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Florida Open 2014
02-07 Dec, Boca Raton, Usa, $10k
Galvez takes the title in Boca Raton

Eric Galvez, the #5 seed, claimed the Betty Griffin Memorial Florida Open by beating #1 seed Campbell Grayson in four games in the final.

This was the last event on the Life Time Grand Prix Tour for the season and Galvez had the most energy left in the tank. Grayson still feeling the effect of his two hour marathon semifinal against Shawn Delierre from yesterday, was not as sharp as Galvez who had a shorter match in his semifinal.

Florida is a good spot for Mexican players, as we have had three Mexican winners in the last six years.

Next Lifetime Tour event is the Atlanta Open from 03-08 February 2015
Florida Open 2014
02-07 Dec, Boca Raton, Usa, $10k
Round One
04 Dec 
05 Dec
06 Dec
07 Dec
[1] Campbell Grayson (Nzl)
11/4, 11/5, 13/11
Mike McCue (Can)
[1] Campbell Grayson
11/0, 11/7, 11/9
Angus Gillams
[1] Campbell Grayson

11/5, 6/11, 12/10, 6/11, 12/10 (120m)

[4] Shawn Delierre

[1] Campbell Grayson


11/9, 11/9, 3/11, 11/8 (65m)


[5] Eric Galvez

[6] Arturo Salazar (Mex)
6/11, 11/5, 11/7, 4/11, 11/5
[wc] Angus Gillams (Eng)
[8] Joe Chapman (Bvi)
5/11, 11/3, 11/2, 11/3
[Q] Reuben Phillips (Eng)
[Q] Reuben Phillips
11/7, 11/5, 11/8
[4] Shawn Delierre
[4] Shawn Delierre (Can)
11/2, 11/8, 11/7
[Q] Graeme Schnell (Can)
[Q] Chris Binnie (Jam)
11/9, 11/7, 7/11, 11/7
[Q] Ali Anwar Reda (Egy)
[Q] Chris Binnie
11/6, 11/9, 12/10
Shahjahan Khan
[Q] Chris Binnie

11/5, 11/6, 6/11, 11/5

[5] Eric Galvez

Shahjahan Khan (Pak)
11/7, 11/5, 12/10
[7] Reiko Peter (Sui)
Sunil Seth (Guy)
9/11, 11/6, 11/3, 11/4
[5] Eric Galvez (Mex)
[5] Eric Galvez
11/8, 14/12, 11/8
[2] Alfredo Avila
[Q] Rodrigo Pezzota (Arg)
8/11, 11/4, 11/5, 11/4
[2] Alfredo Avila (Mex)
03-Dec, Qualifying Finals:

Chris Binnie (Jam) 3-0 Manoel Pereira (Bra)                          11/5, 11/6, 13/11
Gaeme Schnell (Can) 3-2 Vikram Malhotra (Ind)    11/6, 7/11, 8/11, 11/9, 11/7
Rodrigo Pezzota (Arg) 3-1 Faraz Khan (Usa)                 3/11, 11/3, 13/11, 11/5
Reuben Phillips (Eng) 3-0 Sean Conroy (Irl)                            11/6, 11/4, 11/7

02 Dec, Qualifying Round One:

Manoel Pereira (Bra)          bye
Chris Binnie (Jam) 3-0 Heraclio Salaiz (Mex)                   11/5, 11/3, 11/3
Vikram Malhotra (Ind) 3-0  Josue Enriquez (Gua)             11/7, 11/2, 11/6
Gaeme Schnell (Can) 3-0 Mubarak Mohsin (Pak)              11/5, 11/2, 11/1
Rodrigo Pezzota (Arg) 3-0 Albert Shoihet (Can)               11/9, 11/3, 11/4
Faraz Khan (Usa) 3-0 Tristan Eysele (Rsa)                     13/11, 11/7, 11/3
Sean Conroy (Irl) 3-1 Cameron Stafford (Cay)    12/10, 11/5, 11/13, 11/5
Reuben Phillips (Eng)         bye
Jamaican Binnie strikes like Bolt
three seeds fall in round one in Florida ...

Chris Binnie had one of his best wins yesterday beating #3 see Ali Anwar Reda 3-1 in a long gruelling match.

Another upset was WC Angus Gilliams beating Arturo Salasar in five games setting up a quarter final with #1 seed Campbell Grayson.

Qualifer Reuben Phillips started off slow and then disatched Joe Champman in four games to set up a quarter final game with Shawn Delierre.

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