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European U19 Championships 2009
04-12 April, Germering, Germany         TEAM EVENT

Team England photos from Alan Perry,

other photos from the French team ...                      the French View

07-Apr, Individual Finals:

Girls 3rd/4th:  Kimberley Hay (Eng) bt Julianne Courtice (Eng)
                                   12/10, 12/14, 14/12, 11/4
Boys 3rd/4th: Raphael Kandra (Ger) bt Alex Ingham (Eng)
                                    11/6, 12/14, 7/11, 11/8, 11/7

Girls Final:     Sarah-Jane Perry (Eng) bt Millie Tomlinson (Eng)
                                    11/5, 5/11, 11/5, 11/7
Boys Final:    Anthony Graham (Eng) bt Lucas Serme (Fra)
                                     11/9, 12/10, 11/6

England do the Double
in Germany
England claimed the Boys and Girls European U19 individual titles when Anthony Graham and Sarah-Jane Perry won their respective finals in Germering.

Perry, the top seed in the girls' event, faced compatriot Millie Tomlinson, and apart from a spell in the second game when she made numerous unforced errors, dominated the majority of the match, clinching the title on her second match-ball in the fourth game.

Graham, the recently-crowned British Junior champion who took out the top seed in the quarter-finals, edged the first two games against Lucas Serme, but the Frenchman's two five-setters in reaching the final started to take their toll in the third game, five tins in a row giving Graham a healthy lead, and he too finished the match on his second match ball with a dropshot into the nick.
Playoff Results:

Full draws & Results 
5/6:    Henrik Mustonen - Rudolf Rohrmüller        6/11 11/7 2/11 11/6
7/8:    Chris Fuller - Sam van Brusselen              6/11 11/8 11/3 11/13 6/11
9/10:  Geoffrey Demont - Hywel Robinson           11/8 11/7 7/11 11/1
11/12: Antoine Camille Petrucci - Ben Coleman    10/12 10/12 7/11
13/14: Rick Penders - Roman Svec                      5/11 11/5 11/9 7/11 8/11
15/16: Johan Detter - Phillip Tran                       11/6 11/5 11/2
17/18: Cederic Lenz - Daniel Mekbib                 13/11 9/11 10/12 8/11
19/20: Hugo Varela - Patrick Miescher               3/11 4/11 2/11
21/22: Tom de Mulder - Ville Hiltunen                 15/13 14/12 9/11 15/8
23/24: Miroslav Celler - Phillip Riedl                   6/11 17/15 11/9 11/6
25/26: Zbynek Standera - Vincent Lecoq            11/2 7/11 12/10 14/16 10/12
27/28: Marco Graziotti - Gustav Runnersjö        10/12 4/11 6/11
29/30: Ondrej Uherka - David Haley                  7/11 13/11 7/11 4/11
31/32: Neil Martin - Alex Christenson                w/o
33/34: Sam Fenwick - Laurens Mostmans         6/11 5/11 11/9 8/11
35/36: Sam Cantle - Daniel Pascual                   11/5 7/11 6/11 11/3 11/8
37/38: Fausto Gomez - Michael Ernst                 9/11 11/5 11/7 7/11 11/2
39/40: Daniel Hutchines - Lars Duch                 6/11 11/4 11/9 11/6
40/41: Marc ter Sluis - Marcus Greslehner         5/11 8/11 14/16
42/43: Dario Bösch - Joey Roberts                    11/8 6/11 9/11 13/11 6/11
44/45: Truls Olterman - Sven Lemmermann      11/7 2/11 9/11 11/9 7/11

Full draws & Results
5/6:    Milou van der Heijden - Emilie Lamilango   5/11 7/11 12/14
7/8:    Melissa Alves - Tesni Evans                       11/8 11/5 10/12 11/9
9/10:  Natalie Pritchard - Andrea Malinova         11/8 11/6 11/6
11/12: Lisa Sedlmeier - Anna Klimundova          11/5 11/7 8/11 11/6
13/14: Bine Lind - Cigany Sillevis                       11/8 11/7 12/10
15/16: Chloe Mesic - Robyn Hodgson                 13/11 7/11 8/11 11/6 11/2
17/18: Anne Jongerden - Caroline Sayegh         11/6 11/9 11/5
19/20: Klara Janoskova - Franziska Hennes      5/11 8/11 11/6 7/11
21/22: Stefanie Rösner - Julia Lecoq                 11/7 6/11 11/8 2/11 13/15
23/24: Fabienne Oppliger - Anna Sophie Ornfeldt Jensen 11/5 11/9 11/2
25/26: Annika Wiese - Marika Doubravova       11/8 4/11 11/7 2/11 7/11
27/28: Nathalie Philipsen - Matilda Ravn-Holm   11/6 7/11 12/14 4/11
29/30: Sara Esperon - Tessa ter Sluis               13/15 4/11 7/11
31/32: Eira Mooney - Ana Arosa                        4/11 6/11 7/11
33/34: Sandra Polak - Gaetane Hitchins             11/7 11/7 11/6
35/36: Maria Thürauf - Jennie Lindström            11/2 11/6 11/5

06-Apr, Semis:
Serme stops English domination

An English girls' champion was already guaranteed, but it took France's Lucas Serme five games - his second five-setter in as many days - to prevent an all-English boys' final in the last match on day three in Germany.

