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Charing Cross 2014
01-05 Dec, London UK, $5k
05-Dec, Earles wins final:

James Earles
3-2 Chris Fuller 11-7, 9-11, 10-12, 11-8, 11-6 (79m)

So after a great week of squash at charing cross sports club it all came down to the finals night!

A capacity crowd had gathered to watch the LOC WSA and PSA finals between Alicia mead and Alison Thomson in the women's and James earles and chris fuller in the men's.

First up was the women and Alison always managed to keep herself a couple of points ahead each games with good length and great court coverage especially hurting Alicia in the back right where she struggled to get it out. Alison closing out a 3-0 win and the title 11-8 11-7 11-8 in 29 minutes. Alicia will be pleased making the final in her first event after an year out through injury.

Final match of the event is the PSA final and the crowd were looking forward to contrasting styles of chris fuller excellent line and length , discipline and court coverage against earles racket control and shot making. The crowd were not disappointed .

Points were shared at the start but earles hit a couple of cross court nicks off return of serves which showed he could win quick points when he needed to. Chris, the absolute gentlemen was always first to acknowledge the good shots and the whole match was played in great spirit as have all matches this week.

Earles takes the first games 11-8 but chris just sneaks the second and third limiting the attacking options for earles and with some great counter drops of his own but earles takes the 4th to take us into a 5th which is what the crowd were hoping for.

By this point fuller was start to feel the effect of the week and of having to pick up so many short balls from earles. The court was quite cold and the ball by now fairly soft. Earles always had the edge in the 5th and claimed his 2nd title in the space of a month.

A fitting end to a great week with plans already staring to make the event bigger and better next year.

Really pleased to win my 2nd PSA title and especially with it being my second final as well. My game over the last 3 days got better each day so I was pleased to of played well today and get the win.

Happy that all my hard work over the last few years is finally paying off and that I am showing to my sponsors and coaches that the hard work and confidence in me is finally paying off, over the moon to be finally giving them something back.

Hoping that this win will give me the confidence I need to take in to Bratislava next week and do the same again.

Charing Cross 2014
01-05 Dec, London UK, $5k
Round Two Quarters Semis Final
Charles Sharpes 
11-3 11-5 11-7 ( 29mins)
robert dadds
Charles Sharpes

9-11 11-13 11-7 11-7 11-7

George Parker
George Parker


Chris Fuller

Chris Fuller


11-7, 9-11, 10-12, 11-8, 11-6 (79m)


James Earles

George Parker
11-3 7-2 retired(14mins)
 chris hall
Baptiste masotti
11-6 7-11 11-7 12-14 11-9(60mins)
jones Dahler
Baptiste masotti

 11-6 8-11 11-5 11-9

Chris fuller
Chris fuller
11-3 11-7 11-(37mins)
steve London
Joe green
 6-11 11-9 11-5 11-6(49mins)
 brad masters
Joe green
11-9 11-8 11-9
Mark fuller
Mark Fuller


James Earles

Mark fuller
 11-5 13-11 11-6(39mins)
Patrick Rooney
James earles
11-7 8-11 13-11 5-11 1-11(58mins)
ondrej uherka
James earles
11/9 3/11 12/10 11/5
Ben ford
Ben ford
 11-8 11-9 11-9. (39mins)
Micah franklin
Round ONE results:

Charles Sharpes bt Jamie Henderson      11-5 11-9 11-3
Robert dadds bt Claudio pinto       11-13 11-7 11-7 11-9
Chris hall bt Jon geekie                          11-3 11-3 11-1
George Parker by Kevin Moran               11-6 11-9 11-7
Jonas dahler bt Daniel poleschuck           11-5 11-8 11-7
Masotti beat haseeb gul                         11-2 11-7 11-7
Chris fuller bt dani pascual             5-11 11-6 11-3 11-7
Joe green bt Ben Fischer              12-10 11-5 1-11 11-8
Brad masters bt tom demulder              11-5 11-8 11-9
Patrick Rooney                             8-11 11-8 11-9 11-8
Mark fuller bt Jacob dirnberger              11-7 11-9 11-3
James earles bt josh masters         11-6 6-11 11-7 11-3
Ondrej uherka bt Jakko valhamma 11-6 10-12 11-8 11-6
Micah franklin bt Anthony brindle       12-10 12-10 15-13
Ben ford bt joeri harpers                        11-8 11-9 11-9

Qualifying Finals:
Ondrej uherka bt August dussord               11-5 13-11 13-11
Dani pascual bt sam Ellis                              11-6 11-3 11-9
Brad masters bt Diego gobbi                         11-7 11-5 11-3
Chris hall bt dave Haley               8-11 13-11 8-11 11-2 11-4
Robert dadds bt joeri harpers        9-11 11-4 11-7 7-11 13-11
Ben ford bt miles Jenkins                             11-5 11-8 17-15
Baptiste masotti bt James bamber 10-12 11-5 5-11 11-3 11-8
Phil nightingale bt aitor zunzungui           11-6 7-11 11-8 11-7
04-Dec, Semis in Charing Cross

The semi finals tonight here at charing cross sports club provided the spectators with some top class squash from both the men and women.

