En Bref09

• Sky Squash Open • 

En Bref
2008 Event


PetroSport EN BREF       5th Edition   
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the Sky PetroSport Open ...


Within two years, this place will become one of the nicest place to be in the world, a seven stars resort, with an hotel with 200 rooms, several restaurants of course, billiard rooms, we already have a football ground with four grounds, one being used for official matches, several gyms, training grounds, pools, well, lagoons more like, gardens of all sorts....

The building that will proposed the restaurants, six to be precise, is around 35.000m2 I'm told, and will be decorated & designed by Noman, one of the most famous architect in Egypt.

When I mention that it made me think about the South of France as a feel, the gentleman who was showing me the resort had a little smile "That's exactly what Noman said, he is getting inspiration from that part of the world..."

Well, spot on!

I didn't realise it, but we actually on the highest point of Cairo - we are in New Cairo, around 20km from the Centre, which obviously makes the scenery pretty special here.

Already I can see the dramatic changes from last year, so I can imagine what it will be next year - the restaurant building with the gym facilities will be finished by then, and the following year, the hotel should be finished.

Inshallah I may come and show you the evolution for the coming years.....


When you drive around New Cairo, you cannot not notice hundreds and hundreds of non finished houses, buildings, appartements of all sorts.

I had the explanation given to me yesterday.

Years ago, the grounds around here were not worth much, and were given away. Now, like everywhere else, prices have gone up tremendously.

There is a law apparently in Egypt that says that if you do not use a land that has been given to you by the State, it can be taken away from you and redistributed to someone else.

So the owners took all the money they could put their hands on, and build, build, till the money run out, buying themselves some time I guess....

Which explains why you drive for miles among unfinished houses, with nobody working on them...

PetroSport EN BREF       4th Edition   
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the Sky PetroSport Open ...

M. & Mrs Shabana

Starts young

Shorbagy's worried parents


It’s when I see “my” players with their parents that I realise how young, how fragile, how insecure they really are.

Suddenly, they are like kids again. For Ramy, it was only the second time his dad saw him play.

The first time was when he came to New York, I remember how all over the place the young man was then already. And what about Wael tonight, performing not only in front of his brother, but for the first time ever, in front of his dad... Talk about pressure...

And the outcome can be positive, like for Wael last year here, who took the title, or frankly a disaster, like for Shabana, who has won everything on the surface of the globe, and not just once, but who still has yet to win a tournament at home…


You may remember that we did have a few problems with the glass court flooring when we were able to use it on the second round. After Karim and Reda played on it, one of the floor boards didn’t behave the way it should have had and the next three matches were played on a traditional court.

The next day, although the floor had been fixed, all the quarter finalists went and practiced/tested the glass court, and the consensus was that it was still not up to scratch.

The Sky Team worked all day to make it right, and at the end of the quarters, it was announced that we would be able to play the semis and the final on it, much to the relief of all here – probably except Ali Walker, who thinks that the traditional court suits him fine, thank you very much!

It will be really nice to actually see the Champions in action out there, I still didn’t manage to catch a glimpse of it…

When I tell you in my reports that this player is very friendly with that one, you may think, yeah, course he is.

I can prove it.

Look at Mathieu Benoît, physio to Greg Gaultier, who came especially from France to look after our champion. Well, right after the Greg/Wael match, the Egyptian was not feeling right, and was suffering from his foot.

Mathieu straight away had a look, saw what the problem was - ligament inflammation - and started treating him right away, while Wael and Greg were chatting about the match.

"Yeah, you gave me a hard time at that point". What about when you threw me out on the wall there?". "But that was after you kicked me there"... "Yeah, you're right, oh well, that's just the game ain't it"...

You may think that I'm pushing it here, but I'm not. That was the essence of the conversation less than two minutes after the end of the match.

Good friends? Oh yes...

PetroSport EN BREF       3rd Edition   
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the Sky PetroSport Open ...


