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  Cambridge Cup 2015
  17-19 Feb, Toronto

19-Feb, Finals:

Final: Gregory Gaultier 3-0 Mohamed Elshorbagy
                11/7, 13/11, 11/9

3rd/4th: Miguel Rodriguez 3-1 Amr Shabana
                12/14, 11/2, 11/8, 11/4

5th/6th: Peter Barker 3-1 Daryl Selby
7th/8th: LJ Anjema 3-0 Martin Knight

Gaultier Tames “The Beast”
in Cambridge Cup Final

The final at the Cambridge Cup could not have been hand selected any better with the two best squash players on the planet facing off, and the Frenchman was clearly keen to de-throne the previous back to back Champion Elshorbagy.

With an opening 37 shot rally both players quickly burn off their adrenaline with Elshorbagy on the winning end of the point followed by a “Here we go” glance at Greg and a coy grin. At the mid-game point these two are quickly living up to their best in the world titles, with Gaultier’s lightning fast counter drops and Elshorbagy’s digs off the playcon, the Cambridge Club fans are watching in awe.

Greg rallies on, showing variety with an unexpected trickle boast, wrong footing Shorbagy. Some late focus turns to the ref with a couple controversial out calls, which rapidly intensifies the mood between the competitor’s, both wanting to raise the trophy high! Gaultier is up one game after a rare error from the world #1, 11-7 Gaultier.

Both men come out trading “showman” shots and the crowd is immediately captivated. Mohamed continues on and sells a lean left drive right forehand with the Frenchman watching from mid-court. Shorbagy’s not done… next rally has the Egyptian leaping for a full extension backhand volley that he manages to flick down into the crosscourt nick, with Greg applauding as a true fan of excellence in the sport.

Gaultier is seeking an answer against the world #1, but Elshorbagy shows no signs of letting up. Continuing to exhibit his bag of tricks he anticipates a cross drive from Greg and quickly snaps the ball straight, leaving the Cambridge Cup attendee’s howling. Gaultier is inspired and has had enough. He storms back with quick put away holds and carving nicks to pull the game to 11-11. Both players hesitant to end the game and go for the winner, trade errors. Elshorbagy goes for it with one of his most famous shots, the through the legs forehand straight nick drop off the back wall, but finds tin.

The Frenchman leads by two, 13-11.

Elshorbagy comes out in the third with a show-stopper of a shot. His token full swinging crosscourt racquet motion that deceptively drives the ball straight and has Gaultier leaning and looking for the cross. These guys are in their element, with fakes and holds everywhere trying to catch the other off guard….Mohamed proceeds to do so with a triple forehand fake that he crushes left when Greg inches right…. Special to watch.

The class of these two is next level. Deep into a late rally Elshorbagy hits a behind the back off Gaultier’s cross and Greg responds with a through the legs drop nick into the front left giving the World #1 a “There’s more where that came from” look and friendly smirk.

With Elshorbagy trying to get on the board, Gaultier steams ahead with crushing low drives to perfect length and successfully becomes the 2015 Cambridge Cup Champion winning 3-0 against world #1 Elshorbagy, 11-9!

Amazing stuff… Thanks to all that came out, supported Cambridge Cup and see you all next year!

Jonathon Madruga

Fantastic battle for 7/8th place between LJ Anjema and Martin Knight!

Martin Knight came out focused and strong and lead the whole way towards the end of the first. However Anjema like a man possessed mounted a great comeback and managed to force a tie break and took a see-saw 15-13 marathon first game victory.

The next two games were as tight as the first , with amazing retrievals , displays of athleticism and many variations of nicks which pleased the crowd all evening!

LJ managed to pull through towards the end of each game taking the match in a highly competitive 3-0 victory.

Wonderful night at Valhalla!

Rodriguez’s Speed tops the Legend of Shabana

Finals day at the Cambridge Cup and the crowd is buzzing. We start things off with the ¾ match finding World #5 Amr Shabana Vs #6 Miguel Angel Rodriguez and it was just as great as it looks on paper.

Believe it or not the start to this battle was slow. Flashes of attacking and pace, but quick exchanges of errors had both players settling into the match early and waiting for chances. Amr finds his range with a classic, what we at the Cambridge like to call, “carving the turkey” cut drop into the front right and un-gettable.

