English Open EN BREF ...  Issue #5
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the English Open ...

From my point of view, an event is made of different elements, the quality of the draw, the personality of the players present, the distance from the hotel to the venue, the hotel room, as I spend a lot of time working in there, the transport, and… the hotel bar.

You may argue that I do not drink. Yes. Still, I enjoyed a few glass of water with lemon after the games, and the relaxation that comes from sitting around a table with members of the event, all conversations being “off the record” of course, and being basically outrageously silly.

Well, the Hilton was perfect on both the room (lovely bed, large bedroom, nice view on the canal and boats, and the bar.

So thanks to all the staff in the Hilton Sheffield to have put up yet again with the “Squash People”, as they call us….

"I was delighted to welcome the Mamut English back to the Hilton Sheffield for the 4th year. We are in the middle of an exciting £400,000 refurbishment and hope all the participants enjoyed their week both at the squash and in the hotel."

General Manager, Hilton Sheffield


Steve Cubbins reports

As official racket of the tournament several top of the range Slazenger rackets are given away each day to  lucky ticket-holders, their seat numbers pulled randomly out of the hat.

Having just lost her semi-final to top seed Lauren Briggs, Pontefract's Lauren Siddall received some good news as Malcolm Willstrop, her coach, pulled her seat number out of the hat and called her down to receive her prize (insisting that it wasn't a fix!)

Sadly for Lauren the news wasn't all good, as she happens to be sponsored by Slazenger's sister company Dunlop, and would be in trouble if seen playing with the wrong bat!

So, back into the pot went the racket, ready for the next 'lucky' recipient ...


The good news is that the Mamut English Open is introducing the ‘Fair Play Award”, with the recipient decided by the referees officiating at the event.

And the sad news, is that we lost a great man a few months ago, a famous Sheffield Referee, Mr Peter Kramer, and the award is presented in his honour.

This year, it was the Boss that got the honour of receiving the first one. And it’s not just because he is retiring. The Man is Fair Play incarnated, and a perfect role model for all players out there…
"It was an easy decision to make, and a unanimous one. It was always a delight to referee Peter, and also, it meant that we had the best seat in the house to watch him play…"

"Peter Kramer was a wonderful man, there was no malice in him, and he was always ready to help everybody, so it was only fitting that the Fair Play award should carry his name…"

MAMUT : ALAN MOODY, TAKE 3   Mini-Portrait
The first year I met the charming/cheeking/dedicated Alan Moody, the man had just joined a Norway based company named Mamut. He didn’t know much about anything bless him, didn’t have one leaflet to present (none were printed in English yet as they had just decided to take on the UK market), and was slightly nervous when answering my questions, to say the least…

Last year, he was much more confident, the company had grown significantly within the UK, he knew perfectly all the products, Eventis team, the Event staff and most of the players recognised and appreciated him.

This year, Tim Garner and Co are thinking about putting him on the payroll, as the man is promoting the event, giving radio interviews, welcoming the guests, commenting on the matches, and to tell you the truth, I start to be slightly worried for my Editor’s job at SquashSite… Alan is what Malcolm Willstrop calls “a dream sponsor”, as he really belongs to the tournament, and insufflates his sense of humour and passion of the game to all around him.

And no wonder Mamut is doing great with the influence of such a jolly character of a Managing Director. Their products are now used by more than 100,000 small businesses, they are present in 6 countries (Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, UK and the latest addition, also under Alan’s jurisdiction, Ireland), and they just added 60 more staff, making a total of 230 all based in Oslo. And to crown it all, the company has received for the second time consecutively the “Small Business Software of the Year”, which is unheard of!

So, what is new at Mamut this season…

“Last year we offered free online backup for everybody, this year, we have a new baby, a “startup” software, a free product designed to help budding entrepreneurs, which includes a business planning tool, that allows you to check that your ideas make sense, to present them well to investors or banks, a free website to attract and manage potential suppliers and customers, and also allows you to invoice your first customer. Why? Because Mamut has a vested interest in helping small businesses to start and eventually succeed.”

Using Mamut software won’t ruin you either, a licence will cost you between £79 and £799, and the monthly support, between £7 and £29. “It comes down to less than £1 a day to be more efficient in your business. Every company should have one pound per day to spend!”

Peter Nicol, our revered Boss, has also been contributing to the expansion of Mamut, and now proposes his “Top Ten Tips” within Mamut software. “Peter’s experience in his career in the Squash World is extremely relevant for people who want to succeed in the business world, you need the same passion, desire, belief and hard work. If you want a 9 to 5 job, do not start your own business!”

Alan has been delighted with the progression of the Mamut English Open. “Last year, we had 5 of the top ten players, this year, we got 8 out of the top 10, which reinforces the international flavour. The event is getting even more media coverage, TV, radio, local and national, and that’s very positive for all the parties involved. And it has to be said that the Tournament is now one of the 10 most prestigious in the world, a five star, that has it all, Prestige, Quality, and Location.”

