Sun & Surf 2018

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First Block Capital Jericho Open 2018
30 Oct - 03 Nov, Jericho Club, Vancouver, Canada, $11k

Mustonen the deserving Jericho Champion
Richard Yendell reports

Jericho Tennis Club was jammed packed last night for the final of the First Block Capital Jericho Open. There was a great buzz in the air as everyone was trying to get a seat for the matchup between Finland’s Henrick Mustonen and Canada’s Mike McCue.

We all knew that Henrick was going to open the court up and put pressure on Mike from the get go and that’s exactly what happened. Henrick likes to use his working boast often to get his opponent scrambling up into the front court. He hits it with a flat face to keep the ball down maintain the pace of play and then looks to jump on his opponents retrieval to send them running back into the backcourt.

Mike for the most part was keeping his length tight and cross courts wide to avoid this treatment from the Finn. But as the rallies continue it was inevitable for Henrik to get on top of something and begin pressuring the Canadian. It’s a tough mental battle for McCue to keep the court so closed off and being patient trying to test Henricks fitness levels and ability to maintain the high tempo. Every time he chases a ball that goes short he knows he has Henrick looking over his shoulder already anticipating his next shot.

After losing the first game Mike tried to be a bit more aggressive and started to push back on Henrik. He started to send the ball in short off the volley drop and added a few attacking boasts of his own. Unfortunately his constancy wasn’t the same as Henrik’s and Mustonen was able to counter attack when Mike would like the ball sitting up just a little too much in the front.

I honestly don’t think Henrik called a let the entire tournament. He always plays the ball and tries to keep the rallies going which is great for the crowd and for the game of squash. His relaxed and stone faced demeanour is really a treat to watch and his ability to take the ball early and out in front on the volley or on the rise before the top of the bounce was the key characteristic that separated him from the rest of the field this week.

In the end it was Mustonen who claimed the title and we couldn’t have had a more deserving champion this week. He was seeing the ball really well this week and we hope to see him climbing back up the PSA rankings in the months ahead!

A special thank you to Sean Clark and First Block Capital as our title sponsor as well as West Coast Fishing Company, Salming, Promospaien and Lush who all contributed to the success of this great event, it wouldn’t have happened without their support.

Jericho Open 2018
30 Oct - 03 Nov, Vancouver, Canada, $11k
Round One
30 Oct 
Round Two
31 Oct 
01 Nov
02 Nov
03 Nov
Fernando Magdaleno (Mex) *
11-9, 11-7, 11-9
Mohamed Nabil (Egy)
[1] Charles Sharpes (Eng)
11-4, 9-11, 11-6, 11-8
Mohamed Nabil
[1] Charles Sharpes

12-10, 11-7, 3-11, 11-7

[6] Tristan Eysele
[1] Charles Sharpes

1-9, 11-9, 8-11, 11-5

[3] Mike McCue

[3] Mike McCue 


11-7, 11-6, 11-6


Henrik Mustonen

Joeri Hapers (Bel) *
11-4, 11-2, 11-2
Jason Hua (Usa)
[6] Tristan Eysele (Rsa)
11-7, 12-10, 7-11, 10-12, 11-8
Joeri Hapers
Noah Browne (Ber) *
7-11, 11-1, 9-11, 11-3, 11-4
Sarfaraz Ahmed (Can)
[8] Matias Tuomi (Fin)
13-11, 11-5, 12-10
Noah Browne
[8] Matias Tuomi

11-6, 11-5, 11-6

[3] Mike McCue
Hugo Varela (Esp) *
11-4, 11-7, 15-13
[wc] Jamie Ruggiero (Usa)
[3] Mike McCue (Can)
11-5, 11-7, 11-6
Hugo Varela
Marco Toriz-Caddo (Mex)
4-11, 11-8, 11-6, 11-3
Mark Fuller (Eng) *
Mark Fuller
11-6, 11-7, 11-4
[3] Nick Sachvie (Can)
[3] Nick Sachvie

11-7, 11-9, 11-9

[7] Mario Yanez
[7] Mario Yanez

11-3, 11-2, 11-7

Henrik Mustonen

[wc] Gavin Maxwell (Can)
11-8, 11-8, 11-6
Cameron Seth (Can) *
Cameron Seth
11-3, 5-11, 11-5, 10-12, 11-1
[7] Mario Yanez (Mex)
Matthew Reece (Aus)
11-2, 11-7, 11-3
Micah Franklin (Ber) *
Micah Franklin
11-5, 11-6, 11-9
[5] Andrew Schnell (Can)
[5] Andrew Schnell

11-9, 11-7, 11-5

Henrik Mustonen
Henrik Mustonen (Fin)
11-3, 8-11, 11-9, 11-4
Aditya Jagtap (Ind) *
Henrik Mustonen
10-12, 11-6 rtd
[2] Chris Binnie (Jam)
* = 9/16 seed
Final : Mustonen beats McCue

McCue takes out to seed as
unseeded Mustonen makes final
Richard Yendell reports

Another great night of squash here at Jericho in front of a jammed packed crowd. A very special thanks to our feature sponsor this evening the West Coast Fishing Club for providing the food and beverage for all of our VIPs and ticket holders.