You may have noticed that we didn’t play on the glass court in the first round – where we announced three matches to be played on there, and that on the second day, only one match was played on it.

It’s a bit complicated really. First day, we couldn’t play because this is a holiday period here, and the white balls, compulsory to play on a glass court, didn’t arrive in time in the country.

Well they did arrive, but where stuck somewhere in a depot within the Cairo area. Thank God Lee Beachill, PSA COO arrived with a few dozen in his luggage, which allowed us to play on the second day.

Trouble is then, the court was a bit slippery, no problem with that, Lee, along with Robert, saved the day. But then, one of the floor boards went a bit wrong, and play couldn’t go on for the second match.

Back we were on the traditional court.

But no worries, people, the flooring has now been fixed, and we are due to be back on the glass court tonight from six ... 

Name it...

Paul Selby helping out...

New look for David


There is an aspect of the game I never really paid attention to, the differentiation between players on court. I know most of them, and I can always ask around if I don’t, there is always somebody to help.

But what happens if you are Jo Bloke who is watching a match, and don’t know zip about squash? How do you recognise the players? I know that WISPA has imposed the girls to have their name on their tops for their top events, and that’s an excellent initiative.

Let me tell you a little story. In Paris last year, I invited the Director of Versailles Theatre, who thought of having the glass court within his walls. He doesn’t know squat about squash, or sports in general, ok? He watches Greg play Borja, and when the match is finished, I go and ask him what he thought about the match.

“What a show, he says, pretty spectacular. One thing I didn’t understand though, is did they replace one of the players during play?...”

I scratched my head on that one at first. Then I understood. Change of shirt. Greg changed his shirt, and went for a complete different look, that threw my friend completely. That’s how important shirts/gear is to the spectator.

Back to Cairo. Look at Karim/Reda during the opening match on the glass court. No explanation needed really, is there….

I guess the ONLY really nice moment – no, not really, but you see what I mean – of the ALI/ADRIAN match yesterday was at the end.

Poor Adrian was struggling badly with cramps, one in his shoulder, one on his calf. All that at the end of the fifth, and just before match ball – may I remind you there were 7 lets on that one, and it was obvious he was in a lot of pain, walking between games like a duck, really, no other way to describe it.

As Ali is about to serve, Adrian looks at him and says “You know what’s happening, don’t you. You KNOW I’ve got cramps don’t you???!”

“Yes, I know, but what do you want me to do about it???”

“I don’t know, a massage would be nice….”

“I’M NOT A MASSAGE THERAPIST” fused out of Ali’s mouth….

And the fun went on…

PetroSport EN BREF       2nd Edition   
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the Sky PetroSport Open ...


Look at that brand new Tshirt the world champion is wearing. Nice, isn’t it? Well, this is the first ever that Ramy is buying.

“Can you believe it? All those years, I never paid for sport clothes, and now, I actually bought this shirt!!!!!”

Come on, people, surely there is somebody out there that would like his brand on those gorgeous shoulders????


Oh boy. You cannot ignore how my mate David Barry, SquashSite and PSA’s official photographer – in that order, sue me – is a real “rules must be applied” man. You may remember how worried he was not to find security belts in a bus in Kuwait last year, and I thought at the time, I hope he never comes to Cairo.

Well here he is….

“They don’t have speed limits here, don they”…. And you should have seen him as our driver dared going to a blasting 60 miles an hour in a zone that was clearly mark at 40. “Those figures in a round circle don’t mean anything here, do they!!!!” we heard a deep voice say at the back of the car…

But his best line so far will stay in my mind for a while. Here I am about to sit at my desk, and under my rear end, I feel something rather surprising. I look, and see that I had actually put my camera on my seat.

"Well, that's something that's not about to work again!" he drops.

Charming, really, si si, j'insiste, charming....

Great Hat, David...


Never easy to do it, ain’t it.

 The players prefers to be refereed by their colleagues, of course, trouble is, they don’t like doing it for most of them!