On a more personal level, Alan has a deep and real admiration for the Boss, who will be retiring soon. “I think that Peter has done an extraordinary job for the event, but more generally, for English Squash, and Squash in general. He is such an Ambassador for the sport and his life long battle against all odds and adversity has been an inspiration for me.”

Although a badminton player, Mr Moody plays the occasional squash game, and describes the sport as “playing chess at 100 m/h!”. And when you ask him if he is having a good time in Sheffield, he answers,

“I no longer feel like I’m gate crashing the party and what a party it is!!!!”

MAMUT, take two

English Open EN BREF ...  Issue #4
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the English Open ...

You know what guys, it’s not what you look like, or your achievements that counts in this world, it’s who you know.

I’ve been around for two tournaments already, and that Frog barely put my photo on.

It’s all about Ben did this, and Ben did that. I can tell you what I wouldn’t mind doing with that plug he’s got on in his last photo!

What? Here I am, working my nappy out all day long, starting by entertaining all the guests in the breakfast room, making sure that my nana is well occupied, then working in the tournament office until uncanny hours, with my mum Andrea and my dad Jeremy Garner, yes, that’s right, Tim’s brother, the Eventis Wizz, making sure that everything is going smoothly….

And do I get a thank you article from the official site? Nope.

Bleeping unfair if you ask me…..

If you were wondering where Peter found his strength/resources yesterday against Marine Palmer, just look who was in the crowd: Pat Nicol, who you may remember I met the first time here in Sheffield a year ago, half naked behind a newspaper, Peter’s dad, but this time around, Julie and Tristan, the Boss’ sister and her son.

And if you think that Pete has got beautiful eyes, you’ve never met Julie! Oh well, it runs in the family, doesn’t it Pat?...


It’s been a very merry season, as everybody seems to have chosen the summer break or to get married, or to have babies! I’ve found it hard to keep up with all those socialite events I tell you…

Stafford Murray, the analyst from England Squash got married, along with David Palmer’s Coach Sean Moxham (more about that one later), a few weeks after David’s wife Mel gave him an adorable little girl Kayla.

And of course, Thierry who also tied the knot on the 22nd July…


The first part of the wedding took place in Marseille, the civil ceremony that is. The Church wedding will happen in La Réunion, at the end of the year, and the whole island will be invited more or less… Because yes, Thierry Lincou EVENTUALLY married Céline.

I say eventually, as those two were living together for 10 years, and have already the superb Jade together. “I didn’t want to rush into anything”, laughed Thierry. “She was ready though…”

I tell you, the woman is a SAINT. Because living with a champion is not a piece of cake, that’s for sure. But she knows that he won’t be travelling for ever. And she waits. Patiently. He’ll be back…

A torrid day in Marseille… A bride all in sun, shine and light… A groom impeccable in the cream three piece, personal heater included… Family and friends from all continents…. A simple ceremony at the Town Hall… A superb and delicious meal on the “Vieux Port”, the Old Harbour in the Sofitel… A stunning scenery… A few speeches sprinkled with humour and emotion… A few songs from “out there”, the Island of La Réunion, Thierry’s homeland… Duracell Bunny Jade Lincou princess of the day… And to finish, everybody in the swimming pool of Marseille Squash Club, the Set…

The stunning simplicity of two people who love each other, that proclaim it, and just… smile.

Thierry has wed Céline.

English Open EN BREF ...  Issue #3
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the English Open ...

I know, this is a heartbreaking news, but adorable/attractive/cheeky Nick Matthew’s heart is taken.

And isn’t she a dream….

Hannah’s the name, and the clever Nick has actually chosen his soul mate close to home.

Well, home really, as the very attractive lady is also a Tennis Coach… at Hallamshire (Nick’s homeclub).

Those two make a lovely couple, it has to be stressed, and when I asked Hannah to describe Nick, she simply said, “he is thoughtful…. sometimes!”

Beauty with brain…..


This has been a great day so far.

First, I was supporting my dad so beautifully that he actually stopped playing and told everybody that I was the one vocally supporting him.

After that, my mum, also very impressed with my voice, got me that plug to make sure that I wouldn’t tire my vocal cords too much.

There are a lot more matches coming up you know…

Sometimes sponsors complain because they do not get enough exposure, and “not good value for money.

But in Renan’s case, I’m sure that Wilson will not complain.

You couldn’t make it more obvious if you wanted to….

FOR THE FUTURE…                
You’ve got some people that are over confident, even arrogant. Well, that’s really not the case of the “more laid back you fall over” Skinny Stewart Boswell.

A very attractive young man, lucky enough to have struck gold by pairing with the adorable and gorgeous Vicky Botwright, who I never heard saying a bad word anybody, cool, composed, and never really happy about his achievement, the kind of man that will see the work that still lays ahead instead of what he has done already.

In other words, he is adorable, charming, talented, and if Vicky doesn’t, hell, I’ll marry him!

How was your summer?
I went back to Australia for about six weeks, and trained most of the time with Anthony back at the AIS, along with the young players like Aaron Franckomb who live over there. Rodney Martin was back from America, and it was nice to be able to train with him day in day out.

