm, and he had some close matches, against James, Lee and Jonathan, and never had a word or a bad comment about the refs.

We all know that he had problems in the past, but he is working very hard to overcome his outbursts. And God knows I know how hard it is… Ask anybody whose been in close contact with me under pressure, they’ll ALL tell you I’m no blipping picnic…

And on a more personal point of view, I must say I’m really happy (and proud) that his coach, Shaun Moxhan, reputed for staying as far away from the spotlight as possible, has accepted to talk to me after David’s matches. Like I said again and again, the more I speak with the true specialists of this game, the more I realise how I little I know…

Now, let me be a bit French here, and be proud of my compatriot.

Thierry had a group filled with his “old demons”: Power, Shabana, Nicol. Three players he always has trouble against, more mentally than anything else. He beat Power on the first day, Shabana on the second, a formidable recovery from two games down, 0/3 in the third.

Then he found himself playing a fresh and determined Anthony Ricketts, the player who denied him of his first ToC title. He beat the Strong Australian in a titanic battle, saving three match balls in the fourth. And talking about saving match balls, need I remind you about his semi against Mr Squash Lee Beachill where he saved seven.

So, yes, he lost in the final. But he beat a few good people this week, including the winner of the event. He just beat them in the wrong order…

And we cannot ignore the Champion of this week, Mr Magic. Once again, surpassing everybody, outlasting the best, surprising us by a three love victory when it was said he could hardly walk…

So much talent, invention, variety of shots, pace and rhythm…

And to finish, you all know my utter admiration for Jahangir Khan, for the Champion he was, and the way he dominated the Squash World for so long… But for a few years now, nobody, NOBODY has been able to predict the winner of a tournament.

And it’s probably the best thing that ever happened to our sport…


You may not be aware, but if you are reading these lines, it’s because one day, a Marketing Director advised one of his clients, who was looking to raise his brand’s profile in the City, to have a look at “Squash”, and more particularly to the Event “Super Series Finals”…

This man’s name, Martin Fox, his company, Egg, and the name of the client… oh come on, this is not rocket science now, is it… Yes, Brit Insurance

But the story doesn’t stop there… Last year, Martin’s son, Matthieu, yes, like the French name, came to the Final, and was so impressed by it all, that he decided to start playing squash… and during the whole season, he only lost… one game…

And today, he was lucky enough to get to play a game with former World Champion Ross Norman

Lucky young man, you could say… But in fact, we are the lucky ones, as without Martin’s father, we probably wouldn’t be here, now, would we…
Broadgate EN BREF      Issue FOUR
Everything you didn't think you needed to know about Broadgate ...

If you think that the court at Broadgate is only used for 5 hours every evening, you are gravely mistaken…

All day, Brit Insurance, WSM and The Lord's Taverners are organising events to entertain their guests…

Alan Thatcher had a lot of work to do today, as he introduced first a doubles match between the Garner Brothers, Tim and Ben, and the Yorkshire Boys, Nick Matthew and James Willstrop.

Then some school children from two Colleges, Cranleigh and Eastbourne.

And after that, some pro-am challenges with names like Ellery Hanley (Rugby League legend), Luther Blissett (ex Watford and Milan), the Surrey Team Cricketers, Rebecca Macree, Eric McAlpine, Matthew Syed (yes, the same one who wrote a lovely article in the Times, but who now seems converted to our cause…), etc…

Never a dull moment, that’s for sure…



Brit Insurance is very lucky, you know… They have a bunch of nice people that are really making their best to make Brit’s name famous all around.

I introduced you to Phil, and now, here is Hema, who works in the Sponsorship Department.

And she is sooo lovely, WSM's Fred Milln had a little surprise for her…

Don’t you just looooooove flowers, Hema???
Broadgate EN BREF      Issue THREE 
Everything you didn't think you needed to know about Broadgate ...