The West Coast Fishing Club is no ordinary fishing destination. They operate three luxury fishing lodges located on the remote shores of Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, on the northwest coast of Canada. Their exclusive wilderness destinations offer the best Salmon and Halibut fishing in the world, while offering guests a five-star luxury experience with memories to last a lifetime.

Mike McCue 3-1 Charles Sharpes

First game starts at a high tempo with cracking drives bouncing around the court. Both players were keeping it tight and the rallies were cautious. Sharpes looked like he was wanting to take some initiative but again when the tempo is this high it is very difficult to force the ball in short without risking the chance of leaving yourself open for a counter attack.

Mike made some adjustments from his match yesterday and while he played very steady he did make use of the front court more when the opportunity presented itself. Charles had he early lead and was up 7-4 but McCue found his grove and a few errors forced from the Englishman and some opportunistic counters rewarded the Canadian with the first game 11-9.

The second game started much the same, Charles had the early lead, he played some very nice drops on the forehand side from deep in the court and generally dictated the attack but was unable to really get McCue on the end of any long hard rallies. He was part of the ‘West Coast Fishing Club’ for a few lets, as he was yesterday, and at one point the majority of the crowd moaned recognizing he should have played the ball and rightly rewarded a ‘no let’ for his appeal.

McCue took the second in similar fashion to the first. Playing steady and controlled and just pushing things and being opportunistic as the game was extended. Charles wasn’t moving great and was caught hanging deep on the T when Mike countered or worked the ball in short with a soft working boast.

Game three saw Sharpes find his form and hit a few crisp winners. Mike perhaps guilty of getting a little too comfortable and confident and trying to ‘make things happen’ rather than just ‘letting things happen’. He was pushing the play a little too much meant he presented Sharpes with a few too many opportunities to attack from prime positions and this is not something you want to do with a player of Shapres’ caliber. There crowd was happy to see this battle continue into the forth after a good hour of squash.

Determined to close it out Mike settled down and went back to what was working in the first couple of games. Charles perhaps struggling a bit physically at this point you could tell it was only a matter of time for the Canadian. 3-1 the final score and a great result for McCue as he rolled into Saturday night’s final.

Henrik Mustonen 3-0 Mario Yanez

Henrik has picked up a lot of fans here at Jericho this week. He appears to be a quiet and even-tempered individual however he players with such a high tempo and in a very aggressive manner which is so engaging to watch.

It just seems like he is playing squash at a faster gear than anyone else in the tournament and this perhaps reflects that fact that he was once #35 in the world. His swing is dynamic, and it changes from shot to shot to take the ball incredibly early even when he is in a full lunge.

Yanez was so controlled and difficult to break down yesterday in his match against Nick Sachvie but today Henrik just took things to another level. He chopped in low kills and volley Mario’s returns so early that the Mexican was left scrambling to get to the back of the court for the next shot. Even when Yanez was able to get on top of his Finish opponent Henrik had such deft touch in the front of the court and his open racquet face just cut the ball so short above the tin Mario just didn’t have an answer to get the ball back.

There is an ease and fluidity in Mustonen’s swing that is really enjoyable to watch, and it certainly makes me think about a larger event here at Jericho Tennis Club in the future where we can see more players of this caliber compete here at the club. Great tournament for Mario a quality professional who was a pleasure to watch this week, but Henrik was just too strong on the day and certainly the favourite to capture the First Block Capital Jericho Open in tomorrow night’s final happening here at 7pm.

McCue carries home hopes
into Jericho semis
Richard Yendell reports

A great night of squash at Jericho Tennis Club Thursday with our amateur tournament kicking off and quarterfinal action happing in the First Block Capital Jericho Open 2018. Tonight was ‘Billet Appreciation Night’ and a special thanks to all of our billets who have taken care of these touring pros this week! The squash gets better and better every day and Thursday the crowd was treated to some truly world class squash!

