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My little contribution to your career, Dave, x...     VIDEO FAREWELL   LEAVE YOUR COMMENT 


His Wife, Friend, Rock

I am proud and honoured to be have been along side David throughout his career.

To have been through the good times, tough losses, and triumph wins.

 He is rewarded with his amazing career by the dedication, hard work, determination, character building and sacrifices that had to be made.

He has had to do it living away from family and friends for the past 16yrs. Which has been one of the hardest thing to have done.
We have been fortunate to have travelled and meet some amazing friends through out the world.

He is any amazing father to his 2 girls and a wonderful husband. You could not ask for a more kind hearted and family orientated person.


His Coach

When asked to describe in short the career of David Palmer I guess it would be easy to start with his 2 World Open and 4 British Open victories, or achieving the World nr 1 ranking. Countless PSA tournament victories worldwide, twice victorious at the World Teams Championships representing his beloved Australia or 100 consecutive months ranked inside the world’s top ten players. These are the more commonly known things about the man Robert Edwards nicknamed “The Marine”

Things which people may not immediately know about David Palmer are his passion for the sport, early in his career he was President of the PSA, and afterwards on all of his travels he remained a great ambassador of the game.

The loyalty he has shown to his friends and family, besides his Mum and Dad who have supported him tremendously throughout his career, the fact that he has only ever known 3 coaches from his junior days until today.

He left Australia with his high school sweetheart Mel in 1998 to chase his squash dreams; they married in 2005 and together have 2 daughters, Mel has played a silent but huge role in his success.

He has provided us with some spectacular duals over the years, with Peter Nicol, Jonathon Power, Amr Shabana, Johnny White, Gregory Gaultier and James Willstrop to name just a few, always exciting and never a dull moment.

The super series semi-final match against Jonathan Power in 2001 remains a personal favourite. Who could forget the two World Open final victories, both with multiple match balls against him, these moments sum up the true character of the man.

It’s been my privilege and honour to have been associated with David as a friend and coach over the past 12 years. For any player who wants to understand the true meaning of sacrifice, discipline, belief and commitment, look no further than David Palmer.

Partner in Crime

I have known David for around 20+ years. I have seen him come out of juniors to become one of the best players in our time.

We have travelled the world playing squash and doing what we love for a living.

David has been one of the most consistent players in the last decade which has kept him at the top of the rankings for so long. He was one of the strongest players physically and mentally on the court.

He has given everyone a lot of memories.

He is now getting into coaching in the States which is always great to see the other to players giving back to the sport.

It is always the toughest decision when it comes to retirement. I wish Dave and his family all the very best.

I am sure we will meet somewhere on the court again soon.

all the best mate.

(runner up world open 2002!!!)

Former Coach

David was a very shy and introverted boy who trusted people implicitly. He had no vinegar in his blood and accepted all actions given against him as a part of his life.

His Father John Palmer still claims that “David was a nice boy until he met you !!! “

The fact is that the troubles he encountered at the start of his career with the AIS (don't want to get into details now, it's history), and also his long stay in Brazil while preparing the U19 World, where he was continually home sick although surrounded by lovely people changed him into a true professional mentally tough player.

While all of the English Team were being paid an Annuity had Physios and Trainers and Coaches David for all of those years paid for all assistance from his own earnings, with the assistance of his friend Pat in particular.

His prime asset is his loyalty not only to me but to all of those who helped him in his career, including Shaun Moxham of course, who accompanied him throughout his career, Lollo, Paul and Eduardo from Brazil are still in touch 18 years later. His school girl friend Melinda has been a rock for him totally supporting his goals.

A two time world champion, four times British Open champion, an entrant in the Guinness Book of Records a Postage Stamp in his honour, an Order of Australia in his possession he is recognized as the toughest Marine in world competitive sport and the few hurdles exposed here are only a small part of the story.