Match is underway now with Rodriguez flashing around the court picking up get after get, Shabana hits a lefty backhand philly, Miguel retrieves, Shabana hits a forehand philly to perfection that comes across glued to the back wall and Rodriguez looks at Shabs with a sheepish smile. 4-3 Shabana.

Angel answers with some flare of his own crushing a forehand cross nick. With a lot of front to back movement these two exchange points to 10 all with Shabs closing a grueling rally out, with another perfect forehand philly. He follows it up with a pouncing hold no look backhand drop off the Rodriguez loose ball. Shabana takes the game with a late tin from Miguel.

Game 2 starts off with a bang. The Colobian Cannonball hits a jumping forehand crosscourt nick to open game two and has a refreshed determination in his eyes to make is mark at the Cambridge cup. He keeps the momentum going keeping Shabs a half step behind and working in some unassuming trickle boasts.

Amr punches back with a low controlled volley touch that finds the nick, but the Colombian was fired up in this game salivating at the front wall waiting for a defensive off the back wall shot from Shabs and proceeds with a forehand volley drop that finds the nick…unbelievable. Games are tied and crowd is alive.

Now into the meat of the match the players go back and forth exchanging penetrating length’s and high pressure drops, while displaying their class to the onlookers. Shabana is going for it, nick’s Miguel’s serve, then hits a brilliantly poised hold freezing Rod on the T and popping the ball down the rail. The Columbian Cannonball won’t be stopped and keeps on rolling, exhibiting a swing around the ball forehand that pauses Shabana and continues to drive wide of the Egyptian. Miguel continues with an effective power boast and a late error from Shabs makes it 2-1 Colombia.

Rodriguez is determined and displaying deception not many have witnessed by motioning to grab the ball mid-rally, but then quickly retracting the grab and driving the ball down the forehand side, Shabana gets it and steps up on a Angel loose ball, hitting a backhand no look drop while walking away, Rod scrapes it up, but just for Amr to pound the ball into the back….stellar.

From here the Colombian pushed forward with fait on his side, he hits a top spin cross lob off his backhand with high-arching dead weight and the ball pops straight up on the back wall with Shabana stuck to the glass in disbelief and smiling through the glass at the crowd while clapping his racquet for his competitor. Rodriguez takes the bronze medal match 11-4 in what was a highly entertaining contest!

5th/6th Playoff:

The Adelaide Club crowd witnessed an amazing display of squash this evening between the two Englishmen and long standing friends.

The match started with a huge 70 shot rally, both players really pushing the pace and looking to start strong and develop an early lead.

Pete just edged the first game playing some excellent attacking shots and varying the pace well throughout. Advantage Barker.

Daryl started getting into the match more in the second game, finding his trademark length and width and pushing forward looking to take the ball early and attack more. Pete again ended strong though and hit some outrageous forehand drops to clinch the game and a two love lead.

The third game was nip and tuck throughout with long rallies and both players making some incredible gets, showing the crowd why they are considered two of the fittest players on the pro tour. Daryl made a big push towards the end of the game and just managed to scrape it.

Pete jumped out to an early lead in the fourth game and never looked back, mixing powerful hitting with deft touch in the front court. A great late game comeback from Daryl almost saw the match go to a decider but it was the higher ranked Barker who came through in the end in a hard fought 3-1.

The crowd thoroughly enjoyed the match and showed their appreciation to both players. A big thank you to Pete and Daryl for putting on such a great show and taking the time to chat with everyone afterwards. We hope to see them back in Toronto for the Cambridge Cup next year!

Laurence Delasaux

18-Feb, Semi-Finals:

Mohamed Elshorbagy 3-2 Miguel Rodriguez
         9-11, 11-4, 9-11, 11-5, 11-7
Gregory Gaultier 3-1 Amr Shabana
         9-11, 11-6, 11-7, 11-8

Elshorbagy ceases Rodriguez "The Columbian Cannonball" '

And we're off on day two of the 2015 Cambridge Cup in what is sure to be a match with no shortage of intensity.

Match starts off in Rodriguez's favor with Elshorbagy making a few early uncharacteristic errors making it 3-0 for the Columbian. Short attacking balls is the early theme of the match with quick counter drops being witnessed by the packed Cambridge Club.

