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June 2010:
Corren Confidential ...
Australia's Mike Corren has just equalled the 26 PSA titles won by squash legends David Palmer and Amr Shabana (albeit winning rather less in prize money in the process), and is almost certain to become the "most-winning" current player some time this summer.

Naturally we had to have a word with him ...

Ranking History


PSA record

I know you don't like making too much fuss about it, but it must feel good to be bracketed with Palmer and Shabana ?

Look mate I really don't think about it in terms of Dave or Amr. It's chalk and cheese obviously. Still, I had a fair go on the circuit, made the 30's without coaching or funding and gave it my best. I am at total ease with all that side of it.

I look at what I do now as a 'hobby', a hobby I take seriously, but I play purely for the love of the game. So in that sense yeah sure, I don't find the comparison 'comfortable', but you know ... winning one PSA title isn't easy! There are a lot of good players that still strive for it so ... sure, I can live with 26!

Your first title was in Hong Kong 14 years ago, had you played many events before that or did success come straight away ?

It did in terms of PSA, just lucky I guess! I didn't win my next title till 2000 though so ... I played three years full time on the NZ circuit before venturing on to the PSA circuit playing quality players like Paul Steel, Glen Wilson and Wayne Werder every weekend ... it was a great measuring stick.

And what about your junior career ?

Pretty much non existent ... I was a pudgy little bugger, more pies than court sprints! I really didn't take the game seriously till I was about 18 or 19.

Which of your titles gave you the most pleasure ?

Hard to say, every win since snapping my Achilles is pretty good! I suppose the more recent ones are fresh in the memory, had a great match with Robin Clarke in Ottawa late last year. It went all the way to the wire, was extremely hard but also fair ... it was a satisfying match. Hopefully he thinks the same way!

And which was the hardest to win ?

I don't know about that but I know which was the hardest to lose. Ottawa in 2004 ... lost to Joey Barrington 17-16 in the fifth after about 2hrs 18min ... I 'think' he hit the back wall nick on match ball. It took about five bottles of red wine that night to recover from the shock!

You've had a few injuries over the years, were you ever close to giving up ?

I was close at the end of 2008. I ruptured my Achilles at the end of 2006 and after I recovered I really felt I didn't do justice to myself for a good 18 months, I felt I was making a fool of myself to be blunt. I made the decision to give it one more shot, train hard and see what happened.

It worked out 2009 was one of my better years, I really enjoyed it. Have also had my fair share of back injuries over the years ... but I did read somewhere that large mammals shouldn't be in an enclosed space ... they should be out in the open sea! So I was warned!

You've been based in Australia, Holland, USA and New Zealand - I guess home is always best, but you must have some good memories of your other bases ?

Oh for sure, in fact ... the above places were so good I now have no sense of where home is! I will always have great memories of NZ and I have a very strong desire to get back to Europe for a stint. I sincerely hope my nomadic days are not over yet!

At 36, have you set yourself a retirement target, either in terms of time or titles ?

Yes, July 17 2015. (really ... I have no idea)

And after that ?

In my last PSA form I said that I wanted to be a guardian of small woodland creatures ... everyone thought I was joking, can you believe that?!

I am actually quite serious about that, I have already collected a hamster, a few tit mice (with wheel), some ferrets and a family of badgers. I would like to start a travelling circus of sorts, maybe not a three ring ... but certainly at least two rings.

I think I would look the part with top hat, cane, velvet suit and pipe ... the feats and tricks we would produce ... wondrous!

Final thought ?

I think I can safely say Dave and Amr won't be losing any sleep over the 'record'! However my bank manager is ... but that's the way the mop flops right?

Ten to finish :
Tea or Coffee: Coffee
Meat or Veg: Meat and three veg ... aussie style
Coke or Pepsi: Coke ... with Bundy Rum
What's on your ipod ? Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Beatles, Beach Boys, Zero 7 etc etc (old stuff ... like me!)
Favourite book ? Murder in the squash court ... the squash bible
Thing you hate most ? the word no
Best squash player
of all time ?
Jahangir ... Hunt and Jansher second. Dittmar personal fav
Half-Full or Half-Empty ? Can be both within the same minute
If you hadn't been
a squash player ?
The King of England
Three famous people you'd invite for dinner ? Do famous people even eat toasted sandwiches ?

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