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Nottingham Open 2014
19-24 Aug, Nottingham, $5k
24-Aug, Final:
James retains Nottingham title

Declan James 3-1 Charles Sharpes  11/13, 12/10, 12/10, 11/7 (78m)

A final between the two tops seeds always promises a lot and in Nottingham tonight it didn't disappoint. Both players came into the match as previous champions and were clearly eager to win the title again. In a tense first game Charles just snuck the crucial final rallies to take the lead.

Charles also settled better in the second game opening up an initial lead and then reaching game ball at 10/7. Declan did not lie down though and in what proved to be the decisive period of the match won the next 5 points to level at 1-1.

The first game's tension returned in the third as the match appeared on a knife's edge. As the referee was called into play more and more the players, not wanting to give an inch, fought hard for the 'T' and notably tightened up desperate not to fall behind.

Declan just managed to sneak that crucial third though and then opened up a lead at the start of the fourth which he looked determined not to relinquish. And as hard as Charles fought he didn't, closing out the game and with it the match 11/6.

So home hero Declan has retained the title he won 12 months ago. Everyone at Nottingham will be hoping he'll be back again next year...

"I felt more relaxed than I did yesterday. I wasn't to worried when I lost the first game. I played well in the second but there were to many mistakes. 10/7 down was the turning point of the match for me, I started to feel physically good and control the match. Credit to Charles he stuck with me all the way but I got there in the end. It's been a great week!"
Declan James

"I'm not up for quoting when I lose"
Charles Sharpes


Nottingham Open 2014
19-24 Aug, Nottingham, $5k
21 Aug 
22 Aug
23 Aug
24 Aug
[1] Charles Sharpes (Eng)
11/4, 11/8, 11/6 (35m)
Joe Green (Eng)

[1] Charles Sharpes
[6] James Earles
[1] Charles Sharpes

13/11, 11/6, 11/2  (52m)

[4] Dougie Kempsell
[1] Charles Sharpes

11/13, 12/10, 12/10, 11/7 (78m)

[2] Declan James

[6] James Earles (Eng)
 8/11, 11/5, 11/5, 11/7 (41m)
[Q] Phil Nightingale (Eng)
[7] Steve London (Eng)
11/7, 12/10, 7/11, 5/11, 11/9 (74m)
[Q] Josh Masters (Eng)

[Q] Josh Masters
[4] Dougie Kempsell
[4] Dougie Kempsell (Sco)
11/8, 4/11, 9/11, 11/6, 11/6 (87m)
Joel Makin (Wal)
[Q] David Wardle (Eng)
11/8, 7/11, 11/8, 11/7 (53m)
[3] Lewis Walters (Eng)
[3] Lewis Walters
[8] Mark Fuller
[3] Lewis Walters

8/11, 11/5, 11/4, 11/3 (62m)

[2] Declan James

Ashley Davies (Eng)
11/6, 11/2, 11/5 (36m)
[8] Mark Fuller (Eng)
Olli Pett (Eng)
11/8, 11/3 rtd (24m)
[5] Chris Fuller (Eng)
Olli Pett
[2] Declan James
]Q] Josh Taylor (Eng)
11/6, 10/12, 11/4, 11/2 (48m)
[2] Declan James (Eng)

23-Aug, Semis:

It was another late finish in Nottingham but no one was leaving early as once again local man Declan James made it through to the final for the second year running.

Charles Sharpes bt Dougie Kempsell 3-0

After a tense first game in which neither player seemed able to fully settle, Charles, having narrowly won that game started to impose himself more and more from the start of the second. He began to find his length and pulled away bringing in a variety of winners, particularly on his favoured FH side. The third carried on in a similar fashion with Charles now fully in control. He looks like he will be a difficult man to beat tomorrow, for whichever home hero he faces.

"That was tough, he was to strong for me today, to experienced. I don't think my body was completely up for it, he played some nice shots I don't have enough to compete today. A frustrating end to the tournament." Douglas Kempsell

"Once again really happy to get through 3-0 tonight and into the final.. I think it was quite a scrappy start and first game by both of us but luckily I managed to sneak it. From then onwards I think I stepped it up and got a lot more control of the match and overall happy with my performance tonight.
Charles Sharpes

Declan James bt Lewis Walters 3-1

Cousins Declan and Lewis know each other's games well and it showed in an entertaining match. Lewis started the better and took the first game with a flurry of winners from his favoured forehand side.

