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Hampton Squash Week 2012
09-12 Aug, Southampton, USA, $10k

Just won my 8th tour title in the sunny Hamptons! Played Latasha Khan in the final and won 3-1. Lovely place, lovely people, top tournament!


Top seeds through to final
Sam Cornett reports

Yesterday was a sad day for me as I lost out to Sarah 3-0, 12-10, 11-8, 11-9.

I was just a bit too hopeful instead of commanding, and she was very consistent and quick. A reasonably long three games at 40 minutes.

Misaki was definitely disappointed with a 3-1 loss to Latasha. Misaki came out hard at the start and took the first 12-10 with very consistently good length and drops.

The next three games saw mistakes from both, but Misaki made a couple more, and Latasha played great kills and quick straight drops. It was a very clean match with good fast paced rallies. 10-12, 11-6, 13-11, 11-6.

We then went to Wally's place for an absolutely wonderful party with delicious catering and drinks and great people!

Sad to say I'll miss the finals today for my flight, but it's been a great event!

Hampton Squash Week 2012
09-12 Aug, Southampton, USA, $10k
Round One
10 Aug
10 Aug
11 Aug
12 Aug
[1] Sarah Kippax (Eng)
11/9, 11/4, 11/5
[Q] Salma Hany (Egy)
[1] Sarah Kippax
11/4, 11/8, 11/9
[6] Lucie Fialova
[1] Sarah Kippax

12/10, 11/8, 11/9

[4] Sam Cornett

[1] Sarah Kippax


[2] Latasha Khan

[6] Lucie Fialova (Cze)
1/11, 11/7, 13/11, 11/5
Alexandra Norman (Can)
[4] Sam Cornett (Can)
311/4, 118, 11/2
[Q] Alex Clark (Sco)
[4] Sam Cornett
Nicolette Fernandes
[7] Kanzy El Dafrawy (Egy)
11/9, 11/7, 11/6
Nicolette Fernandes (Guy)
Sabrina Sobhy (Usa)
11/9, 12/10, 11/1
[5] Misaki Kobayashi (Jpn)
[5] Misaki Kobayashi
1/0 rtd
[3] Yathreb Adel
[5] Misaki Kobayashi

12/10, 6/11, 13/11, 11/7

[2] Latasha Khan

Kristen Lange (Usa)
11/9, 11/8, 13/11
[3] Yathreb Adel (Egy)
[Q] Lily Lorentzen (Usa)
11/8, 11/6, 11/7
[8] Farah Abdel Meguid (Egy)
[8] Farah Abdel Meguid
[2] Latasha Khan
Celia Allamargot (Fra)
11/3, 11/1, 11/3
[2] Latasha Khan (Usa)

09-Aug, Qualifying:

Celia Allamargot (Fra)  bye
Alex Clark (Sco) bt Mayar Aly Ezzo (Egy)          3/1
Lily Lorentzen (Usa) bt Katja Amir (Ger)          3/?
Salma Hany (Egy) bt Majd Alkhateeb (Jor)        3/?

10-Aug, Quarters:
Two rounds in the Hamptons

There was lots of excitement as two rounds were played today.

In the morning, Sarah beat Salma 3-0, Lucie beat Alex Norman 3-1, I beat Alex Clark 3-0, Nicolette beat Kanzy 3-0, Misaki beat Sabrina 3-0, Yathreb beat Kristen 3-0, Farah beat Lily 3-0, and Latasha beat Celia 3-0.

There were a couple great matches in this first round that I saw, but I didn't catch them all since I wanted to relax before the quarters in the evening.

And the evening didn't disappoint.

Sarah beat Lucie 3-0, and while she was in control, she certainly couldn't let up, as Lucie didn't stop trying her hardest for a second.

I beat Nicolette 3-2, after being down 2-0. You can imagine that this is an amazing win for me, I've got a lot of respect for Nicolette and her game, and I'd never beat her before today. A pleasure to play her, since the intensity was high and the rallies were long, which I love.

Misaki beat Yathreb, Misaki was up one game I believe, and I gather then looked rather confused when Yathreb went to shake hands with her in the second, conceding the match due to injury.

Latasha beat Farah in a very intense and testy four games I gather, although didn't get to see it.

Semis tomorrow afternoon!

In the meantime we get to enjoy the wonderful Hamptons.

10-Aug, First round:


Je m'incline 3/0 contre Latasha. Le score dans les jeux est dur et ne reflète pas entièrement le match, même si c'est sur qu'elle était au dessus. On ne sait jamais a quoi s'attendre avec elle. Un jour elle peut passer au travers et le lendemain jouer au top. Aujourd'hui elle était en forme.

Ses longueurs étaient mortelles et je me retrouvais rapidement en situation de défense. J'avais beau courir je n'arrivais pas a reprendre le dessus. J'ai essaye de trouver des solutions mais ca n'a jamais été suffisant. Dur de jouer un match de ce niveau d'entrée, mais ca fait partie du jeu.

Je vais profiter du weekend pour rester sur place et m'entrainer avec les filles avant de partir pour Washington DC lundi où je retrouverai Maud! Je dois, une fois de plus, passer par les qualif... Mais je tenterai de rejoindre Maud dans le main draw! On te tiendra au courant.

09-Aug, Qualifying:

Sam in Southampton

The one and only qualification round was played today in Southampton.

Alex Clark played Mayar Aly Ezzo this afternoon and it was a fierce affair, about 40 minutes long to finish four games.

There was a lot of physical contact and a bundle of lets. The first game went to extra points, back and forth, with Mayar pulling it of. The next three saw Alex pull away more and more each game, as Mayar made more and more errors. Alex wins 3-1

Lilly Lorentzen and Katya Amir played on the court next door, and Lilly came away with the win.

In the evening Majd Alkhateeb played Salma Hany, but I'm not sure of the result, nor have I heard which qualifier got which slot in the main draw.

We will all know more in the morning!



Coucou Fram,

Des news de Southampton, NY où je suis pour un WSA. Je vis dans le même état et pourtant j'ai quand même mis autant de temps pour y aller que de traverser la France... Welcome to USA! ;)

Ici c'est un autre monde. Les "Hamptons" sont connus pour être la destination phare des "people" durant l'été, mais c'est aussi l'endroit des maisons "secondaires" des riches de New York City. La maison de la famille chez qui je suis n'est autre que leur maison pour les weekends et les vacances. Maison qui est au bord de la plage, avec piscine, des hectares de jardin et une cuisine aussi grande que mon appartement -et pourtant j'ai un T2!-

Sinon concernant, le squash (car on est la pour ça avant tout) j'étais dans les qualifications mais mon adversaire a fait forfait avant hier. Apres avoir essayé, en vain, de trouver une joueuse de la "réserve list" pour la remplacer, la WSA m'a envoyé un email ce matin me disant que j'étais dans le main draw. Good news :) J'ai pu donc profiter de la journée pour faire un bon practice et me reposer pour mon match de demain.

Je joue Latasha Khan au 1er tour. Pas facile mais rien à perdre...
Je te tiens au courant de la suite des événements.


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