Being the son of a Squash Star is no picnic, let me tell you…

First of all, I spend my life travelling all over the place, people I’ve never seen before keep on talking to me in different languages, I guess they must like me, as they are smiling, but I do not have a clue of what they are on about…

Then, you’ve got that blond mad woman, who keeps talking to me with a funny accent…

She seems harmless, though, but really really weird… She keeps on following me everywhere with her camera… Sad… Get a life would be my advice, woman…

Oh well, she must be French…

For a moment today, I wasn’t sure where I was, Amsterdam, London, Sheffield, but thank God, found Mum and Dad…

As long as they are there with me, what do I care about which country I’m in …

For a few weeks now, I had problems with my camera, and my photos were worse than usual (yop, possible…). And Tuesday night, the blipping machine just packed up…

So, here we were, Steve and I, trying on the internet to get a place to buy a good camera around Broadgate. Steve found one, got me the reference… So, went in the shop, played my “I’m blond and dumb, help me please” role, that works every time, got the man to set up the time and all, put in there what needed to be in there… Got to the venue, and tried to understand the basic functions…three CDs, papers and papers and papers to read…

As we were H minus 50 minutes, I was slightly… Well, I was not that calm, ok? And thank God, thank God, two of the French supporters from Avignon, Jean-Yves and Mike, came to my rescue, found how the thing worked, gave me a crash course…

And at 5.45, I was sending my first pictures… How is that for a French Connection…

Jonathan Power was really doomed today you know… After breaking a string in his racquet, he got a split shoe!

So, Ken Nairin gladly lent his shoes to the Canadian Magician, who was able to finish the game, not without having the most extraordinary of “accidents”: trying to retrieve Shabana’s serve, the ball got stuck between the strings of his racquet.

So off he went again to change his racquet for the second time… Was he going to do a “Joe Kneipp”??? (who got through three racquets in the final last year, and ended up playing with a spectator’s racquet???)

No, that was the last change… But the drama wasn’t finished yet, as Jonathan twisted his ankle on the last shot of the last rally of the match… Got medical attention… Thank God he is OK now…

But at last, things are back to normal… Yesterday, when Peter got injured, it was a bit the world in reverse, wasn’t it? Well, Peter off the court, having to receive treatment, and Jonathan waiting around…

So today, haaaah, back to normality… A game with Jonathan is never dull, that’s for sure…



Last year, the whole press room, well, me more than anybody else, was craving for a “nice cuppa”…

But nowhere could we get a tea or coffee late at night… And Colin McQuillan, the journalist from the Times, sort of 'encouraged' our lovely Press Officer Tom Maidment to get us a coffee/tea machine…

And this year, the first thing Tom told me when I arrived on Monday was :

“And we have a coffee machine, Colin will be glad”…

It’s one on those 'hi-tech' ones, you know, the “rocket-science” kind. So I must say I had problems using it. Always a knight in a shining armour, Colin came to my rescue…

“You’ve got to remember that this machine is like a woman… You’ve got to squeeze it gently…”

No comment…

You may not know what that title means… Basically it means that Squash is getting bigger in France…

Stade 2 is the biggest sports show in France, and is basically our equivalent to Grandstand on BBC…

It’s very often showing football of course, and all major sports… And honour of honours, they have sent a full crew to Broadgate this year…

And that my friends, is big news…

It means that France is starting to discover squash, and Lincou, and our world…

So, bienvenue à Londres, Messieurs, bienvenue à Londres…
Broadgate EN BREF      Issue TWO 
Everything you didn't think you needed to know about Broadgate ...


Or a normal day at the office…

00.02 am
Walking out of Balham Tube station to get back to my car after the first day at Broadgate. The quotes are typed. Didn’t have time to write any en bref or reports…

00.30 am
Arriving home, starting working on the mini portraits…

2.30 am
Going to sleep.

Up. Opening computer while kettle boiling. Messages from the forum and two messages from Joe Shaw. Mhhmm. Something’s not right. OK. A stupid pr… pratt pretending to be David Palmer has left a terrible stupid idiotic message that got Joe angry and David’s family and wife terribly upset. Good start to the day… Banning, removing messages. Replying to Joe and everybody. Contacting Steve at work. Hmmm. Still no time to have a cup of tea. Don’t even think about breakfast.

