
• British Open Masters 2011  • 08-12 June • Nottingham •  






EXTRAS ... all the other stuff ...

The Park Steps

Over the years Nottingham has been a training centre for many of the world's best, Simon Parke, Peter Marshall and Gawain Briars included, and one of the features they all love - or hate - are the Park Steps, just a few hundred yards from the club, linking the Park Estate where the club is situated and the big bad outside world of Nottingham itself.

They present quite a test, with long, loping strides needed for the bottom section where timing - if you're trying to take them fast - is crucial, while at the top the traditional shorter, steeper steps are more a test of power and lung capacity

It would be interesting to ask how many times they thing they've been up and down those 104 steps, and in how many different ways they did it ... stay tuned ...


Welcome to Porto

After missing a year in 2010 England Squash has committed to holding the British Open Masters annually, either as a standalone event or alongside the British Open itself, which can only be good news.

There hasn't been a big overseas entry this time, partly because of the relatively late notice, but there's a party from Portugal who are certainly enjoying themselves.

Sadly all the men are out of the main events,  with Teresa Quelhas making her debut in the Women's O35 on Saturday lunchtime.

One of the party, Bruno Dias, is organising the European Masters in Porto in early September, so any Masters looking for a late Summer holiday in Portugal with some squash thrown in should get their entries in now! 
Entry Form
Boxing Clever

The front-of-court action shots this week come courtesy of a camera box made by Tynemouth member Tim Shield (we tested it out at the recent club championships), my old Nikon D40 (I'm not risking the new D7000 in there!) and a £20 infra-red remote control.

Naturally I always ask the players if they're happy to have the box on court, and the vast majority are quite ok with it - let's face it we've all played with handbags, squashbags and all sorts of other paraphernalia under the tin!

It's not the highest tech solution ever, but we think the results are acceptable, and the results - and the box itself - have certainly generated a bit of interest and a few funny comments ...
  • "OK if I get some shots from the front?" ...
    "Can you wait until we've finished?"
  • Taking the box onto court after the warmup ...
    "Can you stay on and help me with his dropshots please?"
  • Referee to the O60 top seed:  "Mr Boswell, could you sort out your hair for the camera please ..."
  • OK if I take some shots ... ? 
    "Only if you have an indestructible lens!"
  • "Where's the best place to be for the best shots?"
  • "What happens if I hit it?" ... you owe me £5,000 ...
  • "I though you were offering us a packed lunch"
  • "No, I'm too ugly ..."

More to come, for sure ...


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