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Squash CAMPS

European Team Champs 2016 - Division Three
20-23 April, Bucharest, Romania

Finals Day:

Top seeds Scotland proved the seeding committee to be spot on (as usual) by defeating Italy 2-0 in the women’s final.

In the men’s final Portugal upset the seedings by beating Italy. All four finalists should be commended for putting their faith in young and promising players.

We look forward to see how these teams will fair in Division 2 next year.

The matches for the Bronze medals were both long and hard fought. In the women’s Finland took the Bronze by beating Latvia 2-1 while in the men’s Jersey beat Luxembourg 3-1

In the final play off matches for positions 5-8 Ukraine beat Luxembourg and Israel beat Romania in the women’s and in the men Greece beat Malta on game difference and Gibraltar defeated the Isle of man

Fri 22nd, Day THREE:
Final Pool matches

The morning sessions saw the conclusion of the men’s and women’s pool matches.

In women’s Pool A Scotland beat Luxembourg 3-0 and Latvia beat Romania 3-0 meaning that Scotland won the pool and Latvia finished second. Both progress to the semi-finals.
Luxembourg and Romania will enter the play off for positions 5-8.

In the other Pool Italy and Finland battled for top spot. In an exciting and skillful encounter Italy won 2-1. Both proceed to the semi finals where Italy will play Latvia and Finland will play Scotland. In the other match Ukraine beat Israel 2-1 and both will now compete with Luxembourg and Romania in the battle for places 5-8.

Having already qualified for the semi-finals Jersey fielded a weakened side against Italy in the men’s Pool A decider. Italy won 4-0 and therefore won the pool. In the other match in this pool Greece beat Gibraltar 3-1 and both will now play in the competition for positions 5-8.

In the other pool Portugal beat Malta 4-0 so winning the pool. Malta had to wait for the completion of the last match in the pool between Luxembourg and Isle of Man where Luxembourg achieved their goal of winning all 4 matches and only conceded 2 games to pip Malta for the last semi-final spot. The losers of both those matches will now join Greece and Gibraltar in the competition for places 5-8.

Now it’s the semis!

Men's Semis:
Italy 4-0 Luxembourg   Portugal 3-1 Jersey

Women's Semis:
Scotland 3-0 Finland    Italy 2-1 Latvia

Ladies first in the semi finals where matches went with seeding and a very young Scotland beat an equally young Finland by 3 games to nil. In the other semi final the more experienced Italian side beat Latvia 2-1.

We now await an exciting final between the two top seeds Scotland and Italy while Finland and Latvia will do battle for the Bronze medal.

In the battle for the lower positions Ukraine beat Romania and Luxembourg beat Israel. The battle for positions 5-8 continue tomorrow.

In the women’s wooden spoon match Belarus beat Gibraltar who were two teams making their debuts in ETC 3.

The men’s tournament favourites Italy beat the surprise semi-finalists Luxembourg in the first men’s semi-final and in a close encounter in the second match Portugal beat Jersey in a hard fought and skilful match.

This means the top two seeded teams have reached the final which promises to be a very close affair tomorrow afternoon. While the two tournament overachievers Jersey and Luxembourg will contest for the Bronze medal.

Malta beat Gibraltar and Greece beat Isle of Man in the competition for positions 5-8. As with the women the battle for these positions continue tomorrow.

The wooden spoon match between the hosts Romania and Belarus was a keenly fought affair in front of a large partisan and vociferous crowd. Romania battled hard and it looked on a number of occasions that they could get the win they so desperately wanted. Unfortunately, they just fell short at the wrong times and were eventually defeated by Belarus.

Thu 21st, Day Two:
Semi-Finalists are almost decided ...

In the morning mens’s session the tournament minnows Gibraltar and Jersey met with the latter wining 4-0. Meanwhile the host’s men’s team were left still waiting for their first win as they lost 4-0 to Italy.

In the morning women’s session there were 3-0 wins for Finland, Italy and Scotland against Belarus, Israel and Gibraltar respectively. At the same time the Romanian women gained bragging rights over the men by recording their first match win, however, this didn’t prevent them losing 2-1 to Luxembourg.

The afternoon session saw Portugal beating Belarus 4-0 and Malta drawing 2-2 with Luxembourg in the men’s Pool B. in the other pool the hosts men’s team emulated the women by taking their first match against Gibraltar before finally losing 3-1 whilst Jersey beat Greece by the same score.

In the women’s competition the Romanians improved upon there earlier match win by recorded their first ever tie win at ETC by beating Gibraltar 3-0. In the same pool A Latvia beat Luxembourg 3-0 and in pool B beat Belarus 2-1 and in a very closely contested match Italy overcame Ukraine 3-0.

In the final men’s matches in pool B Luxembourg beat Belarus 4-0 and Malta beat the Isle of Man 4-0.

With one more round of matches to be played on Friday morning the standing in the pools is now becoming clear.

In men’s Pool A both Jersey and Italy have qualified for the semi-finals. They will battle for top spot in the morning while Gibraltar will do battle with Greece for 3rd and 4th positions. Unfortunately, the hosts, Romania have completed all their matches and have no points so will compete for the wooden spoon in the knock out rounds.

Pool B is more closely contested with Portugal having qualified they can be joined by either Luxembourg or Malta in the semi finals. Either Isle of Man or Belarus could finish last in the pool.

In women’s Pool A Scotland have qualified for the semi finals and could be joined by either Luxembourg or Latvia with Romania likely to finish 4th and Gibraltar in last position.

In women’s Pool B Italy and Finland have qualified for the semi finals and will play for top position tomorrow. While Israel and Ukraine will take the next two positions as Belarus have finished all their matches but gained no points and finish last.

Wed 20th, Day ONE:
Hosts tumble to defeat by Jersey

Day 1 at the Infinity Arena started with Romania’s men taking on Jersey. Unfortunately, fairy tales don’t happen and the hosts tumbled to a 0:4 defeat. At the same time tournament favourites Italy comfortably overcame Greece by the same score.

In the women’s event top-seeds Scotland narrowly beat Latvia 2-1 whilst there were 3-0 wins for Luxembourg against Gibraltar, Finland against Ukraine and Italy against Belarus.

The third session of the day featured the men’s Pool B matches where 2nd seed Portugal easily overcame the Isle of Man 4-0 and last year's bronze medalist Malta beat Belarus.

The afternoon session in Pool A resulted in 4-0 wins for Italy against Gibraltar and Greece against Romania. In Pool B Portugal beat Luxembourg 4-0 whereas newcomers Belarus achieved a credible draw against the Isle of Man.

The second session in the women’s event went according to the seeding with 3-0 wins for Latvia, Scotland, Finland and Ukraine.

First ESF Event for Romania

Romania will be hosting its first-ever ESF Event when 20 teams gather next week in Bucharest for the European Team Champs Division Three.

Squash is growing fast in Romania, which only became an ESF-member in 2014. All matches will be played at the Infinity Sport Arena, a brand new club in the Romanian Capital featuring 5 glass-back courts.

Teams are evenly spread between the women’s and the men’s event, there 2 pools of 5 teams each for the group stage.

Draws & Results

Day FOUR Results

Day THREE Results

Day TWO Results

Day ONE Results

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