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The Two Laurens
Elliot Selby poses some questions
for Selby and Briggs

Two of the tour’s most popular players and good friends Lauren Selby and Lauren Briggs caught up with WISPA for a one off interview to see what the two blondes from Essex are really like.

I have a feeling we will see why they are called the chatterboxes of the tour!           Part TWO
         Lauren Briggs                                                                                            Lauren Selby

How did you get into Squash?

Selby: Dad was an average/poor club player (she laughs), he dragged me onto the court when I was a wee toddler. I thought I was more built for shot putting.

Briggs: My parents used to play at our local club and on a Sunday evening our family used to head down there to play club night. (Her first answer was: ‘cut it open, scoop out the insides’)

Always squash, or could you have competed in another sport?

Selby: Yeah I played Hockey and Netball to a good level. Again shot putting was a big interest. I’m a good swimmer but I stopped when I realised Doggy Paddle wasn’t an option in the Olympics?

Briggs: I used to compete in lots of other sports, although never really continued them. I gave up football after the team I played for lost 11-1 to Arsenal ladies! Luckily I support Arsenal otherwise I would’ve been outrageously upset.

(Her first answer: ‘Pretty good at shove hap'ney and tiddlywinks. But my career came to a screaming halt when I was 9 and I broke my wrist on an aerial slide!’)

Tell us about your family.

Selby: Dad is a squash coach and generally hangs out at squash tournaments. Daryl is also a squash player, pretty good in fact! Elliot is transforming WISPA and is a Racketball demon.

Mum is the pretty face that holds everyone together and runs the online sports business (offthewallsports) and also runs a B&B at our house in rural Essex. When we all get together, sarcasm is the only thing that occurs.

Briggs: Mummy Briggs, Daddy Briggs, Sis Briggs. I feel I get on well with my family, they may say differently. I love spending time with them and really enjoy the diversity of our personalities.

My Mum helps out at the local squash club and my Dad owns his own IT company. My sis (Haidi) works in IT for the stock market.

What's your coaching situation at the moment?

Selby: Oh well I have been coached by my Dad since I started and he has had and still does have a major impact on my squash. I have been working with Lee Drew for a year now which has been brilliant to see a different perspective.

Briggs: My coach is the one and only Squash Analyst Peter Genever. In the time I have been working with him, he has taught me more about the intricacies of the game than anyone I have ever worked with in the whole time I have been playing.

What do you hate most about training?

Selby: I hate solo practice because I play squash to compete against someone else! I hate boast and drive, so fellow wispa girls don’t ever ask me to do that for you. Oh and I hate court sprints and eating a salad leaf for lunch and dinner.

Briggs: Boast and Drive! The days where you hurt but still have to put yourself through the rigours of training! When all you would rather be doing is reverting back to your pro shove-hap’ney (half penny for those who aren’t from the East End of London)

How would you describe the other Lauren’s playing style?

Selby: Lauren is one of the best movers on the WISPA circuit, she is JOKE rapid, she has a very disciplined game and loves a dog fight!

Briggs: Lauren is super talented, intelligent and has grit determination. She has an inside knowledge of the game which I would love to tap into. Lauren is a champ, her talents astound me!!

Briggs reply to Selbs: Haha how many 3-2’s do I have compared to you!
Selby: There is no reason in my eyes why Lauren couldn’t reach the top 20 again!

If you could steal a shot or attribute from another player, what would it be?

Selby: Isabelle’s hands.
Briggs: Raneem’s cross court nick.

Favourite tournament you have played at?

Selby: Love Hong Kong but I’m going to say Hillegom in The Netherlands. Everyone is so friendly and it’s pretty with all the flowers!

Briggs: LA or Cleveland.

What do you like about life on tour? What's tough?

Selby: I love to travel so it’s a great way to see new places. I love being mobbed in the streets by all my adoring fans.

Tough is being on your own a lot, sitting in airports and being far away after a hard loss.