Girls' top seed Sarah-Jane Perry justified her seeding with a 3-1 win over Julianne Courtice, while Millie Tomlinson overcame second-seeded compatriot Kimberley Hay in straight games to reach the final.

Anthony Graham ended home hopes as he beat Germany's Raphael Kandra in four games, before Serme denied the English a clean sweep with a five-game victory over Alex Ingham.

Pools Schedule

06-Apr, Semi-Finals:

[1] Sarah-Jane Perry (Eng) bt [9/16] Julianne Courtice (Eng)        11/3, 9/11, 11/3, 11/7
[5/8] Millie Tomlinson (Eng) bt [2] Kimberley Hay (Eng)               11/6, 11/3, 11/6

[5/8] Anthony Graham (Eng) bt [9/16] Raphael Kandra (Ger)       11/8, 11/9, 10/12, 11/6
[5/8] Lucas Serme (Fra) bt [3/4] Alex Ingham (Eng)                    11/9, 5/11, 7/11, 11/7, 11/7

Semi-Finals Day in Germany
Preview from Martin Wren

The girls individual event semi-finals will both be all England affairs, with number one seed Sarah-Jane Perry playing 9/12 seed Julianne Courtice in the top half of the draw, and Millie Tomlinson, the 5/6 seed, taking on number two seed Kimberley Hay in the bottom half.

In the quarter finals Sarah Jane beat French number 2 Melissa Alves 3-1, Julianne had a fantastic 3-1 victory over 3/4 seed Milou van der Heijden from the Netherlands – following on from her win over 5/8 seed Natalie Pritchard earlier in the day - Millie beat French number one Emilie Lamilango 3-0 and Kimberly beat Welsh number two Tesni Evans 3-0.

So an English girls champion is already guaranteed, and the indicators for next year, when the event will be held in Vienna, are already looking good with Julianne, Millie and Kimberly still eligible.

The boys semi finals will be fought out by 7/8 seed Anthony Graham, who yesterday beat top seed Henrik Mustonen from Finland 3-1, and German number two Raphael Kandra who yesterday surprised England number two Chris Fuller 3-1 to the delight of the home supporters. In the lower half of the draw England number two Alex Ingham, who yesterday beat German number one Rudi Rohrmuller 3-1, will play France’s Lucas Serme (brother of three-time girls champion Camille) who yesterday beat Belgian number one San van Brusselen, the second seed, in a marathon 5 setter.

The finals take place tomorrow, Tuesday, and then all the players take a well earned rest day before embarking on four arduous days of the team championships on Thursday.

The seeding for this event will be carried out later today but it is fair to say that the outcome is far from clear with England, Germany and France all having hopes of ultimate victory – and of course other teams may have different ideas!

Euro Juniors head for Germany

The European U19 Championships are in Germany this year, with the individual event running from 04-07 April and the team event from 09-12 April.

will start as favourites to retain the team title they won in Stavanger last year, and Sarah-Jane Perry - the only player from last year's semi-final stages still eligible - is favourite to take the girls' individual title.

The boys' event looks wide open with Finland's Henrik Mustonen, a quarter-finalist last time out, seeded one.

Contributions from players and team managers/coaches are welcomed ...  euro19@squashsite.co.uk

Team Pools

The French View

coverage from SiteSquash

Six out of Eight
Ain’t Bad

With six English players claiming places in the semi-finals it was a fantastic day for the English squad in Germany, and team coach David Campion is naturally delighted.

”I can’t remember the last time anyone had all four semi-finalists like we have in the girls event, certainly not in the ten years I’ve been involved, so it’s a great achievement for the girls. Julianne had two big wins yesterday, Millie upset the seedings too, and with three of the girls still eligible for next year’s event it’s looking quite good at the moment!

”Anthony Graham played really well to beat the top seed yesterday, after winning the British Junior title last month he’s brimming with confidence. It was a pity to see Chris Fuller lose, even if it was great for the home crowd, but Alex Ingham played well to beat the German number two, so let’s see if we can get an all-English boys final too.

”All the players are enjoying it over here, we’ve got a really good team spirit going, which augurs well for the team event, and for the World Junior Championships coming up later in the year."

Girls Draw & Results

Full draws incl. playoffs

Boys Draw & Results

Full draws incl. playoffs

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