l Wimbledon Club Squash Squared Open l 13-18 March 2016 l London, UK l

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SW19’s biggest pro squash tournament

$25,000 PSA event, 13-18 March 2016
Hosted by The Wimbledon Club, Church Road, Wimbledon

Top professional squash players from around the world are to come to Wimbledon in March to fight it out for a Professional Squash Association (PSA) tournament purse of $25,000, the most money offered by the sport for an event in SW19.

The Wimbledon Club Squash Squared Open is the first PSA event to be held at The Wimbledon Club and is to take place from 13 to 18 March.

Sixteen competitors will battle it out to qualify on the first two days and four of these will go through to the main draw.

Tickets to watch are available from £10 (plus booking fee). Juniors go free to qualifying matches. Plus there is chance to meet and chat to players by participating in a buffet lunch on the first day, Sunday 13 March, and a presentation dinner on the last day, Friday 18 March.

Some of the funds raised are to go to Squash Squared, a mix of squash and extra-curricular teaching for children from low income families. It is a community support programme that was pioneered in the UK by The Wimbledon Club in partnership with the Sacred Heart Primary School, Battersea.

Former world squash number 39 and The Wimbledon Club sports director Stacey Ross said:

 “This event lies nicely between two major UK tournaments in the squash calendar, which has helped us attract some great international players that, I’m sure, will inspire all who come and watch.

“Fans have told us before how they’ve enjoyed watching when they’ve come to our exhibition matches. We’ve had such entertaining epics as former world number 8 and Commonwealth Games gold medallist Adrian Grant versus England International Daryl Selby and former world #1 Nick Matthew versus Australian #1 Cameron Pilley.

"This enthusiasm for the game has encouraged us to stage this PSA event. Our aim in the coming years is to make this one of London’s leading squash tournaments. "



the Draw



Today ] SEMIS ] QUARTERS ] Round ONE ] Day TWO ] Day ONE ] [ Preview ]


