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Atef Khalifa  1960-2010
The squash community in Egypt is very saddened to lose a dear person and friend, Atef Khalifa, who passed away yesterday at the age of 50.

Atef was an excellent player at all ages, from junior to veteran and also a great doubles player. Atef was a member of the Egyptian National Team in 1989. He also served for many years as one of the National Junior Squad Coaches.

Throughout the years, despite Atef's age, he was well renowned for his youthful looks and physique. Most of all, he was known for his very gentle character, his willingness to please, and readiness for a smile and a laugh.

We miss him very much and always will. Allah rest his soul in peace.

Hesham El Attar

Atef was very special person and coach, I grew up playing in Gezira club watching him competing at the highest level of squash. his game was different than anyone else. I can't tell how hard this news especially on me, ss I used to see Atef in Gezira club almost every day. He has been such an outstanding coach and player and most importantly great Friend. we will always remember his great smile and his kindness. There is no doubt in my mind, it will be very hard to go to the Gezira club without seeing or drinking tea at the squash courts as we used to do.

May god bless his sole in peace.

TIFA, you will always be remembered.

Karim Yehia

I was shocked and horribly saddened to hear the news of ATEF KHALIFA’s passing. I feel privileged to have known such a wonderful person. There are so many qualities that he had; kind, generous, cool and calm, exceptionally gifted and his beautiful nature reflected in his endearing smile that was always on. They are far too numerous to recount and will be sadly missed by us. He also touched the lives of so many others and gave them the gift of many happy memories, especially me. I extend my heartfelt condolences to his family.

Sara El Noamany

Atef, I can't find the words that express my deep sadness for losing such a real friend like you. Away from being an excellent player and coach, you have always been an example for kindness, gentleness, youthful looking. You have touched the hearts of every one who knew your simple and friendly nature. Atef, I am definite, no one from the Egyptian squash community will ever forget you. We'll miss your presence with us, but you'll always be in our minds and thoughts. May God rest your soul in peace.

Ashraf Mounir

I was SHOCKED to hear the terrible news! I can't believe we lost such a wonderful person. I can still remember going every morning to play with him, but finding him smiling and watering the flowers instead. He used to show me another side of reality, things we don’t really see; we generally tend to ignore… the beauty of nature! Even though the squash garden was very tiny, he could spend his whole day watering and taking care of it.

He used to tell me that he always wished to have a huge garden; he didn’t mind living in a tiny room, but surrounded by a vast garden…

Tifa you taught me things I never knew and could have never learnt without you…

I’ll miss your smile, your kindness and your simplicity in dealing with - what we think are – serious matters of life…
I just hope you now have a great and wonderful garden.
RIP Tifa…

Lina Tannir

the day before he passed away "Friday" a friend told me he was sick to death, i didnt even know that he was sick he never showed or even tell. this day i was shocked but i didnt expect his death was going to be that soon =( . i wish i had the chance to say goodbye or call him one last time. captine atef khalifa was a wonderful person such a kindheart. i knw him since i was 4 i dont really remember seeing him sad or mad at someone. i used to act in a very stupid way when i was a child and he used to make me laugh when reminding me of what i used to do. i really hope he is in a better place now and feeling much better isA may GOD bless him and may his soul he rest in peace.

Farah Momen

UNHAPPY!!! :((((((((
Rest in Peace Coach Atef Khalifaa
I ♥ u awiii n I'LL MISS U :(

Heba El Torky

Dear Atef we will miss you all

Mohamed salah
Match Point Squash Academy

Dear Atef,

Well I can't find any words to say. Am really sad you were a great coach father and friend. You helped me a lot in my squash and especially in my last world open as I learned from you a lot. I already missed you. You always had a smile on your face were we will all miss I hope you are in a better place now. May god rest your soul in peace.

Nour el sherbini

Dear Atef,

I and all of the employees in the Egyptian Squash Federation will miss you.

May Allah rest your soul.

Mona Fawzy
Executive Secretary
Egyptian Squash federation

He was so nice, very kind & a great coach! He will be missed.

Maha Zein


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