Thu 10th, Day
Day two of the Bermuda Legends as
the eight stars continued their quest for a place in the Grand
Final ...
Thierry Lincou bt Lee Beachill 12-10, 11-8
In the first match of the night, two very experienced players
took to the courts in a well-contested match. Both were hitting
the ball crisply and with great pace. Each game went back and
forth, but it always seemed as if Thierry had the edge and
necessary fitness (on these hot courts!) to push through and win
in a close two games.
Jonathan Power btNick Kyme 11-2, 11-2
Bermuda’s Nick Kyme was back in action, and his competition did
not get any easier, as he faced off against one of the best
players to ever play this game – Jonathan Power. Luckily for
Nick, who has been training hard for the upcoming Commonwealth
Games in Glasgow this summer – he looked to be in better shape
than his opponent.
But it was Power who got off with a quick lead, finding his
length early on and also the nick on a number of occasions.
Unfortunately for Nick, though he stuck in well during the
rallies, a high number of unforced errors resulted in the defeat
of Nick Kyme in the second.
Peter Nicol bt Simon Parke 12-10, 4-11, 11-6
The first game brought about excellent play from both players.
Parke started strong, but Nicol caught up and dominated the
second half of the first game. In the second, Nicol seemed
outpowered, with Parke dominating the game on all fronts.
While Parke dominated the second, he was in the end outlasted by
‘the great’ Nicol during the third and final game. It proved a
marathon rather than a sprint, with both players pushing
themselves to the edge.
Nicol commented after the match: “It’s always close between the
two of us. I thought after the second that Simon would take it
and that it was his day, but in the end, I was somehow able to
David Palmer bt John White 11-9, 6-11, 12-10
The final match of the night again was an absolute thriller that
pitted the hilarious and dynamic Scotsman, John White, against
the machine of a man, terminator, David Palmer.
From start to finish, the audience was kept on the edge of their
seats. The game could have gone either way, with memorable
moments including when one of the court attendants took center
stage, by proxy, for john white, during the second game. When J.
White retook his position on court, the adversaries continued
with a strength that left club regulars in awe.
The players covered ground in ways that left the audience
speechless. In the third, with everything at stake, both players
left it all on the court - nothing was “out of bounds” for these
two goliaths among men.
In the end though, it was David Palmer for the victory, 12-10 in
the final game. A match to be remembered.
Full Draws & Results
