• Alexandria International Squash Open • 04-10 June 2015 • Egypt •  

TODAY in Alex - Wed 10th, Day EIGHT

The Final:

[2] Raneem El Welily 3-0 [7] Omneya Abdel Kawy
               11/6, 11/5, 11/9 (35m)

Raneem is the Champion

Alexandria's own Raneem El Welily provided a home winner of the inaugural Alexandria International as she beat compatriot Omneya Abdel Kawy in straight games in front of a packed crowd at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.


If the final was slightly late, after an exhibition between Local Hero Mohamed Elshorbagy and Greg Gaultier, then a great original concert with percussions, synthesiser and violin, the crowd didn’t go anywhere until it started!

It was always going to be a short affair, wasn’t it…. Both girls love their attacking squash! Once again, I am proven tonight how I know so little about squash. I did believe that Raneem was going to be nervous at the start, thinking what Omneya just been through recently, and how she would hate to break her heart again and she is her best friend, and and and…

But today, Raneem put all those mental demons in the cupboard where they belong. And those two girls were just superb professional on court, around 6 decisions, with one absolutely knackered both physically and mentally – Omneya – having had not only long five setters, but also extremely emotional wins, Alison Waters and her Nemesis Nicol David, who she hadn't beaten since 2002!!!

Basically, Raneem was the boss on court tonight. Omneya did her best, but really, there was only going to be one winner…

A typical Raneem game that opener was, from 1/2 down, she scores her usual 7 points in a row within seconds, helped by a pretty tin-prone Omneya (5 UE in that game only), to reach 7/3. Omneya will stay in touch, but Raneem is on the war path, just in control of the court, 8/5, 11/6.

The second will be much closer, 2/2, 4/4, 5/5, but it’s obvious that Omneya is struggling physically, she loses that one again pretty quickly, 11/5.

But as she knows how, she just gives it a big push in the 3rd, a sort of “if not now, when?” And that game is really good, the pace is fast, the rallies are long, Omneya playing her clever squash, and Raneem moving very well, and finding some excellent length and counter-attacks. A very close affair it is, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 6/6, 7/7, 8/8, but Raneem is just too accurate and intense tonight.

She scores the big points, 10/8 match ball, with Omneya saving one with a deep straight drive that Raneem can only touch, and finally takes the match, 11/9.

And the Show started, with violin, fireworks – I mean, fire works as in FIRE, kids shouting, loud music and colourful closing ceremony.

Another normal final day in Egypt Squash Events…

 Mohamed Elshorbagy 2-1 Gregory Gaultier 
         11/9, 9/11, 11/7

PREVIEW: All Egypt in Alexandria

It's all Egypt tonight as Alexandria's Raneem El Welily and Cairo's Omneya Abdel Kawy bid to become the first Alexandria International Champion.

In nine years' competition on the WSA tour they've met fourteen times, Omneya winning the first seven, Raneem the next seven!

All we know is that it's going to be a great celebration of Egyptian squash, in Egypt ...

the pre-final show

Verryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy happyyyyyyyyy with this win. Very grateful.

Couldn't have done it without my people, those around me this week, my husband, my family, the whole family my coaches Ahmed Faragallah and Bassem Makram who came to be with me but most my coach who couldn't be here this week, Haitham Effat. This one goes out to you.

Well done Omneya, my sis...

 And thank you to my friends after family ... And the sponsors Wadi Degla especially Karim Darwish, AQP for the continuous support and last but not least Harrow sports Mark Hayden and the entire team

Shorbagy v Gaultier

Happy Family

