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Paraguay Open 2014
02-07 Jun, Asuncion, $10k

07-Jun, Final:

[2] Shawn Delierre (Can) 3-1  [2] Andrew Wagih (Egy)
          12/10, 6/11, 11/5, 11/9 (90m)

Delierre plunders Paraguay prize

A great battle for the entertainment of the crowd to cend the 2014 edition of the Paraguay Open.

A bit of a tense start from Shawn Delierre, Andrew Wagih dictating the pace up to 10-8, but Shawn saved both game balls to then take it on the tie break after 25 mins.

In the second from 4-1 up Deliere lost concentration and tried to refocus playing long rallies, but the lack of aggressiveness gave the control to Wagih who patiently reeled off the rallies to close it at 11-6.

The last two games had a similar pattern, long rallies, many lets, and really well fought squash. It was definitely mental and again as in the semis, the experience from the older paved his way to the title.

“Another hard fought mental battle tonight," said Delierre.

"A well rested Andrew came out and was firing his talent. All I could do was relay on good basic squash, something I’m not familiar with! I know when he starts playing this way, I want to join him.

"So I just kept the ball in play just long enough for an error to happen. I won 3-1 tonight, but 3 out of the 4 games were won in hell….is that possible?

"I am very grateful to win and feel at my best again! Thank you to Esteban for a great tournament!”

Wagih wasn't too downhearted:

"I'm very happy that I played the final after having hard matches all week, it was a great final and it took almost two hours for four games, so I wasn't easy to beat today.

"Shawn is a very good player, he was top 40. It was a very mental battle, tough also physically.

"I would like to thank the sponsors and the crowd, it kept increasing every day so to play in the final after losing in second round in Resistencia, specially in front of this people make me very happy."

For the 5th time we chose the “Guampas” as trophies.

They are made of horns with silver blings. They are used to drink the traditional infusión, called TERERE when cold or MATE when hot.

It's about pouring the right amount of water and sip it thru a metal straw. Its part of the culture of the central part of South America.

It's something we share with friends and everyone drinks it. It’s about trust, about sharing, about friendship, and that’s how we feel about our event.


Paraguay Open 2014
02-07 Jun, Asuncion, $10k
Round One
04 Jun
05 Jun
06 Jun
07 Jun
[1] Andrew Wagih (Egy)
 11/5, 11/8, 11/5 (33m)
[Q] Josue Enriquez (Gua)
[1] Andrew Wagih
9/11, 11/3, 11/1, 11/4 - (65m)
[Q] Diego Elias
[1] Andrew Wagih

11/4, 11/7, 11/9 (46m)

[4] Lewis Walters

[1] Andrew Wagih


12/10, 6/11, 11/5, 11/9 (90m)


[2] Shawn Delierre

13th PSA title for Shawn

[8] Robert Downer (Eng)
11/9, 11/4, 11/7 (34)
[Q] Diego Elias (Per)
[7] Matthew Serediak (Can)
12/10, 11/2, 11/5 (36)
Jonas Daehler (Sui)
[7] Matthew Serediak
11/6, 2/11, 11/7, 11/4 – (57m)
[4] Lewis Walters
[4] Lewis Walters (Eng)
11/5, 11/1 rtd (22m)
Micah Franklin (Ber)
[wc] Nicolas Caballero (Par)
11/6, 11/5, 11/3 (29m)
[3] Gonzalo Miranda (Arg)
[3] Gonzalo Miranda
12/10, 13/11, 2/11, 9/11 (75m)
[Q] Robertino Pezzota
[Q] Robertino Pezzota

11/9, 11/5, 13/11 (77m)

[2] Shawn Delierre

[Q] Robertino Pezzota (Arg)
5/11, 11/5, 11/5, 11/9 (69m)
[6] Mike McCue (Can)
[Q] Leandro Romiglio (Arg)
11/2, 11/7, 11/9 (44)
[5] Alex Ingham (Eng)
[Q] Leandro Romiglio
 6/11, 11/1, 11/5, 11/7 (47m)
[2] Shawn Delierre
Hernan D'Arcangelo (Arg)
11/8, 11/5, 11/9 (56)
[2] Shawn Delierre (Can)
Qualifying finals:
Robertino Pezzota (Arg) bt Jorge Gutierrez (Arg)   12-10, 11-7, 8-11, 11-6 (79m)
Diego Elias (Per) bt Rodrigo Pezzota (Arg)                    11-4, 11-9, 15-13 (45m)
Leandro Romiglio (Arg) bt Juan Pablo Roude (Arg)          11-9, 11-8, 11-4 (34m)
Josue Enriquez (Gua) bt Jonathan Maloney (Eng)            11-9, 11-6, 11-2 (26m)