Briggs: I enjoy the diversity of different cultures and seeing countries I probably would never visit if it wasn’t for squash.

What’s tough is being able to eat well or healthily at airports and train stations without spending a fortune.

What are your goals in squash?

Selby: To reach my potential and enjoy playing and to have two Lauren’s in the top 20!

Briggs: To stay injury free and enjoy playing.

Did you have a squash idol when you were growing up?

Selby: Michelle Martin, Cassie Jackman

Briggs: Lisa Opie, Michelle Martin, Sarah Fitzgerald

Who has been your toughest opponent to date?

Selby: Jenny Duncalf or Lauren Briggs!

Briggs: Nicol David…..or my mum.

Best squash memory to date?

Briggs: 1993 beating my Dad fair and square for the first time.

Selby: Same! Beating my Dad for the first time and watching him smack his racket.

Lauren Briggs

Lauren Selby

Part TWO

How do you relax and fill in time between matches?

Briggs: Generally sleeping. Eating also plays a big part of my down time. I also like to ponder and develop my own alternative theory of relativity!

Selby: I'm actually terrible at sitting still and relaxing! Apparently I like to talk ALOT...so I tend to just bore other squash players with lots of irrelevant and boring conversations. Before I play I do like to take myself out of the squash environment, listen to some music or read a book and then work out a cunning plan to win!

Any squash superstitions?

Briggs: I'm not particularly superstitious, but if I win a couple of matches back to back, superstitious suddenly becomes my middle name until I talk myself out of it.

Selby: No I'm not really a very superstitious person and I don't believe in it particularly! I don't try and wonder if I won certain matches because of something I'd done beforehand. If I win it's because of what I did on the court!!

Favorite book, film, music?

Favourite book: Too many to list.
Film: Most Kevin Spacey movies, and the obligatory girlie movies, Dirty Dancing and Bridget Jones. Also like Tootsie, Some Like It Hot and Dog Day Afternoon.
Favourite music: Folk, Country, Americana, Swing & Rock.

Selby: Owwww very difficult! Books....I love the Camel Club by David Baldacci or A Thousand Splendid Suns. I don't really get on well with films but if I had to pick one I liked I would say The Green Mile. Music....well I'm a soul girl through and through, my favourite song is called Your Song by Donny Hathaway.

Any celebrity crushes or squash for that matter ;)?

Briggs: Celebrity crushes..... probably Robert Downey Jnr and Johnny Depp, Colin Firth wouldn't go amiss either. As for Squash crushes ..... errrrmmmmmm ;-)

Selby: I've always loved Matt LeBlanc but I'm not sure if that’s because I loved Joey from Friends! Is it wrong to say I would marry Ricky Gervais?!!! Well I would!! As for squash crushes ... as if I'd let people know that, gossip flies in the squash world!!

Both proud Essex girls and do you watch
the Only Way is Essex?

Briggs: I tend not to watch tv overly much, it interrupts with my mental development of the alternative theory of relativity.

Selby: Actually I was born in Hertfordshire, I've got some sophistication about me didn't you know! There is no way I'd watch that programme, I actually live in the town where it’s filmed (embarrassing!). I can't really say I'm into the fake tan and war paint make-up!! I'm proud to live in Essex, really I am!!

What non-squash skill do you wish you had?

Briggs: I wish I was skilled in playing all musical instruments, being able to sing and being able to speak at least 3 languages. Being patient and more compassionate are other skills I'd like to possess.

Selby: I'd love to be able to play the saxophone, use chopsticks, speak another language and SWIM!!

If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

Briggs: Giving
Selby: Smiley

If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be?

Briggs: Arthur Conan Doyle
Selby: Ricky Gervais or Mother Teresa when she was alive

What might you have done if you didn't become a squash player?

Briggs: If not a squash player then hopefully a marine biologist or zoologist. Or a current day Mother Theresa.

Selby: Worked for the red cross as a samaritan

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