Declan fought back in the second though in what proved to be the defining game of the match as following this he seemed to relax and find winners of his own. The third and fourth games were full of highly entertaining rallies with both players retrieving well but Declan never relinquished the control he had gained in the second. Only Charles now stands between him and a second title in two years.

"I was quite happy with how I played, always difficult first event of the season but I feel good going into my next few tournaments" Lewis Walters

"I was nervous in the first, it's hard to play someone who you look up to and are close to. It took me a game and a bit really to become comfortable. In the second I started to hit a better length and once I did that the game opened up and I felt I could go short. Once I got a lead I never looked back. Tomorrow is going to be really tough but I'm looking forward to trying to defend my title." Declan James

21-Aug, Round One:

Lewis Walters bt Dave Wardle 11/8, 7/11, 11/8, 11/7 53m

It was a close encounter between the two Nottingham boys. Walters was the favourite more experienced and ranked far higher. Wardle started well however and the first game was nip and tuck all the way to 8 all before Walters hit a couple of great counter drops to close it out and take the lead.

The second game was very similar to the first one with the game being contested point for point until 7-7. Unlike in the 1st however it was Wardle who pulled away with some great use of angles and attacking play to level the match at 1-1.

It was a tense atmosphere on the Nottingham show court, with a subdued crowd looking unsure who to support. Both the last two games were close but Walters always had the edge, closing them out 11/8, 11/7 to claim a place in the main draw.

Declan James bt Josh Taylor 11/6, 10/12, 11/4, 11/2 48m

It's been a great run by Josh Taylor defeating both Nick Mulvey and Courtney West on route to the first round but it was always going to be a tough match against Declan James WR 78.

James dominated most of the first game hitting hard lengths and relying on his wingspan to intercept balls on the volley putting a great deal of work into Taylors legs.

In the second Taylor made a great start racing to a 6-1 lead before James began to claw back. It was tight finish, point for point before Taylor finally capitalised on his 3rd game ball to level the match.

James came out firing at the start of the 3rd and 4th hitting harder and taking the ball in well with kills and flicks. Taylor looked to be tired from his earlier exploits in the event and struggled to match the increased pace. Through to the quarter finals for the 4th year in a row, James will once again have his eyes on a title in Nottingham!

Mark Fuller bt Ashley Davies 11/6, 11/2, 11/5 36m

I felt I played well today. I didn’t really do anything spectacular but stuck in all the rallies kept it deep and that was enough. It was a relief to make it through the first round, this is the 4th year that I have run this event and I always crash out early!Mark Fuller

Oliver Pett bt Chris Fuller 11/8, 11/3 retired injured 24m

The first game was close but it was obvious that Fuller was not right from the start and relied on firing balls in from all areas to take points off Pett. In the second Fuller’s movement was even more impeded and after an injury break at 7-3 he didn’t get another point.

Pett looked controlled throughout, very few mistakes and putting the balls into just the right areas to hurt Fuller. Pett is unseaded for this event but is probably the man to beat. Tomorrow is set to be a great match when he faces last year’s winner Declan James tomorrow night!

Charles Sharpes bt Joe Green 11/4, 11/8 11,6 35m

“Happy to get it off in three today. You never know how you’re actually playing after summer training but I felt sharp on there. Feels good to be back playing a tournament” Charles Sharpes

“Charles was amazing today and looked pretty on court” Joe Green

James Earles bt Phil Nightingale 8/11 11/5 11/5 11/7 41m

Slow start to the match going short and not finding my length. At the start of the second I found my length to force an opening into the front of the court. From that point on I felt comfortable except for a concentration lapse after getting to 7-0 in the 4th which let Phil back in. I managed to refocus to take the game and the match” - James Earles

Difficult opponent for my game style. He can hit outright winners but conversely long rallies end in tin. Not my best squash overall but things are progressing on the whole.” – Phil Nightingale

Joshua Masters bt Steven London 11/7 12/10 7/11 5/11 11/9 74m

Started off well I the first and the second but made some cheap errors in the next two. He also played a fighter game, but I manage to refocus in the fifth which gave me a good lead to close the match out. Very pleased to get through to the quarters and am looking forward to tomorrow.” – Josh Masters

Douglas Kempsell bt Joel Makin 11/8 4/11 9/11 11/6 11/6 87m

This match was a true test of patience and fitness. Most rallies lasting over 50 shots! A true speciticle to the Leicester crowd.