But in this particular event, there are, like I told you, only two official refs, Nasser and Mike. So, all the players from the main draw have been asked to participate.

It’s never easy to do so in a major tournament, but we do not have any other choices under the circumstances….

So, thanks to all the players who have been helping their mates to play in good conditions…

PetroSport EN BREF       1st Edition   
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the Sky PetroSport Open ...


I just love Cairo. I know I’m not the only one, as 20 million people live in it. There is something here, in the atmosphere, the energy, the warmth, the originality that emanates from those streets is palpable. And the light here, even I can make acceptable photos here, that tells you how great the light is!!!!

Again, we were welcomed at the airport, escorted through the customs, and whizzed through in minutes what normally can take up to an hour. A lovely car was waiting for us, at the Meridien Heliopolis Hotel, again, we didn’t have to wait, our rooms were ready on arrival…

It may seem trivial to you, you may think yeah, so what? Well, people, it just makes a huge difference when you come and work, when you spend your life travelling hours and hours, being treated like a Useful Human Being and not a Second Class Citizen allows you to get to work quicker, and to produce a better performance, whether player, media, or referee.

And what a pleasure to meet the people I came to work with and appreciate last year…. In the press/tournament office, Adorable Ahmed, IT Wizard Onsy, Hard Working Amgad (assistant to Robert) who do not know what to do to make my life easier, from finding a higher chair for my table to get me drinks during the day despite Ramadan, not forgetting a stunning connection that hasn’t gone down once since we arrived. People who know the region will appreciate that detail…

At the hotel, are based Hassan Kheir, PR, who again helps her to make our stay more pleasant, and Tarek Mouneer.

Example, by allocating us a car, we can travel at the good time, in good conditions (the venue is about 30m to 1h30 away, depending on the time of day), and arrive quickly to our destination. Tarek Mouneer makes sure that we always have a car available, even between 5.30pm and 7.30pm, when people are breaking fast.

Another example. Because of Ramadan, most of the people are living during the night, hence, logically making a lot of noise in the corridors. So Hassan made sure that I was changed to a room that was a bit remote, and quieter. Attention to details. Sleeping better, means working better, means, serving the tournament better.

Simple, but soooo efficient.

It was good to see Anthony Hill looking good, although it was the first time for a month he was up so early – around 9am – as he was fasting. He is working in this huge complex that is Sky, and was here to make sure that everything was up to scratch with the courts and all.

It was a bit of a rush as ever, the courts were nearly ready as we started play, and we were really happy to have the second glass backwall with seating reinstated around 3pm, allowing us to finish the day quicker and in excellent condition, with a new flooring with court 3 that is, according to the players who tried it, excellent.

For our readers who are wondering about Hilly’s son, he is now completely out of danger, and he is now standing up and going stronger by the day. He may require an operation when he is 4 – he is now 2 and a half – but that surgery will be without consequence else than allowing to grow up with no memory of what happened when he was a baby.

That is excellent news indeed…


One of the things I remember from last year was constantly changing from Air con office/press room to an open corridor/glass backwall courts, then to two air con glassback courts.

Well this year, no problem anymore.

The corridor has been “glassed out” and all the courts are now fresh and good to use.

That makes a big difference…


The Workers....

The Results on the Wall


Hady Samir Fahmy
, Chairman of the Championship Higher Committee, along with the new Egyptian Federation President, were kind enough to invite us on the last night of the qualifications to a nice party under the stars.

Actually, it was organised where the glasscourt was erected last year - the court has now moved to have a full view of Cairo in the background...

The technical staff I told you earlier had organised for us a little "wall presentation" that allowed us to do the draw live, and to see immediately who was playing who, which was really an excellent idea.

One little detail that I particularly appreciated was the great effort put into imaginative non non alcoholic drinks! I know we are in a muslim country, but still, they went to a lot of trouble to offer us different real fruit juices, mixes of all sorts, milk shakes, etc.

And for a Ttotal like me, that was a pleasant surprise...

2008 Edition

En Bref09

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