Tied at 5-5 both players start to loosen up and wait for opportunities. Miguel applies more pressure (this man has no brakes) ripping a cross court roll out nick followed by more Shorbagy errors, has the Colombian up 9-5. Mohamed responds and pounces on a midcourt ball driving a forehand boast into the front left nick. Rallies lengthen with Shorbagy grinding back 9-10, but to no avail. The Colombian Cannonball steams ahead to the second up 1 game.

Second game finds players trading points early on and still feeling out their surroundings. Shorbagy starts to display his token fake power backhand cross that brushes the face of the ball driving it into the front left corner nick... outrageous. The beast is becoming uncaged with an imagination for shots that is endless.

Miguel, turns it into high gear and tracks down everything, goes the wrong way and throws his body back doing a spin-o-rama and picks up what the other #7 + players in the world would give up on, but Elshorbagy drills a hard deceptive cross to end the oohh'sss and aaahhh's. Mohamed is up 9-3 and closes the next two points out quickly reading Miguel's attack's and stepping in early. 11-4 Elshorbagy.

Game three is underway and tightly contested with neither opponent giving an inch. Rodriguez mixes it up with a fake drop top spin lob from the front left and Elshorbagy follows with a dying backhand drive. 7-6 Rodriguez. There's no let up in The Colombian Cannonball with Elshorbagy pacing around court scrappily picking up impossible pressure shots from Miguel, but comes up short when Rodriguez hits a finessed slow backhand flick drop into the front left to short and dead for the Egyptian to get under. Rodriguez stays tough forcing a late error from Elshorbagy ending the 3rd 11-9 Rodriguez.

Mohamed feels the momentum turning Miguel's way and won't accept it with crushing forehand low weighted drives dying to perfection. Rodriguez cuts an attacking backhand drop to dampen the Egyptian's force, but the game is over in 5 minutes with "The Beast" dominating game four 11-5. Games are tied two all.

Into the business end of the match we go to determine the finalist. Things start quiet ... the calm before the storm. Elshorbagy quickly livens things up in the 4th point, once again busting out the token power backhand brush cross driving the ball into the short straight nick. The current best squash player in the world starts to run away with it going up 6-1. Rodriguez's helps him along with a couple unforced errors.

Fate begins to turn with Miguel on the receiving end of a stroke call and errors from Mohamed. 6-10 now and into a 45 shot rally the Colombian hits a no look backhand drop off the back wall retrieval from Elshorbagy drawing the game closer to 7-10.

Elshorbagy roots himself, holds position and forces the last error giving him a birth into the Cambridge Cup Final to defend his 2014 title and closing the semi-final out with a 3-2 score.

Redemption is sweet for Gaultier at The Cambridge Cup

The second semi-final was off to a quick start with both opponents raring to go.

Gaultier strikes first looking to be in fine form with his familiar high leaping skip forehand snapped short and straight into the nick. The Frenchman follows this with another cross nick and adds some separation at 6-4. The poised Shabana begins to lull Gaultier into his unreadable deceptive play showing a hard cross, waits for Greg to take the bait and then re-directs the drive straight with humbling power.

With Shabana under pressure he tries for a float crosscourt drop hitting the tin and hitting his wrist in the process and looking up for crowd/ref sympathy. With no one giving into the Maestro's showmanship he backs up his efforts jumping on a short front left ball from Gaultier and push floating it into the front right nick from about 2 feet off the front wall threading the needle. With confidence in the Egyptian corner he rips a forehand drive and then squeezes Gaultier on the backhand to close out game 1, 11-9 Shabs.

Gaultier opens up game 2 with a carved backhand straight nick that manages to roll out. Shabana tries to respond by going for some quick attacks that find the tin. Quick 3-0 Greg. Shabs, steadies himself and steps in to a short length slicing in the forehand drop to get on the board. The Frenchman is starting to dictate the game with patience winning him position and Shabana chasing. Greg stays the course and keeps his thumb on Amr forcing him to go for a nick off the serve... he converts.

Amr follows by showing a hard cross and dropping his shoulder for a soft forehand drop into the front left. Not done yet, Shabana pounces into the front right on a short ball and opts for a up the middle drive that is bye Gaultier, but still has him sheepishly glancing at the ref hoping for a let to be offered...no luck. The Frenchman is happy to earn his points and ends any chance of a comeback closing out game 2, 11-6. One all in games.

