7th European
Nations Challenge Cup 2009
01-03 October, Poznań, Poland |
Ukraine and Malta top
players in the squash European team Cup
The Ukrainian players defeated Cyprus 2:1 in a dramatic
match and won the gold medal in the European Nations
Challenge Cup. In the womens classification the Maltese
players came out as winners as they defeated Cyprus in the
final match 3:0.
The final mens match was very emotion and dramatic
especially for one of the players. After 2 meetings of the
final match the teams from Cyprus and Ukraine scored a draw
1:1. In the decisive third match a player from Cyprus
suffered a serious injury. Gibraltar took the third place in
the mens classification as it won over Latvia (2:1).
In the womens competition the ladies from Estonia defeated
Poland (2:1) and came in third.

Men's Finals |

Women's Finals

Men's Semis |

Men's Quarters

Women's Semis

Day ONE Results

Official site |
Cyprus representations
heading for medals
Łaźniewski reports
The last day of the tournament within the European Nations
Challenge Cup 2009 is ahead of us. Cyprus will take up
Gibraltar in the mens semifinals and the first Ukrainian
team will be fighting Latvia for a spot in the finals.
In the womens semifinals the ladies from Malta will meet
Cyprus, the Polish and Estonian teams will be racing for the
third position and the players from Isle of Man and Latvia
will be competing for the fifth place. Croatia and Ukraine
will be the ones racing for the seventh location.
In the mens classification Poland will be fighting with
Estonia for the places 5-8 and the representation of Ukraine
will be playing with Croatia. The Maltese surprised the fans
with their performance as they did not come out of the group
and will be racing with Poland 2, Isle of Man and the second
team from Gibraltar for the positions 9-12.

Cup still up for grabs in Poznan
Łaźniewski reports
first day of the ENCC 2009 has not yet brought a clear
picture of who is the most probable winner of the
tournament. In the womens competition the teams from
Estonia, Cyprus, Malta and Poland will be the ones
fighting for medals. In the mens classification the tight
race for a spot in the quarterfinals is still unresolved.
Cyprus is becoming an unexpected leader of the tournament in
Group A the team played two matches defeating Croatia
(3:0) and Malta (2:1), of which the latter one was the
prospective winner up until now. On the second day of the
tournament, the match between Malta and Croatia will resolve
which team will advance to the quarterfinals.
After a brave rivalry the second Polish representation -
playing is in the difficult Group B - was eventually
defeated by Ukraine (0:3) and Estonia (1:2). The team lost
its chance for an advancement, but the players showed that
they stand on equal footing with their rivals and gave the
fans a very emotional game. Ukraine, which is the leader of
the group, will meet tomorrow with Latvia.
Ukraine defeated Isle of Man in Group C (2:1) but lost the
game with the first team from Gibraltar. The score of the
tomorrows match between Isle of Man and Gibraltar will
decide upon the advancement to the quarterfinals.
For the Poles and Latvians the matches in Group D are the
most interesting ones. The Polish team will be fighting
there with Latvia and the second team from Gibraltar. Only
Gibraltar played 2 matches in this team and lost its chance
for the quarterfinals by losing with Latvia (0:3) and Poland
(0:3). The first winners will meet tomorrow in an exciting
match for the leadership in the group.
The female representations of Poland, Malta, Estonia and
Cyprus are doing very well - they havent lost a game yet.
The fight for the medals will take place exactly among these
teams. The Polish female players without any difficulty won
2 matches defeating Latvia (3:0) and Ukraine(3:0).

