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UK MASTERS: North of England Jan 2015
Chairman’s Report, North of England Masters
2nd – 4th January 2015

The fourth Regional of 2014/15 was possibly a week too early, as entrants totalled only 125 as opposed to the usual 150+. Held at Pontefract Squash Club for the twelfth year running, a favourite club to play at for many.

In the WO55 Julie Field, playing at her home club, was too good for everyone, but Welsh traveller, Lynne Davies, gave a good account going down 8/10 5/9 3/9.

In the WO50 Shelly Walsh gave her England chances a sizeable boost, beating Tamsin Bennett 9/1 9/2 9/3, whilst Sarah Howlett just shaded the unlucky Julia Dolman 7/9 9/4 6/9 9/6 6/9. In the Final, Walsh was up against no 1 seed and many times winner Fran Wallis, not known for taking prisoners. Fran kept her nose in front winning 9/7 9/3 9/7.

WO45 saw Rachel Woolford edge past Kay Fallows 1/5 4/11 11/9 12/14 11/5, before the former went down to no 1 seed Andrea Santamaria 11/2 11/5 8/11 11/5. Isabelle Tweedle beat Rose Bamber 11/6 11/8 11/5 and in a tight Final, overcame the northern favourite on her home courts, 4/11 8/1 11/8 11/13.

WO35/40 – With the combo effect in this group, the paradox being the O40 are slightly stronger. Sarah Parr beat Natalie Townsend 11/2 11/8 11/5 whilst Shayne Baillie won 3/1 against Kate Bradshaw. The Final, which I marked, was a really athletic affair with both players favouring cross court lengths at pace. Eventually, Baillie emerged the victor, 11/9 6/11 11/9 8/11 11/3, in an entertaining and friendly Final.

MO70 – was a was horse affair, both Messrs Clemson and Wright in a class of their own. With a number of possibles not playing, one or two newcomers are making a bid for the latter spots in the International Team and Steve Burgess did his chances no harm beating Nigel Belle 9/5 9/6 9/6. However, Adrian Wright, though not as mobile as usual, too much Christmas pud with his drinking partner BFD, was too good, as was Clemson over Brian Hardcastle, after the latter sneaked the first.

Clemson eventually won the Final 10/9 9/1 2/9 9/10 9/1, an unusual scenario, seeing the current World O70 Champ at no 2. But with Messrs Goodbourn, Pearse, Boswell and Ansell all travelling to Johannesburg in 2016, he had better make the most of it!

MO65 was a Barry Featherstone affair yet again, beating Alan Hendry 9/0 9/7 9/0 in the quarters and Martin Pearse 9/2 9/1 9/5 in the Semi. However, a few surprises, Martin Day stormed past Trevor Cox 9/2 9/0 10/8.

Roger More held a 2/1 6/0 lead over Chris Ansell, but Ansell made one of his famed comebacks ! As did Martin Pearse for the sixth time in seven years at Pontefract, came back from a 1/2 1/6 , deficit in the fourth, and 1/7 in fifth defeat to beat no 3 seed Chris Goodbourn. In the bottom half, Aubrey Waddy suffered an ultra rare hiding 2/9 0/9 3/9 at the hands of Terry Norman, who had beaten Chris Ansell by a similar score. But Featherstone led 9/5 9/0 4/0 in the Final before Norman staged a no-avail comeback. So Barry, without his wife watching, ran out an easy winner-yet again.

MO60 – Dave Lumsdon, soon to be 65, entered a Regional for the first time as his son was in the O35’s. He beat Paul Vale 3-0, Paul Reader 3-0 before sneaking past Ian Holmes 9/4 8/10 9/4 6/9 3/9. In an early round, the very likeable Geoff Redfern edged past Neil Nightingale 10/9 in the fifth, after the latter had seemingly won the match in a lot of spectators eyes, but a ‘let’ was given. Neil did well not to self explode. However, Holmes was too clinical for Redfern in the next round.

In the top half, no 1 seed Stuart Hardy (as dour as the weather on court, smiling once – the spectators remarked on it) was too good for all and sundry, 3-0 v Tim Delves, Alistair Niven and Simon Evendon. However, the Final was even-stevens until a very contentious ‘no point’ early in the third, upset Lumsdon, who then suffered series of no lets and Hardy ran out a 5/9 9/3 9/3 9/7 victor, his second Regional in succession.

MO55, missing some stars, saw the re-emergence of the Squash Doctor, aka serial squash blogger Richard Millman, who now resides in the USA, and is the USA and Canadian Champion. However he was probably surprised to find the standard in England is much higher now due to the fanatical competitiveness for England places and he became the first casualty, losing 1/9 7/9 3/9 to no 4 seed Neil Harrison.

In the bottom half, James Ockwell, a father to be, and just 55, sneaked past Colin Shields 9/7 7/9 2/9 9/7 3/9, but found no 2 Dermot Hurford much, much fresher four hours later as Mot had had an easier 3-0 in the morning. The Final saw Harrison start well leading 9/1 6/9 9/7 but Hurford consolidated and was in control for the two that counted 9/5 9/0

MO50 saw the re-emergence of Murray Scott whose ultimate power was too much for all on his way to the Final. Nigel Young 11/4 11/5 11/5, Peter Lonsdale 9/4 10/8 9/3 and John Parkes 9/2 9/7 9/0. In the bottom half, Eamonn Price, just back from an injury layoff, wasn’t quite himself as he found to his cost when he played the ultra competitive Ray Burke in the Semi Final. Price led 9/5 9/2 but Burke’s strength saw him through 9/3 10/8 9/0. However, all his energy and fire had gone into this one match and Scott kept the power on full bore (think 140+mph every shot) and won the Final 9/7 9/2 9/2.

MO45, no 4 seed Glen Ragou, amazingly playing at this standard whilst in the middle of chemotherapy, went down narrowly to no 1 seed Jon Lilley, 11/8 12/10 11/9, whilst James Piddington (no 3) edged a furious battle with no 2 Andy Normile 7/11 11/5 3/11 11/4 11/8. In the Final, Lilley was too clinical winning 11/6 11/3 11/4.

MO40 – a small draw saw Matt Stephenson overturn Jago Nardelli 3-1 but became a Paul Boyle victim in the Semi. Jon Gliddon had poor Joss Hargreave retire with a torn groin after beating Antonio Petronzio 11/6 11/8 11/4. In the Final, Boyle won 11/3 11/6 11/7, but Gliddon will be happy as he is now pretty certain of a cap.....

MO35 saw Matt Marshall sneak Tim Richards 11/5 in the fifth but go down to newly minted 35 year old Gareth Lumsdon, son of David, 3/11 10/12 1-/12. Barry Talbot had a lengthy battle with Jaakko Antti Peltola 8/11 9/11 11/7 11/8 7/11 but fell to Lumsdon 2/11 6/11 4/11.

In the bottom half, a newly protected Jamie Goodrich, sporting an IMask, as worn by Richard Millman (and myself in friendlies only), saw off Marcus Hayes 13/11 8/11 11/8 0/11 5/11 and then Alistair Coker 10/12 8/11 11/3 7/11. However, Master Lumsdon, having 8 years on Mr Goodrich, was just too fast and clinical, 11/7 11/9 11/2 in the Final.

Thanks to Mick and Cindy Todd at Pontefract, Malcolm Willstrop and Steve Ridge, Coach and Manager, Diane behind the desk and Chris and her Catering Team for their food and drink.

Also, of course, to Brian and Ros Brock for keeping the whole Tournament in ship shape order.

Mar: North-West

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