Best of 3 here we come... Shabana kicks things off with a lefty forehand drive nick roller from centre court with the Egyptian contingent in attendance chanting for Shabs and fueling his fire. Gaultier is a bull dog and won't back down, hitting refined shots with pin point accuracy takes the lead at 6-4.

Shabana digs in through a grueling rally and finishes it, waiting to the last second snapping a low cross off his forehand wrong footing Greg. Deep in the 3rd, the longest rally of the match ensues and 53 shots in Gaultier goes for a half paced forehand drop roller and gets it. 2-1 Frenchman.

The Egyptian won't roll over Vs the #2 and forces two back to back strokes to start off the 4th. Next rally Shabana quick steps upto a short ball fakes the forehand, steps around and pushes the backhand into the front right with Gaultier needing a scraper to unglue him from the front left wall. Gaultier starts to rise to the occasion with a sense of urgency in his step. He starts popping drives with the most power the Cambridge crowd as seen yet.

The Frenchman is not taking anything for granted picking up tight balls, forcing Shabana to hit what seems to be 5 winners to get one bye Gaultier. Amr pushes back to a 8-8 tie with an inside out backhand drive. The more patient man prevails in this match with Greg leaning in on a few more dying power tight lengths to close this one out 11-8 and 3-1 in games.

Redemption is the Frenchman's tonight, beating out the Egyptian who took him out in 2014.

#1 Mohamed Elshorbagy Vs #2 Gregory Gaultier in the heavy hitter Cambridge Cup final tomorrow showcasing the world's best!

Jonathon Madruga

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5/8 Semis

Cedar springs was the host club for the 5/8 play off between Daryl "Bobby Dazzler" Selby and Laurens "Terminator" Anjema.

Both players had a career high ranking of 9 so the match should be a tight one on paper.

LJ as the terminator is known is coming back from an injury break and was visibly pumped, fresh, keen and ready to get back on court.

On the other hand Daryl is in the middle is a heavy tournament schedule and needed the get psyched up.

The first game was tight and the ball was thrashed around by LJ from the word go, Daryl tried hard but got out hit. 11-9 to the Dutchman.

Daryl came out in the second with good intentions but it was a copy of the first 11-9 LJ, however, the Terminator was suffering - just a little.

Daryl could not afford to let the big guy dominate and slowly but surely Daryl began to find the angles and space to twist and turn the Dutchman 11-8 to Daryl.

 The fourth game saw a subtle change in momentum but it was closer than Daryl would have liked 11-8.

Fifth game and all to play for four all, five all, six all - deep breathing from the Dutchman, splits and sliding from the Brit who managed to take the fifth 11-7.

Once again It was a great night of squash and fun at Cedarsprings.

Keith Griffiths

What a great match we were treated to this evening at Whiteoaks between world #8 Peter Barker of england and our own local star Nick 'the hammer' Sachvie.

Amazing gets, nefarious nicks and superb sportsmanship were on display as barker took the match 3-1 and kept the crowd on edge of their seats.

Matt Easingwood


17-Feb, Quarter-Finals:

Mohamed Elshorbagy 3-0 Shahier Razik
               11-9, 16-14, 11-8
Miguel Rodriguez 3-2 Peter Barker 
               6-11, 11-5, 6-11, 11-6, 11-6
Amr Shabana 3-1 Daryl Selby           
               9-11, 11-9, 11-7, 11-8
Gregory Gaultier 3-1 Laurens Jan Anjema
               11-8, 11-8, 16-18, 11-7

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Shorbagy v Razik

What a great night at Mayfair Parkway with Shahier Razik and Mohamed El Shorbagy playing in front of a packed house.

Razik fought with his precise length and soft touch to the front. After Shorbagy took the first, the crowd was hoping Razik would take the equalizer to bring it 1-1 but after a couple game balls from Razik and couple from Shorbagy, the latter pulled it out in a marathon 16-14.

After a hard fought third game Mohamed El Shorbagy showed why he is number one in the world with an incredibly accurate short game and powerful holds. Shorbagy took the match 11-9, 16-14, 11-8.