Kempsell started well clinching the first but quickly slipped behind after the 3rd. Kempsell refocused and managed to shake off Makin.

20-Aug, Qualifying Finals:

Joshua Master 3-1 Julian Tomlinson 
        11/5, 11/5, 4/11, 11/6 (39m)

"Happy to qualify. Played well in the first two games then started going short to early in the third and let him back into the match but managed to get my length again in the forth and close out the match." Josh Masters

Joshua Taylor 3-1 Courtney West 
         14/12, 11/9, 9/11, 11/3 (47m)

"Was great to get another fantastic win today. Felt I played very well in patches and less so in others. Strangely feeling the coaching during the days is helping me perform and not over think things.

"Really hope I can get another match out of this tournament and get the most out of the form I seem to be hitting. Will be great to play in front of the home crowd again, bring it on ..." Josh Taylor

David Wardle 3-0 Phil Bull
         12/10, 11/6, 11/5 (35m)

"Really happy to have qualified to the main draw of my local event. Both of us were pretty untidy today, but I managed to stay more consistent out of the two of us.

"Glad to get through in three, but will have to play better against Lewis tomorrow, but really looking forward to the chance to play on court 10 in front of a Nottingham crowd again." David Wardle

Phil Nightingale 3-0 Jon Geekie 
          11/1, 11/7 rtd (18m)

"Good start to the season having qualified. I sensed he was not quite right physically having turned his ankle yesterday, so I tried to keep the pace high and vary the angles. First game was quick but he upped things in the second and hit some good short stuff but in the end I took the game and, he felt it was wise to stop.

"Not and ideal way to qualify and I wish him a safe recovery. Now looking forward to my match tomorrow and enjoying what has so far been a very well run event." Phil Nightingale

19-Aug, Qualifying Round One:
Jak Garrett reports

Joshua Masters 3-0 Ryan Feakin  11/1, 11/2, 11/2

"Comfortable match today, good to get one under my belt and get used to the court. I feel like I'm into the tournament, looking forward to tomorrow". - Joshua Masters

Josh Taylor 3-1 Nick Mulvey 11/7, 11/8, 5/11, 11/3

"Was great to get a win in front of a home crowd tonight. I felt the first game was really important for me to settle and get some quality into what I was doing. After that the momentum really help.

"Bit of a blip in me in the third after he started to recover from the slip in the second. But finished strong. Can't wait till tomorrow now, another challenge and chance to get the home crowd cheering!" - Josh Taylor

Courtney West 3-1 Dec Mckeever 5/11, 11/6, 11/7, 11/5

"I had no idea who he was or how he played before I came. I found him quite
 awkward, he hit it hard and didn't let me settle early. I think he tired though and I found my length and the match became progressively easier" - Courtney West

Phil Nightingale 3-0 Jak Garratt  11/4, 11/3, 11/9

"I'm feeling good, I have had a long summer sprinkled with a couple of tournaments. This is my first event back and I'm feeling good. Great to have another tournament in England and I really love coming to Nottingham.

"Tonight was quite straight forward but Jak gave everything he had, it was a fantastic effort from him!" - Phil Nightingale

David Wardle 3-0 Chris Abel  11/2, 11/3, 11/6

"I have seen Chris play a lot at the club so I knew what to expect. I have a had a good summers training and managed to play well today. He played well in the first few points in each game but I managed to pull away through the middle of each game.

"It was a good game and hopefully I can produce more of the same tomorrow!" - Dave Wardle

Julian Tomlinson 3-0 Nick Hargreaves 11/7, 11/5, 8/11, 11/5

"Won 3-1 v Nick Hargreaves, a really tough match against a local player who was fit and fast and liked to get in the volley. I really had to concentrate to beat him and had to work hard as we had some tough rallies. I'm looking forward to playing tomorrow!" - Julian Tomlinson

Jonathon Geekie 3-2 Luke Stewart  13/11, 11/8, 10/12, 7/11, 11/8

"Relieved to have won that in the end! Not sure how many lucky shots i was on the recieving end there. Aftert being 2-0, 8-5 up up I lost a bit of focus and let Luke back into the game. Fair play to him he dug in and kept with it and managed to force it to 5. Went over badly on my ankle in the 4th which was a bit of a blessing in disguise as it forced me to straighten up and slow the pace down which worked for me.

"Now to up my game tomorrow against Phil and can't give him and cheeky points!" Jonathon Geekie

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