Hennings escapes by a
the closest anyone's come to being killed while watching squash
that I've seen," Dan Kneipp told the crowd at the end of a
really entertaining match between Ramy Ashour and
Cayman's own Myron Blair.
It was towards the end of the third game when Ramy attempted a
backwall boast, got is spectacularly wrong and sent the ball at
great speed towards the crowd. Down it came off the roof, and
straight into the lap of club stalwart Mark Hennings, who
was blissfully unaware of the oncoming missile as he was busy
texting at the time.
apologies from Ramy, gasps and laughter from the crowd. Ramy
claimed it was deliberate because he'd seen Mark texting and
wanted him to pay attention, and that if he'd really meant it he
wouldn't have missed!
Mark was unconcerned, settled everyone down with a "Cool, man,"
and continued with his texting ...
It was a great match though, Ramy showing off all his tricks and
Myron playing "the best I've ever seen him play" from one
seasoned observer, and joining in the fun with trick shots of
his own - not always successfully, a Myron corkscrew fell too
short and was slammed into the nick by Ramy.
In the final few points Myron decided he needed a new racket,
borrowed Ramy's and promptly floated the Egyptian's serve into
the opposite front corner nick ... touché !!!
"The best exhibition match I've seen," declared Steve Line of
SquashPics. Of course it wasn't meant to be an exhibition, but
as Myron said afterwards, "no-one gave us the script ..." |

It's the Dreads, Man ...
You spend years cultivating your hairstyle, everyone at home
thinks you're the coolest dude around, and then you come to the
Caribbean to discover that your dreadlocks pale into
insignificance compared to the locals ...
That's the fate that befell Alister Walker when he met Gavin
Cumberbatch. Ali took it all with good grace, but I bet he
secretly wishes that Gavin was in his half of the draw ...