He has now Captained Australia many times in International competitions and he is a credit to his country. He will now undoubtedly be confirmed as a Legend of Australian Sport and installed into the Hall of Fame but everyone should recognize the hurdles that he had to overcome to achieve those results.

He is now back with the A.I.S in a guidance role after a career forged by himself with amazing tenacity and wonderful family support.

He is an example of how a true champion can overcome overwhelming obstacles to achieve his dreams and goals. He can forgive the A.I.S and has and that is something that I cannot do.

David should be back in Australia where his talents and coaching experiences should be used for Australia's benefit as there is no doubt that he is far more experienced in modern technological educational training programs than any of our other coaches.



The first word that pops up in my head when I think about Dave is "respect".

What he achieved in his match here against Thierry Lincou is amazing. Being sick all night and day, coughing, taking antibiotics and still playing for 2 long hours. This is not the first time that I said to myself "this guy is not human"...

But also what he achieved throughout his career is amazing. I started to work with Dave and Shaun at the worlds in Antwerp and it started quiet well: first world open for Dave!

Immediately I felt that there was a sort of chemistry between the 3 of us! Almost every tournament where the 3 of us were together, a victory was at the end... I never worked with or met a guy who was so disciplined, trustful and loyal like Dave.

Several weeks ago, he told me that he would stop playing squash. I knew this once would happen. For me this was quiet emotional.

The world of squash will loose one of its best players. For me he is and still will be! But at the end, I still got him as my best friend.

Thanks Dave!!

Physio and friend...

The Voice of Squash

Where have the years gone?

It seems like yesterday that Joe Shaw contacted me from Australia, to ask if I would keep an eye out for a young Aussie who was taking the well worn path to the northern hemisphere to ply his trade on the PSA Tour.

His name was David Palmer from Lithgow in NSW. That was 1995 and since then this raw talent has developed and grown to make him one of the highest achievers that the game has ever seen.

Slowly David and I became close friends. I saw him develop both as a player and as a man. He formed a tremendous relationship with the coach that he and Joe had selected to take him to another level – Shaun Moxham. It was a marriage made in Heaven as was his real marriage to his lifelong girlfriend, Mel.

It was in this comfort zone of working with Shaun and having Mel join him in Europe, that David developed and grew. The results started to come and with them he was to rise in the PSA rankings.

Our friendship also became closer as I watched and shared most of his biggest achievements. With financial stability, he and Mel returned to Australia to marry in front of both of their families. With the arrival of Kayla & Miley, David & Mel have chosen to make their home in Florida. Here the family will continue to grow and David will start a new career, post PSA.

Together with his mum and dad, John & Sylvia, family Palmer came to visit Sandy & I at our home in France during 2007. On meeting his parents it became obvious where David had got his sports talent from. His mother had been a good enough tennis and squash player to have played professionally on either circuit. As for John, he is an example for all of us with his no nonsense attitude towards keeping fit in later life.

I have lost count of the number of times that I have introduced “The Marine” (the monocle that I dubbed him with) to squash audiences around the world.

In the latter years I have felt that his achievements allowed me to add – “With Geoff Hunt the best squash player ever to have come out of Australia”. Now with two World Open Titles – four British Open titles and nearly 30 PSA Tour Event titles – Commonwealth Games medals besides being in the PSA world top 10 for a continuous 10 years - a former World number 1. David has left an indelible footprint on the history of squash.

My favourite all time match was when he won the World Open for the first time in Antwerp 2002, beating his great friend John White in the final.

It had everything – a magnificent setting – both families had come from Australia (and showed great dignity in the way that they supported their own) - the biggest title in the world, the winner to be crowned WORLD CHAMPION – drama as The Marine saved match ball after match ball, with the spectacle going down to the wire in the fifth game – a crowd that were enthralled and vocal.

Finally the humility of two exceptional athletes as they publicly dealt with the exultation of victory and the horror of defeat. What an advert they both were that day for squash. This match could be held up as a defining example of why squash should be an Olympic sport.

