• ISS Canary Wharf Squash Classic • 21st to 25th March 2011 • London •  




Selby stars on the big screen
at Canary Wharf

Alan Thatcher reports

Daryl Selby was a star on the big screen yesterday as he took on passers-by at Canary Wharf in the new Wii squash game.

The new British National champion took on dozens of opponents as crowds stopped during their lunch-break to watch the action in the Jubilee Mall shopping centre, which is sited below the East Wintergarden, venue for next week's ISS Canary Wharf Classic.

There were plenty of keen gamers who came forward to try their hand and Daryl didn't have things all his own way on the 65-inch plasma screen.

His first defeat came against Khawaja Jan (pictured).

Daryl also chopped up his younger brother Elliott and promoters Tim Garner.

I managed just two points in my first go but was pleased to score seven on my second attempt!

Today, Canary Wharf shoppers will be able to take on former world champion Peter Nicol and tomorrow it's the turn of world No.7 Peter Barker to join the fun.

Peter Barker at Canary Wharf

Peter Barker took his turn on the plasma screen today as Canary Wharf shoppers get a taste of the action that's coming to the East Wintergarden next week.

The world No.7 from London also met up with women's squash legend Lisa Opie, who is now working as an osteopath at the nearby Reebok Club at Canary Wharf.

Sadly, a recent cut finger meant Lisa wasn't quite up to her old devastating form.

During a busy lunchtime session, Peter also had a game with the Mayor of Brent, who took time out from a luncheon engagement at the East Wintergarden to tour the Jubilee Mall shopping area.

Several Wii enthusiasts took up the challenge, with only one managing to get the better of next week's No.4 seed. It was a very happy Stefano Diamantini who collected his prize of two tickets to Tuesday's first round and a super new Prince racket, presented by Tim Garner.

Peter Barker with the
Mayor of Brent
