Elite Squash Camps

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Elite Squash Camps Q&A

You'll have heard of Elite Squash and their International Junior Summer Camps ...

We thought we'd ask Elite's Hadrian Stiff a few questions so you can know more ...

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What is elitesquash?

Elitesquash is a coaching business for all levels of player while specialising on providing and environment to create world class juniors and professionals.

Our mission is to create skilful attacking players with great movement who play with freedom, intelligence and confidence.

When did your camps begin and what was the aim?

I started our summer camps over 15 years ago with an aim to provide the ultimate camp environment for young players.

At the beginning there was (and still is) a lot of attention to detail.

I wanted to create a professional environment in the squash camp with coaches really engaging, demonstrating and teaching at all times to maximise the progressive experience for every individual.

Very importantly after the squash we really went for it with the evening activities: Kayaking up the river, boat trips, beach games all allowing for a really fun and social environment which create memories which last forever.

Intermediate camps, as well as advanced , have recently been introduced. How is that going?

It's going really well. Often squash camps are only accessible for more advanced juniors and we realised the are hundreds of young people who just enjoy the game for fun and also thrive in a camp environment. It's really important for me that people understand Elitesquash is not only for 'elite' players.

How do you select your guest coaches that work with your Bristol coaching team for advanced and Adult camps?

We are very lucky that the professional scene in Bristol has many world class players who are part of and using our system and philosophy. For me it is vital that all coaches are delivering the same message but with a different voice and experiences. Coaches who really understand how to convey what they know and can feel the process of the pupil are rare. This is why I like to use coaches who are living and breathing the game and that I have a shared passion and trust with.

You are the coach of the current world number one Mohamed El Shorbagy - Does any of the work you do with him influence and apply to your junior coaching and camps?

Working with Mohamed, Marwan and more recently Yousef Soliman has massively influenced my views on teaching and the modern game. Our focus on skill development, creativity and freedom of playing style has been reinforced by working with and watching these Egyptian players.

Mohamed of course has all these things but he also has a belief and will to win like nothing I've never encountered. He will often say to our young players 'you can always win, no matter what anyone tells you or what ranking your opponent has, it's always possible.'

We watch a lot of Psa tv at camps and I try to explain about these mental battles which are occurring in each players mind especially matches where I have been in Mohamed's corner been part of these battles.

What will be in store for the camp participants this summer?

We will focus mainly on attacking and movement, breaking these two areas down into fine detail so each player can develop these them and really feel this on the court. We also focus on tactical and mental puzzles throughout, constantly asking questions of the juniors about what is happening and how to improve things. We want players to absorb as much of our teaching as possible but then think for themselves and develop their own squash personality.

Evenings will be for fun and socialising and this year paddle boarding, climbing, beach games and cinema are some of the activities.

What is the one main thing that you would want a participant to gain from attending Elite squash camps?

A feeling that they have learned new things and feel much more confident about how they play the game especially in attacking the front court and easy movement. Also that they had an amazing time and can't wait for next year!

What is next for the Elite Squash academy?

We are starting to take our camps to other clubs where our coaches bring the Elitesquash coaching philosophy to local junior and adult players who can't always travel to our camps. I want to ensure we can access as many keen squash players as possible and help them get better at this great sport.

Also our partnerships with other clubs will expand over the next year. Currently Jersey and Dubai have Elitesquash programs delivered by local coaches who are trained in our system. We are connecting the players from each academy with camps and trips so they all feel part of one big global family.

Thanks Hadrian ...

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