All you didn't know you needed to know about Alex
International |

We are now at the glasscourt, starting when the sun sets around
7.30, so we have more time to enjoy the loveliness of this city
and write about the event.
You read my first piece I hope about a bit of a bumpy arrival in
Alex. Since, things have been going as smoothly as can be
expected. Watching the first round matches at the Sporting Club
was a bit as a challenge, as a packed crowd closed the courts
out, and approaching the action has been virtually impossible,
and not only when Egyptian players were on.
like Cairo, is a very Squash Ultra knowledgeable City, as you
all know. And having such a competition here attracts a lot of
fans. The first day on the glass was as excepted slightly
chaotic, not easy to put up such an event in such a place in so
little time.
I have to say that I am particularly enjoying this event. First
of all, it’s in Egypt. Already, I’m loving it. Secondly, we had
the chance to enjoy a bit of the city, that doesn’t happen often!
As we arrived more than a day earlier, we were able to walk
about Alex the day before the qualifying started.
I say “walk”, that’s what we started to do! As we were walking
on the sea front, to the left coming from the hotel, I saw a
horse carriage (there are a few around), and mentioned that I
wanted to do such a ride since Mumbai PSA Masters, and that I
would really like to try it one day.
Careful what you wish for, as at it would happen – we are
slightly standing out, not many tourists in the streets – a
horse carriage man decided we were going for a ride.
several no thank you, the “driver”, 85 if he was a day, horse
perfectly groomed and well fed, persuaded us that it was a good
idea, and you know what? It was. OK, with my just-had-surgery
knees, the coming up and down was a bit scary, but I had sooooo
mmmmuuuuch funnnn!
He first took us to the Citadel area, plenty of little
street salesmen, candy floss in colourful plastic bags,
“marchands de mort subite” as my grandmum used to say, as in
those shops that sell everything you definitely don’t need and
still end up buying, and more.
We walked all the way to the citadel, back, and of course, our
driver was waiting for us, and off we went again.

does they both – horse and man – handle the traffic, only the
Angels know!!! I mean, if you’ve ever been in Egypt, India,
Abidjan or Marseilles, you know how BAD it is, and how hieratic/dangerous
it is. Imagine with a horse, a carriage and tourists at the
back!!!! Scary at times. But so much fun!
He took us along the Corniche – we passed the French
Consulate, the little cabin with the French flag is a clue –
then turned right into the heart of the city, into le
Quartier Grec, the Greek Quarter, apparently dating from
before the French, that means verrrrrry old.

A little stop at
the Opera House, what a lovely square in front of it, with a
French saying “La Justice est la base de tout Gouvernement”,
Justice is the Fundation of any Gouvernment.
If only.
A halt at one of
the Three Mosque, close to a little park, with a fair going on,
with very old but so nice merry-go-rounds, kids and family
enjoying it although very few people - middle of afternoon!

A last little stop
at the Roman Theatre, unfortunately closed gates at 4pm, so we
had to stay outside, and back to our hotel, described by him as
“the Old English Hotel”.

We worked for a
while, then we found a lovely café, Délices (means Delicious) on
the little square near buy. Sat outside, and enjoyed the scenery,
kids playing and having fun while the parents are relaxing and
chatting away, mad cars and other vehicles, just a normal
evening out really.
Those moments where you just… exhale…


day was an “easy day” at the club, only 8 matches, 2 at a times,
then back to the hotel to change, and make it to the 8pm shuttle
to the Citadel – yes, where we went with the Horse Carriage.
Only trouble, Cubs wanted to go at 7.30 with everybody, and I
begged him not to let me go on my own. So we were the only ones
waiting for the second (and last) shuttle, and Steve was getting
a bit nervous they would do the draw early.
Yes, I know, how many times has he be coming to Egypt, and still
he thinks they are going to be doing things early. Bless him.
still not arriving, but Kanzy and Salma El Dafrawy just
step in the hotel at 7.45, in squash gear, not having checked in
the hotel yet. Our departure at 8pm was looking less and less
lightly. Steve was not nervous anymore, steam was now starting
to blow out of his ears.
“Fram, I promise you, we’ll be ready for 8” promises
Kanzy in French. Steve is pacing in the lobby 'I'm sure we
won't have a shuttle at 8', I’m texting Omar El Sherbini,
tournament organiser “Please, Omar, whatever you do, DO NOT
START WITHOUT US, Steve would kill me”.
Amazingly enough, the two adorable girls stepped out of the
“trompe-la-mort” lift at 7.59. I was impressed, especially as
they still didn’t have their room key yet! Even if I knew how
they managed that, I could tell you, but then I would have to
silence you forever…

So now I had a steaming by the ears Cubs, two stunning young
Egyptians ready to roll, but no shuttle. A phone call to
Sherbini ‘Ok, the driver is not responding, I’m sending somebody
else”. “The Heck you are, no time, Steve is about to implode, we
are taking a taxi”.
And as we stepped out of the hotel, looking for a black and
yellow Alex Cab, the Shuttle was flashing us, right on cue. That
my friends, is Egypt.

was not too bad while we found ourselves in the right direction,
arrived about 1h30 before the Draw was made...
I must say the Opening Ceremony was SUPERB! What a setting, what
a place! Perfect temperature, large well organised tables,
beautiful ladies EVERYWHERE, a few handsome men was well...
Well, yes, women were lovely, but I also HAPPEN to notice the
men... Sue me.
the Gouvernor of Alexandria Hany Y El Meesiry, Amr Mansi,
Omar El Sherbini, Hassan El Keiy for organising such an
SUPERB evening, very much appreciated, food excellent, high
quality/quantity, a few speeches – not too many, not too long,
friends all around, thanks to the French Clan for having me, and
truly one of the best evenings I had – all the players I spoke
to were as enthusiastic as I was.
Truly magnificent, merci for having us, merci for treating that
Welcome to Alexandria. |