First of the ladies semis was top seed , Alison Thomson v Chloe Marshall . Chloe started the better with Alison making so me unforced errors. 2nd game was pretty close again. Alison struggling to find her rhythm. She eventually won that game and managed to close out the match 3-1 but may need to play better tomorrow.

2nd semi final saw the comeback continue for Alicia mead. Same as Alicia's previous match with her starting well and taking a 2-0 lead only to lose the 3rd . She regained her composure to close out the match 3-1 against Swiss girl nadia pfister.

Onto the men and what a 1st semi final we had. George Parker was brimming with confidence after beating no.1 seed Charles Sharpes this afternoon. Chris fuller had other ideas having beating George previously . First game was all chris. Playing tight straight squash and using his counter drop to good effect. 2nd game and George increased the pace and it paid dividends and he levels at 1-1. 3rd was tight but chris just had the edge. The 4th was the most entertaining game. Chris got himself to match ball at 10-9 but George squeezed it to level.

At 10-10 chris has George all over the place but George gets 2 outrages gets to stay in it. That was Chris's chance gone and George takes the game 12-10. In the 5th early on George starts going short a lot more and is either finding the tin or being countered. Chris keeps a lead all the way through and closes out the match 11-5. The crowd give both players a great ovation for a great game played in good spirit. Chris played a great game and George's 2 five setters caught up with him.

Last match of the day and James earles starts slowly going 5-1 down and Mark Fuller is fist pumping already! James wins a few quick points and the momentum changes. Now he is full of confidence and closes out the game 11-8. 2nd is nip and tuck all the way. At 13-12 mark wants a let after contact on the way through but is given a no let after hitting the tin. 2-0 to James.

The 3rd and James if flowing now. Using his drops from the back on the forehand to good effect and takes the game and the match 3-0.

So the finals tomorrow looks like being a great night with a full house expected.

Wsa final kicks off at 6.30 and the PSA final follows at 7.30.

03-Dec, Down to the quarters in Charing Cross

Today saw the 1st round and last 16 of the main draw and there were some amazing matches!

Stand out matches from the 1st round were, Robert dadds continuing his good form taking out Claudio pinto of Portugal 3-1. Brad masters, chris hall, George Parker, baptiste masotti all beat higher ranked opponents. Ondrej uherka from Czech replublic who came through pre quals won again! This time with a 3-1 over vahamma from Finland . Wildcard Patrick Rooney took out nick Mulvey 3-1 and joe green had a big win , upsetting no.4 seed from Switzerland 3-1

Tonight's last 16 matches were mainly straight forward. The closest matches were between masotti the Frenchman beating Swiss Dahler in an entertaining 5 setter. James earles finally got the better of uherka coming from 2-1 down to secure his place in the 1/4 finals where he will meet club pro Ben ford who came through both matches today 3-0.
02-Dec, Qualifying complete in Charing Cross

This evening saw the qualifying finals and there some extremely tight matches!

Czech player, ondrej uherka who came through pre quals continued his run by beating Frenchman August dussord in 3 tight games. Spaniard dani pascual was a comfortable winner against sam Ellis. Brad masters powered his way past Brazilian Diego gobbi 3-0. Chris hall was looking like going 2-0 down at 5-10 in 2nd but somehow came back and eventually came through in 5 against Welshman dave Haley. Robert dadds came through a brutal match with Belgian joeri harpers 13-11 in the 5th. Though harpers was rewarded for his effort with the lucky loser spot!

Club pro Ben ford came through the only all English match 3-0 v miles Jenkins to keep home hopes alive. Frenchman baptiste masotti won an entertaining match against jim barber 3-2. The final match of the night was won by Phil nightingale 3-1 against spaniard aitor zunzungui.

Tomorrow, the main draw kicks off with matches starting at 10am. 2nd round matches start at 5pm.

01-Dec, Under way in Charing Cross

Today there are a few pre qualifying matches to decide the final local spots in qualifying matches with PSA players up against charing cross players.

Top seeds in the main draw are Englishman Charles sharpes (runner up in London open) and Ben coleman (winner of 4 PSA titles this year).
Looking to upset the seedlings will be George Parker and the fuller brothers, Mark and Chris.

Local interest comes from head pro and event organiser, Ben ford. Plus charing cross team members neal Brooker and Abid khan.

There will be an great international flavour to the event with players from 19 countries and 4 continents. Also there is a women's Wsa challenger on Thursday and Friday .

Viewing is free for Monday and Tuesday. Also daytime sessions are free. For Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evening session tickets are £5.

Thanks to main sponsor LOC, official string double ar, official racket eye rackets and associate sponsors pongathon and www.londonsquashcoach.com


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