10.30 pm
Starting working at last. Oh, calling Céline Lincou, mum, to tell her news of Thierry. Starting working at last. Phone call from my mentor, Joe Shaw.

First phone conversation. After all those months exchanging emails… I just love him. We talk. We laugh. We conspire. We shout. We agree. I cry. He listens....Great time. Wish he was here…

11.00 pm
Starting working at last. After drowning myself in the tub, my agent calls me as I’m washing my teeth, as she would. My recording planned from 3 to 4 in Chiswick (extreme west of London, Broadgate being East, of course) will now last up to 4.30. Will never make the first match, which starts at 5.

12.30 pm
All the mini portraits (Phil and James) are now done, and all the en bref as well. OK. Now, I’ve got exactly ½ hour to write 4 reports. Not good.

1.00 pm
Getting dressed. Make up. Getting computer and plugs in bag.


I’m telling you something, there is a sponsor particularly popular all around the arena, Kingfisher… and like Phil Wolski for Brit Insurance, it’s nice to see a familiar face of Brian Dozey representing that Indian-based company, several times awarded for the Best Light Lager in different Festivals all around the world.

The Press/Referee/Officials room has a fridge full of them, along with the Kingfisher Natural Spring Water of course…

And everyday, Kingfisher will give away a crate of its delicious beer to the “Player of the Day”, elected by the Media…

Do you think we could get Twinings or Lipton to sponsor the event as well next year ????

1.15 pm
In the car, off to Balham tube station. All the way to Stambrook Park or whatever that darn station is called.

2.30 pm

Arriving at Studio after 10 minutes of rapid walk. Thank God the Spanish voice, booked at 2.00 got lost. I’m able to start ½ hour early.

2.31 pm
Recording a “step by step” to potty train your baby. Twenty five years of training to get to talk about Pull Ups Nappies… Somehow, not what I had in mind when I started my career…

4.00 pm
Off to tube again. 25 stations on the District Line (well, felt like it anyway). Change at Monument to catch the Central Line. BIG MISTAKE. 11 escalators, 12 set of stairs, kilometres of corridors later, I’m at last in the train. My computer feels like a washing machine on my shoulder by now…

4.50 pm
Walking outside Liverpool station toward Broadgate Arena. I feel lightheaded. I just realised I didn’t have anything to eat since last night…

4.51 pm
While setting up computer in Press Room, grabbing a sandwich from the Fridge. No time for tea though.

4.58 pm
Stepping inside arena. Showtime…

5.00 pm
Lee/James. Hard match. James unhappy. I don’t like to see him like that. I hate to see anybody like that.

5.50 pm
Getting the quotes. No time to get back to Press Room.

6.00 pm
‘Who do you think is going to win that one” asks me Tim Garner sitting right behind me. “I don’t even know who is playing” I retort… Only Power/Nicol. Oh Christ, that could be close, couldn’t it. Yeah right. Commotion. Peter injured. No idea what’s going on. “Mobiling” Steve to inform him. Long delay…

6.45 pm
I’ve got 15 minutes to get to write quotes of 1st match before the start of the 3rd match, now 2nd match, while 2nd match will be played after 3rd match now 2nd match. Are you confused? I’m confused.

Another stupid pratt has left 7 messages insulting several players and coaches. Lovely… Then as I’m about to type quote, realising that Internet is down. Restarting computer. By the time it’s all up again, I’ve got now only 5 minutes to write 2 quotes. No idea of what I wrote for Lee. Will have to check that one later. Stepping into arena as the referee announces the start of play…Pfuit, that was a close one…

7.00 pm

Palmer/Matthew. A warm feeling between the players. Laughing and smiling throughout the match. Nick unhappy. I still don’t like to see players unhappy. Realising I’m probably in the wrong business…

7.50 pm
While getting quotes, am told that Peter’s match is definitely not happening. Thierry who was told that he would play at 9pm is now told he’s playing like now. Mhhhm. Once again, no time to go back and type quotes from Nick, Hedley, Dave and Shaun.