Friday night’s semi-final matches are intriguing with top seed Charles Sharps of England matched up with Canadian Mike McCue. McCue will be the underdog in this match but will definitely be Sharps’ toughest test to date. Can the Canadian extend the rallies and counter the Englishman’s compact and controlled attack? In the other semi-final, a very strong and fit Mexican will take on a free shooting Finn in what should be a really entertaining encounter.

Sharpes 3-1 Eysele

A very good match up to start the evening, Sharps is the number one seed but will definitely seems be challenged to win this title. Both players were mixing up their length particularly down the backhand wall with attacking kills to the mid court followed by deeper length to the back. The players were bumping into one another as the traffic lanes to and from the ball seemed to switch between two lanes and one from time to time. Sharps showed a couple of lovely holds and forehand flicks from the front right corner of the court which caught Eysele and made the difference in a close first game.

The second game started with Sharps perhaps fishing for a few calls. I really felt he should have played the ball on a number of his let calls where he in fact ran through the interference to the ball. Tristian got an early 4-0 lead as Sharps was perhaps becoming too distracted by the referee decisions. Gradually the Englishman got himself together and worked his way back into the game. Tristian was retrieving well but Charles started to focus more found a nice rhythm. When he is able to create time and space for himself his swing becomes more compact and deceptive and he works the ball into the front corners and midcourt angles nicely.

I think Tristian went a little too much into retrieval mode in the second but came back more aggressive in the third. He was talking to himself at 2-0 trying to push on and gradually moved up 6-2 with a quick boast which caught Sharps going the wrong way. Charles checked out as the game got away from him and was walking to the door before the last rally was over.

There was still a lot of bumping going on in the match and the referee started to get tougher on the players with some no lets in the forth. Tristian was starting to loose a bit of his bite and you got the sense that Charles was determined to end this match in four. After being down midway through the game Tristian started to get more aggressive again and tucked in three nice drop winners from the front third of the court. He was right back in the game but a fat service ended up in the nick and Sharps took control once again. The match ended with a couple of more nicks including match ball which send the Englishman into the semi-finals.

McCue 3-0 Tuomi

This was a much different match with steady long rallies played mostly in the back half of the court. The pace and tempo was high but neither player was really risking or willing to go short with any confidence. McCue definitely seemed to be in control of the tempo and Tuomi didn’t do enough to disrupt the Canadian’s rhythm. Tuomi provided a few more errors which really hurt him and showed in the score line.

Yanez 3-0 Sachvie

My opinion this was the match of the night tonight, it started quite even with both players feeling each other out. Yanez started to take control of the rhythm and definitely seemed to control his tempo a little better than Sachvie. Nick looked a little too relaxed and it showed with some careless errors that eventually cost him the game. He did have some great spells of control over the Mexican but Yanez was retrieving the ball so well and with such good balance just lobbing and pushing the ball back. Eventually Sachvie would find the tin or just leave the ball a little too open for a counter.

The quality squash continued in the second game with both players pushing hard. Sachvie now had stepped his game up and was pushing hard to get the advantage but Yanez just continued to absorb the pressure and just always seemed to have an answer. Mario was arguably the steadiest player of all this evening and the crowd was thoroughly enjoying these two professionals going toe to toe on the court. Nick was hitting hard but often times is length was just not getting through the court and hanging around the service box which allowed Yanez to stay in and often reverse handle on the rallies.

Down two love Nick was still fighting to get himself back into the match and was up 5-3 in the third and looking like he was going to extend to a forth but five rallies later he was down again 8-5 and on the ropes. ‘Super Mario’ really played a fine match tonight and an impressive 3-0 after coming off a marathon five game match last night.

Mustonen 3-0 Schnell

The Canadian champion was looking to make his way into the semi-finals but in his way a Finish free shooter who just seemed to come up with shots out of no where. Henrik is such a fun player to watch as from the first rally he seems intent on pressuring his opponent and opening up the court with precision. The first game went back and forth and was close to going to a tie breaker but Mustonen was able to raise his game just a little bit higher when he needed.

Schnell came back hard in the second and started to push Henrik more around the court. Henrik showed his defensive skills and was able to handle all of the Canadian’s pressure and often times countering out of no where with some deft touch or quick snapping wrist shots from a fully extended position. He is very crafty with his racquet and has a unique style which is going to be tough for anyone to handle this week. You could see that Schnell was starting to get a little frustrated and began making some uncharacteristic mistakes.

The Canadian was able to win some rallies in the third with a very nice backhand drop which perhaps he should have utilized more throughout the match. Henrik seemed to be more relaxed now and really just flowing though his shots and playing with such ease. The former world #35 really showed his class tonight.

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