En Brefs

• Men's World Junior Squash Championships • 13-17 July 2011 • Belgium •  





There a several reasons for me to
have trouble starting on this one.

First, because I haven't been working, living or writing English for a few weeks. Do I miss it? Am I unhappy to have been covering events in Corsica, or resting in my little house in the South East of France...???

Also, a junior tournament is completely d
ifferent from a "normal one". I don't know many of the players, not to say any, I'm very ashamed to say.... So, a bit of panic, "whattheheckamIgoingtowriteabout" kind of feel.

But mostly, because French Squash just lost one of its most fiesty and crucial soldiers, Michèle Lecomte, who finally lost the only battle she ever fought.

Against Cancer.

Involved in all level of French Squash, Michèle was not the easiest person to get on with - it takes one to recognise one - but passionate, determined, a true leader, she was, not to mention that she welcomed the whole of the French players/officials into her home at some point or another. Always taking care of 10, 15 juniors... And that was on a calm week...

Madame Squash, as I call her, was essential in the running of French Squash, and her Vice-President of the French Federation was anything but honorific. The work she was doing was just tremendous, day in, day out.

On top of her normal work as a PE Teacher, of course. Squash was her "hobby", she was a volunteer....

A pillar of strength, Michèle is leaving a huge, gigantic whole, and I'm not sure who will be ever able to fill it.

Our thoughts of course now should go to Alexandre, her son, and Fred, who most of you know as the French Junior Coach.

En Brefs

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