8.10 pm
Shabana/Lincou. They never played together at the same time. Shabana on pure ecstasy mode, and then gone, just gone. Thierry hanging in there, and taking control, 0/2 down, 3/0 in the 3rd… Suspense… Miracle or disaster, depending on the side you’re on…

9.45 pm
Back in the Press Room with short quote from Shabana, and a bilingual/long quote from Thierry. Got a great shot of a group of French supporters and Thierry. Nope, camera broken. Have to buy a new one tomorrow... Great! Getting back to the arena to try and get another shot. By that time, Thierry is on the floor, getting a strong massage from Ken, our ball man and Magic Hand. So taking another picture of the supporters, Thierry being on the floor behind them…You can’t invent that one…

11.00 pm
Everybody has gone in the Press Room. Finishing typing the quotes. In English. Then translating Thierry’s in French for the French site.

11.45 pm
Putting my computer back in the bag. Walking toward Moorgate Tube Station.

12.02 am
Getting into the train direction Balham…

Like I said, a normal day at the office…

Broadgate EN BREF      Issue ONE 
Everything you didn't think you needed to know about Broadgate ...


I’m not complaining or anything, but my GOD, we were freezing in the arena yesterday…

The weather forecast announced nice and warm weather, so very logically, we didn’t have any heating system near the courts. And I’m telling you, it was VERY VERY cold.

The first match, I froze to death, swearing that as soon as the match would be over, I would go and get my coat. By the time I got the two quotes, typed them, sent the photos, the other match was starting… I flew to the venue… and forgot about the coat…

But thank God I was sitting near John Massarella (who was resting after his Lincou/Power match, a perfect job as usual…) who offered his jacket to me as we started the game. I refused politely, but 30 minutes later, as I actually couldn’t move my fingers to write those words (OK, exaggerating slightly, but come on, do you want a story or what?), he reiterated his offer, and that time, the hell with conventions and politeness, I accepted gladly, and was able to see the last game without too much discomfort…

Referee and gentleman… A dream John is…


Ten years…

Yes, SATINDER BAJWA, the Super Series Final promoter, ex Jansher Khan’s manager, has been organising, promoting, staging this event for ten years now. Isn’t that remarkable?

And as remarkable, the Boss, Mr Peter Nicol Sir, has been participating to all of them. Ten years for him too…

Another anniversary, ok, maybe not as prestigious, but as Howard Harding was reminding us, the new PSA scoring PAR to 11 was exactly one year old today!

Don’t you just love celebrations…?

Let’s have another Kingfisher…

Beer for you, Spring Water for me…


It’s a habit, I’m normally the first one on the scene in the press room. And today was no exception. So when I arrived, Fred Milln, the new recruit from WSM, Event Executive, was still working hard putting the boards up. Tom Maidment, as usual, was organising the last details for the press to be the happiest people in the word, and there were Nick, Baj

All talking about the Press conference that was about to start...

And of course, we had the other side getting ready as well, the Camera people, Jean De Lierre and his team, composed of two of his five sons, Jason and David, and also Tim, Eric and Loth, and at last not least, Charles de Saint-Marie, who is doing all the commentary with Alan Thatcher

Press room in place, camera rolling.... Send in the players...


It’s always nice to welcome a new “kid” on the block, and this year, it’s Bermuda Tourism that is joining the event.

It’s funny, I had never been to Bermuda, or had any real contact with the island until a few weeks ago, and it now seems that I spend my life with Bermudans!

Well, after spending five years in Chicago and seven years in Boston, Thomas MacDonald has been working in London for about a year, promoting his lovely island…

“It’s friendly, safe and clean,” he laughs… “And it’s exciting, fun, and wonderful”, adds Angela Bates, the Sales & Marketing Account Manager!

So they hope to promote Bermuda, and of course, of course, also a series of events  that are happening in Bermuda in the coming months, especially one that is extremely close to our squash hearts (and David Palmer’s), the Masters