Today 2008

• Sky Squash Open • 

En Bref
2008 Event


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TODAY in Cairo ... Mon 4th Aug 2008, The Finals:

Mon 4th, the Final:     

[5] Wael El Hindi (Egy) bt [4] Karim Darwish (Egy)
         11/8, 11/5, 5/11, 11/9 (67m)

It was bound to be a first Super Series title for one Egyptian, but in
the end it was Wael El Hindi who the Sky Club crowd were cheering  ...

Framboise reports

I’ve seen Karim playing all over the world. I’ve seen him losing, and winning, against the very best. But I’ve never seen him as stressed and as negative as he was tonight. It was like he just didn’t want to play. Not to mention that it seems to me that Karim never played his own game, and fell into the trap of trying to match Wael’s…

But that doesn’t take anything away from Wael, who held his nerve, and kept the perfect tactic tonight. Karim was much tighter at the back of the court, and Wael opened the court so many times to a nervous opponent who, sadly for him, just couldn’t do enough with it … it wasn’t to be.

A little wobble at the start of the third for Wael, which coincided with a comeback in power from Karim, who seemed to find his game and calm at last. And I could see the five setter as big as the Pyramids.

The fourth is so close, 1/1, 3/3, 4/4. The crowd is getting so loud, supporting their man Karim, as they now believe he will come back. It’s Wael who takes a comfortable lead though, 8/5, but two tins and a no let later, Karim is back, 8/8.

The noise is incredible. A backhand drop shot that finds the tin. 9/8 for Wael, but the next one is superb, 9/9. Wael goes for a cross court kill that finds the nick, and despite the pressure, Karim calls his ball not up. Match ball.

A very short rally and a winner later, the crowd is stunned, Wael raises his arms in the air. He just won his first ever Super Series Final…

"Such a relief, big relief…

"In the first two games I was playing rather well, and especially moving so well, and I could smell the pressure on him. And every time I was looking at him, I knew I was getting stronger and stronger, and that I was doing the right thing.

"But again, as I did so many times in my career, in particular against David Palmer, when I found myself at 2/0 up, I starting thinking that I was maybe going to win the match, and lost my way.

"I had so many conversations with Jonah about that problem. And he told me just relax, take it point by point, don’t get excited. And at 8/8 in the fourth, that’s exactly what I did, I said to myself, let’s take one point at a time, and it worked, and I ended up with the biggest win of my career…"

"I feel so honoured to be here tonight, it was such a privilege to play this final. I really want to thank everybody, Mr Fahmy and all his team, who put the tournament together; my family, who have been standing by me; my coach Jonah Barrington, and Joey; and all the people that come and watch; and especially thanks to all the people who are helping to put this tournament on the map, without you, we wouldn’t be here, so please keep supporting us, please keep supporting us…

"I also want to thank Karim for this great final, I know he must be disappointed, but I know that we both have a great future ahead of us, and hopefully, we’ll be pushing each other up to the top…"

"I’m so disappointed. I played well all week, but tonight, I just couldn’t play my game…

"There was so much pressure on me tonight, he was more relaxed than I was, and he deserved to win…"

Our Scoreboard Operator, Mohamed Onsy ....

"This night is a very special night, but I can’t take the credit for it.

"The vision of this club, the vision of this tournament comes from my twin brother, the Egyptian Minister of Petrol.

"He really wanted to be here with us tonight, but he had some obligations that prevented him from being there.

"He is the happiest one tonight, and I want to thank him for what he has achieved here."

Chairman of the Higher Organising Committee

"This was a stunning final, and I would like to congratulate Wael and Karim for the great show they gave us tonight. One of them got the strategy just about right, and he won…

"I hope this is an event where will be coming to for many years to come. Thanks to you all…"

PSA Chief Executive

Karim with friend Omar Elborolossy

Maiden Super Series Title
awaits Karim or Wael

It's an all-Egyptian final, and if the $23k winner's cheque isn't incentive enough, a first Super Series title awaits either Karim Darwish or Wael El Hindi at the Sky Club tonight.

Both enjoyed comfortable semi-final victories and should come into the final fresh, so a packed and partisan crowd can look forward to a spectacular final.

Darwish leads 5-4 on head-to-head, and three of their last four encounters have gone to five games, all of them lasting 80 minutes or more ...

the pre-final doubles pairs ... or is it "the Doubles Devils" ???

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