Barcelona Global Squash

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May 2016:
So what is Barcelona Global Squash,
and what are the Camps like ???

We asked the organisers a few questions ...

Q: How long has the camp been going ?

I think it’s important to point out that the International Summer Camp that kicks off this year is only a part of the new BARCELONA SQUASH ACADEMY.

The academy thinks locally and globally and offers top class squash coaching to pro players, amateurs, and groups, as well as pre-tournament training programs for squash academies, clubs, federations, clinics, and more.

And all of this in this amazing and marvellous jewel of a city, Barcelona.

Q: What - and who - was the inspiration for starting it ?

Basically the Academy was founded and set up by Head Coach Victor Montserrat and myself, Adrian Blakemore.

Victor was originally guided and instructed by coaching legend Neil Harvey; what he learnt from Neil he put into practice as a Pro PSA player, and later on and for the last 22 years, as a top class coach, presently coaching the 2nd and 5th youngest players in the top 150 PSA, including Iker Pajares, Edmon Lopez ( 2015 runner up in the European Individual BU19 Championship ) and Bernat Jaume.

All three players will now represent Spain in the European Team Championships next May and represent some of the better prospects among the young generation of players presently on the pro circuit.

Other BGS players include the Dutch Nº 1 Tess Jutte, and the Spanish BU19 Nº2, Nilo Vidal.

We may not have the material resources nor the broad skilled personnel base that other reference academies in Europe may have such as psychologists, performance analysts, nutritionists, lifestyle advice, performance analysis suites and altitude chambers, but we have the passion and the coaching and people management skills that make BGS a very attractive training base with home comforts at hand.

Q: Who are the camps aimed at ?

We are offering a truly international junior elite camp; we will have some of best national players from different countries worldwide such as USA, Holland, Spain, Columbia, Ecuador, Egypt. Campers will enjoy top class squash and fitness coaching together with academics ( languages, SAT preparation ) as well as a culturally enriching experience in this dynamic and smart city that is Barcelona.

Q: Are there any features of the camp you’re particularly proud of ?

Yes, it’s unique offer of high quality squash training in combination with high quality academics.

Our education partner has been a close partner of the national tennis federation for more than 15 years offering education to top class athletes who need to combine high demanding sport programs with the necessary educational studies that will allow them to obtain sports grants in the US for example.

Q: Apart from the squash training, what can students expect to see of Barcelona ?

Barcelona is now the Spanish city that attracts most tourists every year; Camp Nou, Messi, Gaudi, Miró, Nadal, a fantastic mediterranean cuisine, the Costa Brava, Parc Güell, the Tibidabo, and Port Aventura are only just some of the names closely associated with this city and the fantastic attractions on hand.

Camp participants will have leisure time to experience many of these city attributes; we want our campers to go home with a feeling that they have improved and have acquired new notions about the game as well as experiencing a really enjoyable and unforgettable summer in this wonderful city.

Q: What can students expect to get out of the camps ?

Top quality squash and fitness training, a cultural and social enriching experience, enjoyment and fun.

Q: Barcelona Squash Camps in three words ???

Not in three but in four yes;
“Balanced and Simply Inspiring”.

Barcelona Global Squash kicks off in the summer of 2016 with what is expected to be considered as THE reference in international squash camps in Europe offering top quality intensive squash training along with education and full immersion language activities.

Barcelona Global Squash Camps offers intensive in-depth squash and fitness training to high-performance junior players who are already training and competing in their own native countries at a national or international level.

Meet the Team



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