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Andorra Squash Week 2014
10-14 March, Andorra

Catalunya takes 6 nations cup

The 6 nations hosted in Andorra has finished with home victory for Catalunya.

On the final day, France, Portugal, Scotland and Catalunya all had chances to win the trophy, but Catalunya was the winner after two convincing victories over Portugal 3-0 and Scotland 2-1.
The final match between Catalunya and Scotland was one-all, and the deciding game went to the fith 14-12 for Edmon Lopez against Jamie Henderson.

With the whole pool completed, Catalunya squad lifted the trophy with France second and the scots in third place.

The Andorra squash show is still alive with a 2000€ Anyòs Park Open, taking place in both Anyòs club and the all glasscourt placed in the shopping centre, Illa Carlemany.

Day three, final day

France-Norway 3-0
Geoffrey Demont 3 Kim Are Killenberg 0
Auguste Dussourd 3 Roni Aasbo 2
Adrien Grondin 3 Sinde Roaldsoy 0

Scotland-Sweden 3-0
D. Kempsell 3 Aryan Ahmed 0
J. Herderson 3 F. Hamoumi 1
C. Leiper 3 Carl Remle 0

Catalunya- Portugal 3-0
Iker Pajares 3 Claudio Pinto 0
Dani Pacual 3 Rui Soares 1
Richard Williams 3 Pedro Damáso 0

France-Sweden 3-0
Geoffrey Demont 3 Aryan Ahmed 0
Auguste Dussourd 3 F. Hamoumi 2
Adrian Grondin 3 Carl Remle 1

Final and deciding match
Catalunya- Scotland 2-1
Ivan Flores 0 Dougie Kempsell 3
Edmon Lopez 3 Jamie Henderson 2
Bernat Jaume 3 Chris Leiper 0

Day two of the 6 nations, had really tight matches with Catalunya and Portugal leading the pool and deciding matches today to know who is the winner.

DAY TWO Scores and standings

Portugal 2 Norway 1
Claudio Pinto 3 Kim Are Killinberg 0
  Tomás Silva 0 Ronni Aasbo 3
  Pedro Dámaso 3 Sindre Roaldsoy 1.

Catalunya 3 Sweden 0
  Iker Pajares 3 Aryan Ahmed 1
  Edmon López 3 Carl Remle 0
  Richard Williams 3 Jesper Skarman 0.

France 2 Scotland 1
Geoffrey Demont 3 Douglas Kempsell 2
  Auguste Dussourd 3 Jamie Henderson 2
  Adrien Grondin 3 Chris Leiper 0

Catalunya 3 Norway 0
  Iker Pajares 3 Kim Are Killinberg 0
  Edmon López 3 Ronni Aasbo 0
  Bernat Jaume 3 Sindre Roaldsoy 1.

Portugal 2 Sweden 1
Claudio Pinto 3 Aryan Ahmed 1
  Rui Soares 3 Carl Remle 0
  Pedro Dámaso 3 Jesper Skarman 1.


The week opened later on monday with an exhibition match between the world's number 5 and 6 Willstrop and Golan with a 3-1 win for James.

Tuesday, was the first day of the 6 nations tournament with the scots leading the tie with 2 wins over Norway and Portugal, followed by Sweden, France and Portugal with 1 win.

Catalunya in his second appearance in the international sense had a tight match with France and decided by junior contenders Aguste Dussourd and Bernat Jaume going to the fith 11-9 after Richard Williams and Geoffrey Demont victories over Daniel Pascual and Adrien Grondin.


Andorra set to host
international squash stars

Squash fans in Andorra, a small country in the Pyrenees mountains just between Spain and France, will soon be enjoying a week of International Squash !

The week starts out with an exhibition match between James Willstrop vs Borja Golan on Monday 10th at 19:30, followed by a 6 nations tournament (tuesday to thursday), and eventually with an International open championship (Friday to sunday).

All events are taking place in an all glasscourt placed in Illa Carlemany, a big indoor commercial area.

Next up:
the Singles Event

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plus replays

Andorra on Wikipedia


6 Nations

Tuesday, 11 March:
10:00 h. Scotland - Norway (glass court)
13:00 h. France – Portugal (glass court)
16:00 h. Norway – Sweden (glass court)
19:00 h. Catalunya – France (GC)
             Scotland – Portugal ( Anyós Park)

Wednesday, 12 March :
10:00 h. Norway – Portugal (glass court)
13:00 h Sweden- Catalunya (glass court)
16:00 h. France – Scotland (glass court)
19:00 h. Catalunya – Norway (GC)
             Sweden-Portugal (Anyós Park)

Thursday, 13 March :
10:00 h. Scotland – Sweden (GC)
             France- Norway (Anyós Park)
13:00 h. Catalunya – Portugal (glass court)
16:00 h. Sweden- France (glass court)
19:00 h. Catalunya – Scotland (glass court)
More details on :  http://esquaix.cat/

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