Official site
from Poznań
10 countries in race for the
European team Cup in Poland
Squash representatives from 10 European countries will meet
next week from 1st till 3rd October in the city of Poznan.
The teams will compete for the 7th European Nations
Challenge Cup (ENCC).
During the three days of the tournament, 21 three-person
teams, including 13 male and 8 female groups will be
competing on the courts. The national teams will among
others represent the following countries: Poland, Estonia,
Latvia, Croatia, Russia, Ukraine, Malta, Cyprus, Isle of Man
and Gibraltar.
"Its going to be an interesting competition. The Polish
team will have to face the Maltese representation, which is
the favorite in the whole tournament", says Adam
Michańkσw from the Polish Squash Federation organizing
the ENCC 2009 tournament.
Poland is represented by two male and one female team. The
first male team includes the current Champion of Poland -
Wojtek Nowisz, as well as Marcin Kozik, Marcin
Karwowski and Kamil Dominiak. The second team
includes Łukasz Nitka, Maciej Maciantowicz,
Paweł Szostek and Tomasz Abramowski.
The female team is headed by the current Polish Champion
Anna Jurkun, who will be supported by Anna Sikorska
and Magdalena Knapik.
Although the representations make up the top rankings of the
Polish Squash Federation, the fight will not be easy.
Bradley Hindle a player coming from Australia, but
representing Malta is among those, who confirmed their
participation in the European Nations Challenge Cup. Hindle
is definitely the best player in the tournament. His
successes include two PSA tour titles, his latest victory
took place in the Dutch tournament Meersquash Heroes Open.
Men's Teams
Malta (1)
Estonia (5-8)
Croatia (9-10)
Group B:
Ukraine 1 (2)
Isle of Man (5-8)
Cyprus (9-10)
Group C: Gibraltar 1 (3/4)
Russia (5-8)
Poland 2 (11-13)
Group D:
Latvia (3/4)
Poland 1 (5-8)
Ukraine 2 (11-13)
Gibraltar 2 (11-13)
1. Croatia:
Filip Madjarić
Vedran vonja
Srđan Maksimović
Petar Galeković
Vedran Rezic
Gerhard Hager
2. Cyprus:
Panos Hadjiphilippou
Nasos Karasavas
Marios Yiannou
Andreas Koufettas
3. Estonia:
Paul Piik
Pavo Piik
Kristjan Pettai
Jaanus Pettai
4. Gibraltar:
Anthony Brindle
Stephen Shacaluga
Christian Navas
Nicholas Deharo
Mark Tewkesbury
Carl Gomez
Colin Davis
Justin Chipolina
5. Latvia:
Alex Pavulans
Arnis Tihvinskis
Kaspars Purgailis
Margers Zeitmanis
6. Malta:
Ivan Balzan
Mark Lupi
Brad Hindle
Carl Camilleri
7. Poland:
Wojciech Nowisz
Marcin Kozik
Marcin Karwowski
Kamil Dominiak
Łukasz Nitka
Maciej Maciantowicz
Paweł Szostek
Tomasz Abramowski
8. Ukraine:
Kostiantyn Rybalchenko
Dmytro Shcherbakov
Ruslan Sorochinskyi
Viktor Kovalchuk
Artem Shandybin
Roman Dolinich
Valerii Fedoruk
Yevgeniy Korolenko
9. Russia:
Alexei Serverinov
Valeri Litvinko
George Namuchin
Anton Schurenko
10. Isle of Man:
Dave Norman
Kevin Watterson
Lyndon Cheetham
Robin Crease |
Women's Teams
Group A:
Malta (1) Estonia
(3/4) Isle of Man (5-8)
Croatia (5-8)
Group B:
Cyprus (2)
Poland (3/4)
Ukraine (5-8)
Latvia (5-8)
1. Croatia:
Josipa Perun
Paulina Rado
Katarina Milas
2. Cyprus:
Vaso Karasava
Femke Ellens
Antonia Aristodemou
Christina Vrachimi
3. Estonia:
Aliis Allas
Diana Leguss
Sille Rikko
Reele Komi
4. Latvia:
Linda Svilane
Ieva Vilite
Eva Solovjova
Baiba Lulle
5. Malta:
Colette Sultana
Johanna Mizzo
Annabelle Diamantino
Theresa Camilleri
6. Poland:
Anna Jurkun
Anna Sikorska
Magdalena Knapik
7. Ukraine:
Anastasiia Spivak
Olesya Tretiakova
Anastasiia Netrebchuk
Nataliia Spivak
8. Isle of Man:
Laura Smith
Vicky Watterson
Lucy Hamilton-Turner |
ENCC heads for Poland
Adrian Łaźniewski reports
From 01 to 03 October 2009 Poznań will be hosting one of
Europe's top team events, the 7th European Nations Challenge
Cup (ENCC 2009). During the three days, squash fans will
have the opportunity to see the best players of mainly
Eastern and Central Europe competing for the title.
The ENCC, under the auspices of the European Squash
Federation and organised by the Polish Squash Federation, is
similar to the European Teams Championships, but is designed
for those smaller nations (in squash terms) who would
struggle to compete at the ETC.
The Poznań event will host 21 three-person teams, 13 men and
8 women, from such countries as: Poland, Estonia, Latvia,
Croatia, Russia, Ukraine, Malta, Cyprus, Isle of Man and
tournament is the biggest international squash event to take
place in Poland, so we are expecting a crowd of fans, all
the more so since entrance is free. "These three days mean
not only emotions for sports fans, but also a challenge for
the players."
Polish Squash Federation
The first two days of the
tournament, played on the courts of the Squash Park club,
will be devoted to the group phase, after which the finals
will follow. The best teams will compete for the medals in a
single-elimination matches and such a sequence of
tournaments means that the winners must be extraordinarily
The ENCC tournaments are popular among Polish fans. The
Polish representation won its first victory in this
international tournament in 2003, when the men's team came
in third. The Polish teams waited for their next successes
till 2006 and 2008 when the female representation won the
silver medal and in 2007 the Ladies came in third.

Official site
from Poznań

SquashPark courts