Now as David walks away from the PSA tour, he will leave a void that will challenge the young Australian products of today to fill.
For my part David has been a mixture of friend and son over the years. I have shared many of his highlights and also the bad times with him. During all of those years he has proven to be a deeply honest & loyal friend and colleague.

Bonne chance with your new life David – I know that you will rise to new challenges with the same professionalism and endeavour that that you adopted all of those years ago in 1995.


Bravo pour la Carriere de David pour ses nombreux titres.

Il a marqué l'histoire du squash et je suis fier d'avoir traversé avec lui plus d'une décennie dans le top.

Je garderai en mémoire de belles batailles, de belles victoires comme de marquantes défaites
C 'est un véritable compétiteur et il sait comment gagner.

De plus comme pour moi il a toujours eu le soutien de sa femme et de ses deux filles.

Et ses coachs de toujours me font penser aussi au miens : Joe shaw/Paul Sciberras, les têtes pensantes et Shawn Moxham/ Franck Carlino, le vécu d'anciens joueurs.

Bonne continuation

All my respect to David Palmer, he is one of the greatest and the best example for everyone, he will be missed by all the player and all his fans on court ..

David Palmer good luck in you life I wish you all the best..

Marwan El Shorbagy
Junior World Champion 2011

I'm feeling sad about the retirement of this guy ,, he is such a legend and a great image to the sport of squash ,, I've been watching him since I was 9 I remember in the world open in Egypt when he won the final, I just ran down the seats to take his wrist and take a picture with him.

He will be greatly missed by everyone ,, the sport will lose one of the greatest of all time ,, he inspired everyone with his determination and consistency I have a lot of respect to this man.

I want to wish him luck for his new career whatever it is.

Runner-up Junior World Champion 2011

It was my honour to play the last match of David's career..

He's one of the legends of the game.. I wish him the best of luck in his life

David has been a top player for so many years and obviously very successful, with his 2 World titles and, is it 4 British Opens?!

I along with many of my fellow pros from all nationalities have looked up to him, and tried to mirror his game and the way he plays.

I am similar in that we wear our heart on our sleeve and will not accept giving anything less than 100% as soon as we step on a squash court.

I think when Thierry and David eventually stop it will be the end of an era. They have given so much to the game and I'm sure everyone involved in squash is extremely thankful and privileged to have been able to watch them or play against them.

I would like to play David one last time as we have had some extremely tough matches, and give myself just 1 win against him?!!

I wish him all the best for the future and praise him for what he has given to the world of squash.


Saw him play at the Invitational Doubles in Manchester before the CWG in Delhi. The man is truly inspiring!

Just wanted to say that his drive, determination and fairness makes him a true great of the game. Above all though, one of the nicest people I've ever met.

If you look in the dictionary for 'gentleman' it has a picture of David Palmer next to it.

Many thanks

Assoc CIPD

Un homme m'a fait pleurer aujourd'hui à Rotterdam.

C'était un de mes joueurs préférés par son style de jeu. C'était très émouvant à rotterdam aujourd'hui et sa sortie par la grande porte fût un moment très spécial.

Seul le sport peut procurer des émotions pareilles, incompréhensibles mais cette sortie m'a d'abord donné des frissons puis la chair de poule et enfin les larmes aux yeux à la grande surprise de mes copains de voyage.

Un autre joueur me procurera les mêmes émotions quand il partira et j'espère être présent pour sa dernière (le plus tard possible).

Une génération continue à s'en aller. Après Power, Nicol, Ricketts, Palmer, reste encore notre Titi national puis viendront Shabana et Nick qui laisseront définitivement place aux nouveaux. Un géant s'en va.

Good bye the marine and thanks for everything you gave us.

« A Great Player ..A Fighter ..Squash world will miss him dearly ! »

Send your memories or farewell to David to gommendy@aol.com

Video of David's Interview and Farewell Walk

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