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International Squash Camp
Lanzarote, June 2015

Last month (8-12 June) the second Squash Camp for Adults took place at Club La Santa in Lanzarote (Canary Islands).

This event was organised by the former Spanish National Coach and Director from WorldEnjoyer, Tino Casas and Spanish number one and world number 12 Borja Golán, attracting 17 squash enthusiasts from 8 different nationalities.

The camp was returning to the volcanic island of Lanzarote following the successful first camp held last December.

Under the supervision of Borja Golan and Tino Casas, the 17 players, hailing from Russia, France, Peru, Switzerland, El Salvador, England, Spain and Scotland.

The youngest was 21 year old Giaani Covino and the most experienced Laurence Coady, a young 67. The standard of the participants covered all standards from beginner to a national champion in Masters squash, Juanjo Ustariz.

This camp was designed to offer a unique combination of squash and holiday, the mornings dedicated to time on court and the afternoons spent visiting attractions across the island. The camp provided something for everyone with Tino and Borja providing coaching to help improve many aspects of the participants game, working on weaknesses and offering new ways to practice and how to train differently.

During the morning we were training from 9 to 13h. The sessions ran for 2 hours divided in 2 groups. First group was training from 9 to 11h and the second from 11 to 13h.

We dedicated each day to work on different aspects of the game, for example, on Monday we focused on the basics and the deep game, on Tuesday the attacking game, the volley on Wednesday, movement on court and how to dominate the T on Thursday and Friday we organised a tournament.

To practice all these concepts we created individual technical exercises including routines, ghosting, conditional games and matches, breaking down and talking through these areas with the players to explain what they were doing and suggest alternative options to improve their game. And of course we gave priority to warming up well before the sessions and stretching after.

After a good morning of training all the players recharged their batteries on the lunch buffet from Restaurante Atlántico from Club La Santa, offering salads, pastas, rice, meat, fish and all kind of fruits, a perfect and healthy diet for sports people.

After lunch the players had some free time to rest at the outdoor pool or in their rooms. A few hours later we organized excursions around Lanzarote. This year we made 4!!

We visited Mirador del Río where you can enjoy the best views of the island. Also we went to Jameos del Agua, a spectacular work from César Manrique that combines nature and artistic design.

We have also visited the National Park of Timanfaya which show us the volcanic landscape and majestic volcanoes of Lanzarote. The last activity was a scenic trip on mountain bikes, along the northern coast with lots of up and downs making us sweat as much as being on a squash court.

The route offered us access to places you can’t get to by car and being on bikes we travelled much further than walking, this provided us the opportunity to we can appreciate the unique landscape with a beautiful mixture of colours; from the red of the earth to the yellow of the sun mixing with the black of the volcanic stones and the different blue of the sea and the sky. Something you have to see to enjoy it!

And all that in only 5 days!!
Some of the players still had some energy left and in the evening played tennis, padel, practice windsurfing or enjoying time or diving from the board into the outdoor pool.

We all felt that the week was fantastic and offered a perfect blend of squash and holiday in one with Club La Santa offering the perfect place to be located.

Come and join us next time !!!  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Some Opinions from Players!

"I love squash but I have currently so little time for it. That's why I was so interested in this camp, as it could provide a unique chance of combining squash with top coaching and installations in an attractive, beautiful location.

That's why I decided to come with my family, consisting of my wife, one child, and one baby. We could combine our summer holidays with some sport.

We had a good and relaxing time, while I could profit from the trainings and pro tips.

Tino and Borja really took the time to give us important tips, which is really appreciated, for players at every level.

We didn't participate in the afternoon activities, but I hope next time I can.

Thank you very much for the professional organization and hope to repeat it sometime in the future."

Juan Carlos C. Swittzerland

“Firstly I thought the location and mix of people and cultures and levels of squash was perfect – a great way to be able to see the difference in play between different countries and even continents!”

Fenella P. Scotland

" I enjoyed a fantastic week at the squash camp.

An excellent course run by very good, experienced and knowledgeable coaches, taking place in a fantastic venue and enjoyed by a great bunch of players of all abilities from all over the world.

I'm looking forward to coming back. "

Lawrence C – England

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