Shabana v Selby
"The Maestro Conducts Play Vs Selby in Cambridge Cup Quarters"

Opening ceremonies of the 2015 Cambridge Cup started off in the quarters, with the 35 year old #3 in the world Egyptian squash legend Amr Shabana facing off against England's #14 Daryl Selby. What a way to kick off the event on the home court. Here's how it played out...

This match started off as a bit of a chess match with the opponents trying to be patient for their openings while finding their length on the frigid Canadian courts, although you couldn't tell from the intense pace of play.

Shabana, dubbed "The Maestro" was quickly feeling comfortable in the early points exhibiting his effortless holds followed by dynamic low power dying lengths that were catching Selby a step behind. Not to be one upped Selby started to dig into his deep bag of tricks and hit a driving backhand into the nick off of a high volley where there was a 20 degree angle to work with drawing the score closer to 6-7. The englishman was not done and followed this up with another backhand nick and then a fake backhand drive moving Shabs a half step out of position and then a driving dead length making it 9-7 to the Englishman. With the end in sight Daryl keeps the deception going, motioning for a soft drop, Shabs moves up and Selby has enough time to snap the cross court by the Egyptian. A late error makes it 11-9 Selby, 1 game to love.

Game 2 is underway and Shabana opens with a nick and looks at the crowd with fire in his eyes and goes 3-0 up in 30 seconds with quick attacking kill shots. Rallies later, Selby fights back and hits a leaping forehand volley soft drop to perfection clawing back to 3-5. Shabs tightens up with tight length squeezing Selby on the side wall. Selby won't have it, pushing the next rally and hits a forehand top spin drop from deep to the front left after 37 shots and The Maestro is on it with a dead counter drop into the nick... unbelievable... 8-8. Amr is really starting to display his variety at this point hitting a hard inside out boast from the front centre, wrong footing the Englishman and closing it out with a low volley straight length kill. 11-9 Shabana and 1-1 in games.

Game 3 saw Amr in control from the start with inspiring "play through it" squash on display, leaving every point earned and not relying on the ref. Selby starts to dig in, chasing down everything and being down 4-1 hits 5 balls off the back wall in gets of desperation while the Cambridge club patrons were groaning louder than he was and the bearded Selby finished off the grinder of a rally with an exceptional inside out straight drive. The mental strength of Shabana was evident, he stuck to the game plan and added his calculated deception to close out the 3rd 11-7.

Into the 4th we go. Both come out guns a blazing firing attacking Jabs at each other with a power boast from Selby and a deft touch forehand drop from Shabana, the game is tight through the early points. Selby, moves up quick to what looks to be a open stance hard cross off shabs short ball and pushes it down the line catching Shabana moving the wrong way. Game's tied at 5's.

This is a dog fight, no one giving an inch and everything being picked up. At 8-8 Shabana takes 3 tennis style backward steps to volley Selby's lob and smashes a left handed overhead into the nick with federer-esque style. Advantage Shabana. Daryl tries to get the momentum back, but to no avail and Amr closes out the match with an unreadable reverse.

11- 8 and match finishes 3-1 Shabana with a well warranted roar from the Cambridge crowd!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's Semi- final action, live from the Cambridge Club.

Jonathon Madruga


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Gaultier v Anjema

The Toronto Lawn Tennis Club was treated to an exciting evening of squash by Gregory Gaultier (WR 2) and Laurens Jan Anjema (WR 29).

Anjema has recently returned to competitive play after recovering from an injury, having previously reached a career high ranking of 9.

However Gaultier, who has held the world number 1 spot numerous times over the last 5 years, proved too strong for the Dutchman in this first round match of the Cambridge Cup.

Gaultier won the first two games 11-8, 11-8 with a tempo too high for Anjema. The third was hard fought by Anjema, who managed to sneak the game 18-16, with several incredible rallies and many crowd-pleasing shots from both players.

Unfortunately for Anjema, Gaultier regrouped and came out strong and fast in the fourth game winning it 11-7 to take the match.

With plenty of showmanship throughout the match, the 70-strong crowd had quite a spectacle, getting behind both players and thoroughly enjoying the performance.

Samuel Levin

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Barker v Rodriguez

Barker runs off to a 7-0 lead hitting deep and tight length keeping Miguel off the T, slowing the pace as soon under the slightest bit of pressure.

Miguel gets a few points and claws it back to 6-10 with some stellar gets, killer holds, and unexpected winners from the back of the court. A little too late for Miguel, but it looks like he's finding his form.