With whom do you train at the moment?
Well in the mornings, I train on my own, my five years in the AIS and also my years in Reading taught me what I’ve got to do, and then in the afternoon, I go to Halifax, Pontefract, wherever I need to go to play a game with the great players that live around here.

So still based in Manchester?
Yes, I came back there a year ago after my injury, I’ve also taken the train a lot to go to Reading, but now Mike Johnson is leaving for Canada, I won’t be going much there anymore….

It must be weird for you and Anthony to see Mike go?
Yes, it’s like the end of an era that has lasted a long time. But Mike’s son is out there, and he is looking for the life outdoors. I know he’s been trying for a few years now to get it all sorted, and it’s still in the process, but it would seem that it’s going to be soon now.

Do you find it too difficult to work on your own?
In a perfect world, I would love to have Rodney with me every day. But I prefer to work on what he taught me on my own, and get to work with him a few weeks when I go to the US, than working with somebody I don’t feel comfortable with.

You are very disciplined then…
Reasonably… I just know what I’ve got to do. And you know, it’s part of squash to do a fair bit on your own. You should know exactly what you have to do, or/and figure it out by yourself…

Are you happy about succeeding to come back at the top of the game?
Well, I’m still a bit uncertain about my form. I hope that the hard work I’ve produced lately will be enough to get back to where I was, and hopefully, still room for improvement.

You’re never enthusiastic about your achievements, are you?
I don’t want to get carried away, there is always something to work on. Coming back from 300 in the world to the top 15 has been the easy part. Now the real work starts, challenging the top guys a bit more than I did last year. It’s a Make or Break year!




English Open EN BREF ... Issue #2
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the English Open ...

Coming to Sheffield now is a bit like going to Sport City. I know where everything is, I don’t get lost anymore (well, maybe just a tiny tiny bit), familiar faces all around, a lot of smiles, (one or two grins as well but hey, you can’t please everybody can you), the lovely warm atmosphere that squash carries around…

First tournament of the season for the players, who are using this event to get their marks, getting a few competitive matches before the World Open in Cairo in two weeks time, but also the first event for me.

Boy is it hard to get back in the rhythm of rushing here and there, up and down, not much sleep, watching, typing, watching, talking, writing down, photos, downloads, computer and internet stress, eating the wrong food at the wrong time…. A normal day at a tournament really…

Overall, so glad to be here, so privileged to be part of this world, to live the buzz, the excitement, the deceptions, the hopes, the joys and success of all this little world that is the World of Squash.

Welcome to Sheffield…


You may have seen her photo already a few times on this site, and you will definitely know her son. I’m of course talking about Sue Matthew, Nick’s mum, whose known on the circuit as “Auntie Sue”.

Along with Hedley, famous face of Hallamshire Squash Club of Sheffield, Sue is one of those unknown unsung discrete good fairies that make you believe that the world is not such a bad place after all.

The Matthew family is a bit like a squash lodge, with two or three players always  hanging around, eating Sue’s delicious food, enjoying the Matthew’s hospitality, and even choosing to stick around there instead of going to the Official Tournament of the Event, as in the Hilton.

Yes, hospitality is that good at the Matthews…

Seeing them on a tournament is always a source of enchantment for me, and they make of my staying in Sheffield a moment of real happiness.

Nick is blessed to have parents like that. And I mean it. Blessed.
English Open EN BREF ... Issue #1
Everything you never knew you needed to know about the English Open ...

I met Jayden during this same tournament two years ago he was only 7, and already the boy impressed me by his maturity and calm. But this year, the under 9 Chess Wizz-Kid has purely astonished me.

Boldly going on the glass court between the two qualifiers finals in Abbeydale, always on the first row during his dad’s matches, explaining calmly that his success is due to the fact that “he practices his top spin, nobody else does…”, advising him wisely between games and actually giving him the key to defeating Alister Walker yesterday, the boy is priceless.

I think that Chris Robertson, Welsh national coach, should start worrying, don’t you… ?


Like father like son ?



You do know my lack of interest for football, but I must say that Roy, one of our two volunteers drivers, (usually a bus driver, who relaxes by helping out sports events and driving their vans, you can’t invent that one) told me about one of the most famous encounter in Sheffield football history, where the Sheffield United got a severe beating by the Wednesday Boys 5/1 on Boxing Day a few years back, an infamous occasion now known as the “Boxing Day Massacre”.

“Oh it was a bit tense in the company I worked in at the time” he recalls. “When we came back from holidays on the 4th January, the morning started mildly with a few snipes here and there from opposite camp supporters, but then, by the end of the day, it finished with a scene from pure slapstick carry on film, with this one intending to hit that one, missing him, hitting somebody else instead, that turned round and retaliated on the wrong person, and before we knew it, it was pure mayhem!”

I have to say that I was virtually crying laughing as he was telling me the tale. And it was the first time I had a good time hearing about football…