Qualifying Round One:
Robertino Pezzota (Arg) bt David Decoud (Par)              11-4, 11-4, 11-3 (24m)
Jorge Gutierrez (Arg) bt Josimar Silva (Bra)                     w/o
Rodrigo Pezzota (Arg) bt Diego Gobbi (Bra)                  11-8, 11-2, 11-4
Diego Elias (Per) bt Francesco Marcantonio (Par)            11-8, 11-2, 11-4 (27m)
Leandro Romiglio (Arg) bt Cristian Storm (Par)              11-5, 11-4, 11-7 (24m)
Juan Pablo Roude (Arg) bt Franco DiGiuseppe (Par)        11-6, 11-6, 11-8 (28m)
Josue Enriquez (Gua) bt Luke Butterworth (Eng)           12-10, 11-5, 11-1 (35m)
Jonathan Maloney (Eng) bt Gonzalo Gallardo (Arg)         11-6, 11-9, 11-6 (23m)
06-Jun, Semis:
Top seeds through to Asuncion final

Top seeds Andre Wagih and Shawn Delierre will contest the final of the Paraguay Open after straight-game wins in the semi-finals.

Wagih was in control for most of his match against Lewis Walters,  and despite a spirited comeback from the Englishman in the third, Wagih was too far ahead and closed it out pretty match in control.

“I’m enjoying the tournament here, thanks for the sponsors and organizers, specially Esteban," said Wagih.

"About the match, I'm enjoying game after game right now, I'm not thinking about rankings or points, just playing well and winning one match at a time.

"Looking forward for tomorrow's final because its been a while since my last final, so I know its going to be be tough against Shawn specially mentally and also physically.

"We are both hungry for a title after an injury so its going to be fun for the crowd!"

“It's so hard to find a rhythm against Andrew," admitted Walters. "I was doing my best to contain him but made to many errors. All credit to him his fast and erratic play made it very hard for me to find my game.”

Delierre ended the run of qualifier Robertino Pezzota in three tough games that took 77 minutes to complete. A very good match with two great movers around the T line, both trying to impose their different pace, Shawn a faster one, while Robertino enjoys the change of rhythm looking for an opening.

“Robertino is definitely not the guy you want to play in South America!" said a relieved winner. "He’s got a lot of heart and he brought it out tonight, for a 77mins 3-0 match.

"He was patient in the first, but I was able to pull it out. In the second I was able to pull ahead fast and take it swiftly, but the third was a back and forth see-saw battle.

"Eventually a few mistakes were the difference in the end. I want to thank Robertino for a great match.”

“I started pretty well with a lot of pace and my shots were pretty accurate but I couldn't close he game and then he increased the pace," said Pezzotta.

"He kept playing at a fast pace and it took me a while to handle that. I couldn't close the second game either. I played at my pace at the end and got in control but couldn't express that on the score.

"I'm happy with the event and the match, hopefully I can keep playing like this.”

05-Jun, Quarters:
Wagih gets his revenge in Asuncion quarters

Top seeds Andre Wagih took revenge from his defeat last week in Resistencia at the hands of young Peruvian Deigo Elias as the Egyptian advanced to the quarter-finals.

He'll meet fourth seed Lewis Walters after the Englishman beat Matt Serediak in four games.

“I’m happy to make the semi finals here in Paraguay," said Walters. "I lost to Matt the last time I played him and with the humidity the conditions are pretty tough on court here so i’m happy to get through in four games."

Second seed Shawn Deliere came back from a strong start from Argentinean qualifier Leandro Romiglio, showing his usual speed across the T, volley almost every shot across.

“I feel my opponent played real well today," admitted Delierre. "He definitely had his shots going where he needed to, playing four matches helped him get used to the court.

"I came out flying with too high a pace, I needed to slow down, to join the slow pace court. I settled in and was able to pull ahead. I would like to thank Esteban for the strings and the pre stretching technique!”

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