Game 2:
Miguel looks ready to play and the first few points show it. His holds from the back of the court increase, as does his proactive squash off the T. The volley drops increase as do the kills, but Barker weathers the storm with strong fundamentals and a few short kills with holds from the front of the court. 4-3 Miguel.

Miguel runs away with a few points with strong forehand kills from the mid-court.

Then Miguel's fitness kicks in to overdrive. Pick ups that the crowd can't comprehend begin...and so Miguel wears Barker down, leaving his opponent in disbelief along the way! Games are tied 1-1

Game 3:
First couple of rallies and Miguel attacks too soon opening up the court. Barker capitalizes. Miguel then tightens up and comes back.

A monster rally at 8-6 with great pick ups by both players, and Barker goes up 8-6. A couple more gets by Barker and some tight, basic drop shots take him to 10-6 (game ball). 11-6 Barker.

Barker leads 2 games to 1.

Game 4:
Barker comes out and races off to a 3-0 lead. Miguels speed though is appreciated even by Barker as he comes off the court and says to the crowd "is it possible to be that quick? I didn't even see him". The crowd laughs.

Miguel brings it back and more by moving ahead 5-3. The rallies get tight with good attacking and defensive squash. Barker appears to be feelign the effects of some tough rallies and tries to slow the pace up. Miguel is up 9-5 at this time.

One incredibly tight length on the backhand by Miguel and it's 10-6. Barker claws is back by one point, but then Miguel ends it off with a cross court nick off the serve! 11-6 Rodriguez. We're going to a 5th and final decider!

Game 5:
Tight rallies ensue, and the players trade points. 2-2. Miguel then begins pouncing on the ball like a cat and picks up the pace. Barker is hurting physically but stays in it. After a super fake attempt goes wrong by Miguel. 4-3 Miguel.

Some brutal holds by Miguel make Barker work, and he quickly moves ahead to 7-3.

Barker claws a few back, but Miguel maintains a lead at 9-6. A tight straight drop on the forehand by Miguel leads to a stroke against Barker. 10-6, and match ball Miguel. Another tough rally, and it ends the match 11-6, Miguel.

A fantastic match that leaves the crowd enthralled.

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The best squash on the planet returns to Toronto February 17-19 with the sixth installment of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Cambridge Cup.!

Squash fans witnessed a dominant performance by then-rising star Mohammed El Shorbagy in last year's edition, who steam-rolled through the field en route to capturing his second consecutive Cambridge Cup trophy.

It was a sign of things to come as the young Egyptian, surely leveraging the experience he gained in the Cambridge Cup, would attain the coveted World Number One ranking later in the year and come within a point of winning his first World Open Championship.

El Shorbagy will be back this year seeking a record third consecutive title, along with the best and brightest stars on the Tour.

The lineup:

Mohamed El Shorbagy:
World #1, World Open Finalist (2012, 2014), 2x World Junior Champion, 2x Defending Cambridge Cup Champion

Gregory Gaultier:
World #2, 2x British Open Champion (2006, 2014), 4x World Open Finalist

Amr Shabana:
World #3, 4x World Champion, World #1 2007-2009, 2010 Cambridge Cup Champion

Peter Barker:
World #6, 2013 Colombian Open Champion, 2013 Canary Wharf Classic Finalist

Miguel Angel Rodriguez:
World #8, 2x Colombian Open Champion (2008, 2010), Highest-ever Ranked South American

Daryl Selby:
World #14, British National Champion (2011), Member of England's National Team

Laurens Jan Anjema:
World #17, Dutch #1, 6x Dutch National Champion

Canadian Contingent:
Three local squash pros will share this spot for the chance to upset a squash super-power.

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The 2015 Cambridge Cup will be played across eight Ontario clubs:

The venue line up includes Adelaide Club, Cedar springs, Mayfair Parkway, Toronto Athletic Club, Toronto Lawn, White Oaks, Valhalla Goodlife and home venue the Cambridge Club.

The Cambridge Club will host Finals & 3/4 playoff Feb 19th, Semifinals Feb 18th, and the event opening match featuring Amr Shabana v Daryl Selby Feb 17th.

For Cambridge Club
tickets contact squash@thecambridgeclub.com

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